Monday, March 16, 2020

REACH - 24. Malaysia declare 2 weeks lockdown - how it affect food supply and Malaysian workers in Singapore
17 Mar 2020 (Morning - 10pm)

[8:00 am, 17/03/2020] : Dear contributors, welcome back! Our chat will be open until 10pm today.
📢 Topic: Are you affected by the restricted movement order from Malaysia? 📢
Singapore 'not facing any immediate risks of running out of food': Chan Chun Sing on Malaysia's restricted movement order
Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin said on Monday night that there would be a ban on Malaysians travelling overseas and on visitors entering the country under a restricted movement order imposed from Mar 18 to Mar 31.
Following the announcement of Malaysia's restricted movement order, Min Chan said that Singapore is not facing immediate risks of running out of food or essential supplies. He urged Singaporeans to purchase in a responsible manner and only purchase what is needed, otherwise no amount of stockpiling will be sufficient.
He added that businesses that employ Malaysian workers who commute between Singapore and Malaysia daily may have to activate their business continuity plans and if any assistance is needed, they should contact the respective economic agencies who stand ready to assist.

[2:13 pm, 17/03/2020] Danny:
Possible food and supply disruption from Malaysia lockdown

(1) Food deliveries from Malaysia to Singapore
- Arrange to drop the food in JB, Singapore importers go over to JB and take the food back to Singapore. (need Govt-to-Govt arrangement).

(2) Singapore got to activate contingency plan - to look for alternative food supply (eg. Indonesia vegetables, eggs, seafood, poultries) and other Countries ----- this mean Singaporeans may need to pay a higher price for foods from such sources due to freight and transport cost.

(3) Singaporeans need to adjust their food taste - like eating frozen meat (eg. chicken, pork, beef etc), frozen seafood etc.

(4) Singapore need to ramp up local supply of eggs, hi-tech supply of vegetables, seafood,  cell-culture meat, vegan meat etc.

Possible disruption of 300,000 Malaysian workers coming to Singapore to work from Malaysia lockdown

(1) Many Malaysians who want to keep their jobs in Singapore indicate they want to ttay in Singapore to avoid the lockdown - can make them stay at factories, offices, dorm. budget hotel, colleague house, chalet, or any hotels willing to participate to temporarily house the Malaysia at a special rate - can be co-payment by Malaysian workers and Organisations that employ them.

(2) Work from home in Malaysia - if remote telecommuting is a possible option.

(3) Impetus for Organisation to ramp up ITM (Industry Transformation Map) -- to redesign their jobs for more high value added tech driven jobs that employ Singaporean workers - to prevent future similar disruption.

(4) Train Singaporean workers for such ITM transformed jobs.

Blue and White Flag Guy
[2:13 pm, 17/03/2020] : Eh cheeky ah Zen beng changed his name to Danny

[2:14 pm, 17/03/2020] : OH so your name is Danny boy!

[2:19 pm, 17/03/2020] Danny:
Name not important.
Ideas more important.

[2:22 pm, 17/03/2020] : Good ideas and quite pragmatic........but self sufficiency on food 100% may not be realistic at this time. Takes years but you are right. Change taste buds and mindset.

Blue and White Flag Guy
[2:28 pm, 17/03/2020] : Name important, because last time got one guy called Danny kena boot

[2:33 pm, 17/03/2020] Danny:
If come here not to offer good suggestions but disrupt the process sure kenna boot not because of his name but what he do.
If offer good suggestions, call ourselves any Tom, Dick or Harry or ah du, ah ngiao also can.

[2:44 pm, 17/03/2020] Danny:
(1) NTUC fairprice  impose quota for purchase on toileteries, vegetables, meat etc per household is a good move.

(2) This will not trigger Singaporeans from hoarding food and supplies unnecessarily - to drive up panic and prices --- and cause problem to our Government to negotiate for better prices from alternative food source from other Countries.

[6:26 pm, 17/03/2020] Danny:
(1) Even though we got assurance from neighbor PM that food and supplies will still flow over to Singapore ---- Singapore must attempt to ramp up our food and workers resiliencies - and not too dependent on food and workers from a single source.

(2) As a good guide, if we can increase our local food production to 50%.

(3) And if we can reduce our worker dependencies from foreign sources ---- then Singapore is in a better position if crisis struck next time.

[6:31 pm, 17/03/2020] : Point two is 30% from government planning currently.  Point three a bit tricky

[6:36 pm, 17/03/2020] : point 3 is why we should make a greater effort to hire Singaporeans

[6:39 pm, 17/03/2020] Danny:
Only if Organisation ramp up, transform their business and jobs, and train local workers for the transform jobs - via ITM - then it is possible.

[7:15 pm, 17/03/2020] : This is tough. Will Singaporean work under hot sun in the shipyard ???

