Monday, March 23, 2020

REACH - 28. Feedback on how parents cope with school re-opening
23 Mar 2020 (12pm - 10pm)

[11:32 am, 23/03/2020] : [Sent by - 23 Mar]
Community-driven contact tracing
App helps contact tracers determine if you have been exposed to virus, even between strangers
🛡 TraceTogether helps protect:
* Yourself - allow contact tracers to reach you sooner
* Family - minimise spread to others
* Community - help Singapore stop COVID-19
📲 Download & help others install
App does not collect location data. Data is stored encrypted on phone - sent to MOH only for contact tracing, upon user consent.
Keep OS updated to use Bluetooth safely
👨‍👩‍👧‍👦  Share app with friends/family
We appreciate your patience during this high sign-up period
>500,000 have joined the TraceTogether community since Friday 20 March evening
If you are contact traced
- Call MOH at 6325-9220 to verify authenticity of caller if you are unsure
- Contact tracers will only provide code/PIN when asking you to submit TraceTogether data (by phone/in-person)

[11:40 am, 23/03/2020] : Dear contributors,
Our chat will be open from 12pm to 10pm today.
*📢Today’s topic 📢: *
How are you coping with schools re-opening today (parents and education personnel) and stricter safe distancing measures in place?
+65 9298 4051 changed the group description. Click to view.

[12:00 pm, 23/03/2020] : Dear contributors,
Welcome back! Our topic for today is above ^ as well as in the group description.
Additionally, do take note of our * Terms of Use* for a fruitful discussion.
Terms of Use :

Blue and Flag white guy
[12:14 pm, 23/03/2020] : Agree with you, I have enabled my Bluetooth 24/7 and I don't see significant battery drain, for once I'm happy to prove myself wrong 🤣
Also updated to the latest version of Android 9 just recently but that doesn't mean anyone is safe from anything. After all, technology is like cheese, a lot of lobang one 🧀🤭

[5:10 pm, 23/03/2020] ☸️  Danny 心: 
(1) Noted that > 500,000 users have installed Tracetogether mobile apps - to facilitate contact tracing.

(2) I don't discourage people from using the mobile apps to help the Authorities in the fight for covid-19 to help in contact tracing.

(3) If there are people around me wanted to try, I can offer help to help them install if necessary.

(4) But I will not be installing myself because of the following reasons:-
a. the mobile apps itself is safe and non-intrusive in privacy.
b. but i still have issue with Bluetooth security - despite the assurance to upgrade to the latest OS will ensure security. Reasons :-
- Latest OS may have plug many OS securities loopholes that will have allow hackers to plant malware, take over the smartphone etc.
It is safe for the time being.
But like any OS eg. PC OS - continously securities update are required as hackers find new loopholes. Similarly, handphone OS will also need to be continuously updated - as hackers will keep looking for securities loopholes in the new OS.
So if lag behind - hackers can break through one day.
- As I am using my handphone to do eTransaction - I am not going to take this risk --- as the Bluetooth security IEEE specs - are inherently weak.
Also the new OS will not be able to withstand a bluetooth DOS attack.
4G can withstand a DOS attack.

(5). Unless the mobile apps come out with another version that uses 4G and GPS communication mode instead of Bluetooth, then I will consider using - as 4G network is more secured.

(6) Also i received feedback from my friend that when the Bluetooth is turn on, the handphone is very hot and drain the battery quite quickly for older handphone. If uses 4G and GPS that need to be always on to communicate - this problem will not arise.

(7) Authorities can still do contact tracing to track those who are not using bluetooth -- as 4G and GPS can still handphone users with IMEI and handphone number within the vicinity - with duration of stay and contact --- so will not compromise contact tracing.
I believe the Police are using this method to do contact tracing currently.
Jimmy Chew
[5:18 pm, 23/03/2020] : thanks for putting it in words, I felt the same, but not sure how to articulate it. My brother asked me if I am fearful of being tracked, actually no. I am concern for citizens who are blur enough thru social engineering to be hacked thru Bluetooth. I have a friend who was hacked without knowing it until she rec'd her bank statements and she doesn't remember what happened, good that it was a visa card debit transaction, so visa guarantees payment.

