Thursday, March 12, 2020

REACH - 22. PM Lee's COVID-19 address
13 Mar 2020 (Morning - 10pm)

[1:47 PM, 3/13/2020] : Dear contributors, welcome back! Our chat will be open until 10pm
PM Lee's COVID-19 address
1. Singapore is not raising COVID-19 alert to red; further tightening of travel restrictions but no lockdown,
2. Govt is working on the 2nd package of measures to help affected businesses and workers
3. More social distancing measures may kick in if there is a spike in cases.
Many of you shared the measures you have taken to adjust to the new norm. How will PM Lee’s announcements yesterday shape your approach in adjusting to the new norm?
Please be reminded of our *REACH Terms of Use:
Ron Ho
[1:49 PM, 3/13/2020] : See new greeting... Sawadee

[1:49 PM, 3/13/2020] : Namaste ..

Blue and White Flag Guy
[1:48 PM, 3/13/2020] : Later Zen beng appear!

[1:48 PM, 3/13/2020] : Then I have to Shanti.

[1:48 PM, 3/13/2020] : He gt appear meh😂


[5:37 PM, 3/13/2020] Ricky Lim:
CNA 12 Mar 2020 08:02PM (Updated: 13 Mar 2020 09:42AM)
 The social and psychological resilience of Singaporeans has been the key difference in the fight against COVID-19, said Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong in a televised address on Thursday (Mar 12).
"Singapore’s response has received international accolades. Underlying this is the social and psychological resilience of our people,
"People accepted our reassurances and behaviour changed," he said. "I am grateful that most Singaporeans are responding calmly and responsibly. Thank you for your trust and support."
[2:36 PM, 2/5/2020]:
(1) Anxiety, frustration, fear, dis-orientation (the like of PTSD or should call UTSD - Uncertainty Traumatic Stress Disorder ) will come in during this 2nd stage.
(2) Fear management programme may be necessary.
(3) Psychological resiliency is what i am looking for - and i found it.
(4) Fear management programme in dealing with epidemic should cover:-
- fear of life threatening scenario
- fear of the unknown, uncertainty
- fear of losing a life, the loved ones
- fear of economic loss eg. jobs, business
- how to regain confidence and live normally in view of the uncertainty, the anxiety, fear etc.
- how to emerge from the trauma when unfortunate event struck etc.
(5) We will be able to provide relief and face the 2nd stage more confidently and less panic if we are able to do it.


PM Lee:-
1. Singapore is not raising COVID-19 alert to red; further tightening of travel restrictions but no lockdown
[1:58 PM, 3/12/2020] :
(1) How should Singapore tackle this covid-19 pandemic?
(2) Maintain current alert status in border control --- of all checkpoints (air, sea and land).

PM Lee:-
2. Govt is working on the 2nd package of measures to help affected businesses and workers
[1:58 PM, 3/12/2020] :
(4) More Government financial help to keep business afloat and help workers to stay in jobs.
[6:42 PM, 3/11/2020]
(1) Also last year our NIRC (Net Investment Return Contribution) is about $18 billion over.

(2) That means our investment income last year in total is about $36 billion.

(3) Since $18 billion has been used as NIRC to fund this year 2020 Budget and another $18 billion investment income is still available.

(4) Is there a need for the Government to draw on the reserve to fund the additional Budget - should the virus epidemic prolong?

(5) We should have another $18 billion investment income to tap on --- without the need to draw from the reserve.

(6) As the reserve are long and mid term investment --- that will have already sink in as investment to earn the investment income.

(7) Prematurely withdrawing from the reserves --- will cause 2 implications :-
a. Prematurely terminating the investment that have good earning potential.
b. Making a loss for investment just invested for mid or long term.

(8) Drawing from the investment income ($18 billion) if investment have not been made - will not impair the earning potential of the reserves.

 (9) In addition, it will not reduce the NIRC and future investment income for subsequent years - as our captial are depleted and drawn out for the additional Budget 2020 to fight the virus.

[6:52 PM, 3/11/2020] :
(1) If the Government draw on past reserve to fund this additional Budget 2020 to help fight the prolong virus ---- it is not a good news for us ---- as this means less investment income and NIRC will be earn for subsequent years.

(2) This mean, to make up for the lost investment income and depleted NIRC --- Singaporeans in future will have to pay more tax --- to make up for the depleted NIRC to fund future fiscal budget.
[6:58 PM, 3/11/2020] :
(1) If worst come to worst, when there is a need to draw on reserve --- suggest that the Government borrow from the reserve as "Debt" that attract "debt interest".

(2) In this way, there will be impetus for the Government to repay the "Debt" plus "Debt interest" --- the moment the virus epidemic blow over and the Economy recover.

(3) In future, the drawing from "reserve" --- will not be an imperative "Godfather" --- that we always tap on --- but a "penalty of last resort".

PM Lee :-
3. More social distancing measures may kick in if there is a spike in cases.

CNA 13 Mar 2020 12:17PM (Updated: 13 Mar 2020 03:54PM)
Ticketed events with 250 participants or more to be deferred, cancelled under COVID-19 social-distancing measures: MOH
MOH advised employers to put in place measures to reduce close contact where feasible. It gave examples of implementing tele-commuting and video-conferencing, staggering work hours and sitting spaced apart in meeting rooms and work stations.
[1:58 PM, 3/12/2020] :
(3) Ramp up internal domestic control to prevent community spread :-
a. Size down mass gatherings or mass events ---- reducing it to 100 with strict health safety measures --- like we undertake in border control eg.
- health declaration
- temperature measurement
- clinical swab test kit check --- for suspected ill attendees
- compulsory see doctor and stay at home when unwell
- remote lesson, working and mass events.
- splt workforce --- for those who need to be physically present at work
- split lesson to cut down physical size --- and allow more remote lesson to be conducted
- split mass events to a maximum size of 100 with strict health safety check

[6:28 PM, 3/11/2020] :
During this virus epidemic period, increasingly there will be a need for workers to work remotely at home.
(A) Secure Remote access technologies - eg. SSL VPN, VPN for secure access and remote login
(B) Office productivity tools eg. spreadsheet, words document, presentation, office email
(C) Cloud apps or eCommerce apps eg. , Web portal for file sharing, clouds apps for eCommerce transactions.
(D) Remote communication eg. multi-parties Video conferencing, teleconferencing, whatspp, telegram text conferencing - for remote meeting and collaboration.


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