[7:19 pm, 17/03/2020] Danny:
That is why need to transform jobs for local workers.
Eg. Remotely control robots (iot) from a data centre.
Constantly update robot software for new capabilities etc.
Then local PMET will be useful.
No need manual workers under hot sun.

[7:20 pm, 17/03/2020] : Repair ships , engine ?? These are tough jobs. Service hvac ?

[7:21 pm, 17/03/2020] Danny:
Robots can do many car parts.
Ship parts should be the same right?

[7:20 pm, 17/03/2020] : Artificial intelligence gaining ground

[7:42 pm, 17/03/2020] Danny:
(1) Eg. few years ago -- our MRT trains breakdown quite often not too long ago.

(2) SMRT engineers need to walk the track to use "eyeball" to identify track fault, power failure, signaling failure.

(3) I write to REACH to propose that MRT proactive and remote monitoring and central management of rail track, power and signaling --- are still not up to date and rail experts say all the below are not available.

(4) I give an analogy of IT proactive remote monitoring that MRT must have in order for the MRT to be reliable which comprise of :-
a. setting threshold alerts of potential fault - to premept fault

b. using sensors and IoT to detect track fault, power fault, signaling fault

c. using MTBF (mean time between failure) -- to proactively lookout for parts that will likely to fail --- and do proactive maintenance.

d. build in resiliency and redundancy in power supply to drive train, signaling and even tracks.

(5) Few years down the road, all the above are make available by the rail industry--- and they are now implemented by SMRT.

(6) So there must be a real effort to transform --- and nothing is impossible. The above is make available when the Govt, MRT Organisation and workers put their resources together and transform it.

(7) Like this shipyard stuff, it can be done by IoT, robots, AI and digital tech.


[7:11 pm, 17/03/2020] : Companies affected by Malaysia travel restrictions to receive S$50 allowance per worker for 14 nights

[7:18 pm, 17/03/2020] : Unrealistic and inadequate. Might as well don't give.

[7:21 pm, 17/03/2020] Danny:
There must be copayment by foreign worker, company and government.
Not everything our government give - this is the taxpayer money.

[7:48 pm, 17/03/2020] : The Ministry of Manpower would provide companies affected by Malaysia's travel restrictions an allowance of $50 per worker for 14 nights. This is to help cover the extra costs incurred if they need their workers to stay in Singapore.
Do you think the assistance provided by the Government will help firms affected by the recent border control measures imposed by the Malaysian government?

[7:49 pm, 17/03/2020] : Not sure but something is better than nothing

[7:52 pm, 17/03/2020] Danny:
For 300,000 Malaysians this $50 cost our taxpayers $15 million.
Malaysians who use their money to travel here and Organisations who employ them at cheap  salary - no need to co-pay?

[7:53 pm, 17/03/2020] : Got 300,000 meh?
Estimated 10k workers

[7:53 pm, 17/03/2020] : Not only 10k lahs
[7:53 pm, 17/03/2020] : Some companies ownself settled the accomodation

[7:58 pm, 17/03/2020] Danny:
Even 10k cost taxpayer $500,000


[5:45 pm, 17/03/2020] Danny:
(2) Difference between seasonal flu vs covid-19 :-
a. COVID-19 is “10 times more lethal than the seasonal flu”. WHO placed the global death rate of COVID-19 at 3.4 per cent, Flu kills less than 1 per cent of those infected.

b. “While many people globally have built up immunity to seasonal flu strains, COVID-19 is a new virus to which no one has immunity.

c. COVID-19 also looks to be twice as contagious with an R0, or basic reproductive number, of between 2 and 3. This means that each person infected with the novel coronavirus will potentially infect two to three others, compared to influenza’s R0 of 1.3.

d. There are vaccines and therapeutics for the seasonal flu, none yet exist for COVID-19and will not be for at least 18 months, despite the race to develop one. Regulatory issues around drug trials will involve many stages of testing before a vaccine is ready for human use. It is estimated that over 20 vaccines are currently in development, and therapeutics are currently undergoing clinical trials.

e. Advice for those who even have “mild flu-like symptoms” to see a doctor and stay at home to avoid spreading illness.A number of local transmissions have been due to “socially irresponsible actions of a few individuals who continued to go to work, attend events and participate in activities despite being unwell”.
Containment measures “will only work if individuals cooperate”.

Blue and White Flag Guy
[10:39 am, 18/03/2020] : Eh I poor man, what else can be cheaper? 😂

[10:39 am, 18/03/2020] ☸️  Danny 心:
Other than wsg, e2i or NTUC, Ministry of Social service also help to secure jobs for  Singaporean.
Just need to visit the Ministry and open a case file and ask for a social welfare officer.

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