Ben Lock
[6:52 pm, 23/03/2020] : So, looks like the Trace App is basically a bluetooth scanner that logs which other bluetooth devices it has identified running the same app, and that app's identifier to enable contact t wa cing. That's why they use bluetooth technology. Bluetooth cannot be used to hack your phone, unless your phone has already been compromised by an app you have downloaded,  and even then the hacker has to be within 10m.

[6:53 pm, 23/03/2020] : The burglar story was just for your interest and in no way relates to the trace app of course!

[7:56 pm, 23/03/2020] ☸️  Danny 心:
This shows how easy hackers hack Bluetooth.

[9:08 pm, 23/03/2020] ☸️  Danny 心:
My close friend message :-
"Can we not enlist Telco help on contact tracing. China is more hi-tech in this area. Can personal data protection act be relax to allow for contact tracing using. Where have this mobile number travelled to over the past 14 days? What other mobile numbers were in the vicinity?
This report mentions use of telco data"

My response :-
This is exactly what I am suggesting. But down here people want to use Bluetooth.

I did not even read the article you highlight - and know the security problem we will faced.

My close friend message:
Some sensitivity  - they just roll out and we put down 😅
And participants in the group might have a lot of public officers who are moderating.

Kelvin Law
[9:15 pm, 23/03/2020] : Read this about technology and the efficacy of China's method.
[9:15 pm, 23/03/2020] :

[9:20 pm, 23/03/2020] ☸️  Danny 心:
My close friend message:
Some sensitivity  - they just roll out and we put down 😅
And participants in the group might have a lot of public officers who are moderating.

My response:-
Aiyah good is good.
No good must feedback mah.
You look at China article - exactly what I proposed.
Telco 4G base station IMEI and GPS extender.
Their mobile apps no security problem.
I got big issue with their comm mode Bluetooth - where the security is weak.


(1) With school re-opening, there are not much changes in the routine - as school children will still go to the school via their regular transport mode (eg. MRT, buses, private cars etc).

(2) Believe this is where people "congregate" - as "social distancing" is very difficult when people need to go into a "confined" space - within a bus cabin or MRT cabin ---- a potential "weak link" --- if people are "asympotically mildly infected".
Thus my close friend has rightly pointed out that ---- active sniffing out all potential risk - a "surge or spike" effort to cover possible candidates - such as family members or close contact with those confirmed cases --- must also be tested with test kits.
Received news yesterday that 38,000 tests have been done on 25,000 people --- so it seems that the Government are trying to do a thorough job to sniff out potential "virus carrier". A relief to all Singaporeans and residents.
Only a thorough job will prevent "virus spreading" --- in crowded buses or MRT --- the "weak link" where people congregates.

(3) So I believe the schools will take all necessary precaution to do "social distancing" in schools, look out for "unwell students" --- to further minimise risk of community spreading.

(4) Thinking aloud, as many students who come back from overseas and have been served with Stay-Home-Notice or Quarantine --- remote learning will be the only way to ensure that students can continue to learn their lessons without losing out in their progress and learning lessons.

(5) Schools can customised their online learning packages for these students.
To complement the school effort, there are many free online learning materials that pre-schools, primary schools or secondary schools can tap on.
For eg. my close friends has sent me some useful education material links that are free-of-charge that can help many students to learn online.

My close friend message :-
"In the long epidemic, these four referrals are really positive!
 1) Amazon Books are open for free; 2) 17 virtual museums in Europe have free online virtual visits; 3) Cambridge Books in the UK offer 700 books for free reading; 4) Broadway in the United States offers free online operas.  []
 Amazon Global Audiobooks are free: Audible Stories is available for children who are temporarily unable to go to school around the world.  Listen to all audiobooks for free, with content ranging from preschool to classic literature, no download of apps, no login required, no ads, English / German / French / Western / Italian / Japanese six languages.

  Free online virtual visit to 17 museums in Europe:

 In response to the epidemic, Cambridge Publishing, UK, offers 700 online reading editions of their books. The free reading period is until the end of May, and includes some Christian and theological works.

 Online Broadway Musical, all FREE:"

(6) The above links can provide clues on how local developers customised more "online remote learning" for pre-schools and schools which can  be a new business model --- so that those Stay-at-home or quarantine students can continue to learn.

[5:16 pm, 23/03/2020] : DPM Heng Swee Keat to deliver ministerial statement on additional COVID-19 support measures

[5:20 pm, 23/03/2020] : Yes waiting for this!

Ben lock
[5:22 pm, 23/03/2020] : The app does not track your location. 
All data is held locally until you authorise it to be transmitted to gov.
Hacker has to have already hacked your phone before they can intercept bluetooth and be within 10m. Very improbable.

[5:26 pm, 23/03/2020] : Don’t believe if people tell you that a vaccine will come in a few months. They are human testing those volunteers who are strong and not being injected with the virus yet. The dangerous time is testing on those people with existing medical condition. You can estimate how long this will take. If not done properly, people can die. What is the possible side effects must be known before mass vaccination. So I won’t go for vaccination if come out too soon, maybe I will wait see what other effect before I do it.

[5:26 pm, 23/03/2020] : Expect announcement on GE to follow soon after

Richard Wong
[5:44 pm, 23/03/2020] : Don’t suka suka think of touching the country’s reserve hor!!! I am from Merdeka generation and had also contributed to the country reserve . I tolled hard for the last 30 years Hor!!!!!!! Don’t touch the RESERVE!

[5:46 pm, 23/03/2020] : Unker wong angry liao

[5:46 pm, 23/03/2020] : Thank you for your contribution! 😘

[5:47 pm, 23/03/2020] : Xie xie uncle wong

Richard Wong
[6:20 pm, 23/03/2020] : Today is our country Founder The Late Mr Lee Kuan Yew 5th death anniversary . He had work very hard to get Singapore to what we are today from nothing ! He had put in place the RESERVE.  Let’s let our late Mr Lee rest peacefully in his grave and won’t anger him to raise up from his grave !!!


[7:08 pm, 23/03/2020] ☸️  Danny 心:
(1) With school re-opening, there are not much changes in the routine - as school children will still go to the school via their regular transport mode (eg. MRT, buses, private cars etc).

(2) Believe this is where people "congregate" - as "social distancing" is very difficult when people need to go into a "confined" space - within a bus cabin or MRT cabin ---- a potential "weak link" --- if people are "asympotically mildly infected".
Thus my close friend has rightly pointed out that ---- active sniffing out all potential risk - a "surge or spike" effort to cover possible candidates - such as family members or close contact with those confirmed cases --- must also be tested with test kits.
Received news yesterday that 38,000 tests have been done on 25,000 people --- so it seems that the Government are trying to do a thorough job to sniff out potential "virus carrier". A relief to all Singaporeans and residents.
Only a thorough job will prevent "virus spreading" --- in crowded buses or MRT --- the "weak link" where people congregates.

(3) So I believe the schools will take all necessary precaution to do "social distancing" in schools, look out for "unwell students" --- to further minimise risk of community spreading.

(4) Thinking aloud, as many students who come back from overseas and have been served with Stay-Home-Notice or Quarantine --- remote learning will be the only way to ensure that students can continue to learn their lessons without losing out in their progress and learning lessons.

(5) Schools can customised their online learning packages for these students.
To complement the school effort, there are many free online learning materials that pre-schools, primary schools or secondary schools can tap on.
For eg. my close friends has sent me some useful education material links that are free-of-charge that can help many students to learn online.

My close friend message :-
"In the long epidemic, these four referrals are really positive!
 1) Amazon Books are open for free; 2) 17 virtual museums in Europe have free online virtual visits; 3) Cambridge Books in the UK offer 700 books for free reading; 4) Broadway in the United States offers free online operas.  []
 Amazon Global Audiobooks are free: Audible Stories is available for children who are temporarily unable to go to school around the world.  Listen to all audiobooks for free, with content ranging from preschool to classic literature, no download of apps, no login required, no ads, English / German / French / Western / Italian / Japanese six languages.

  Free online virtual visit to 17 museums in Europe:

 In response to the epidemic, Cambridge Publishing, UK, offers 700 online reading editions of their books. The free reading period is until the end of May, and includes some Christian and theological works.

 Online Broadway Musical, all FREE:"

(6) The above links can provide clues on how local developers customised more "online remote learning" for pre-schools and schools which can  be a new business model --- so that those Stay-at-home or quarantine students can continue to learn.

[7:14 pm, 23/03/2020] ☸️  Danny 心:
Below is a very detail breakdown as received from my close friend.
(My close friend qualified that :- assume this statistics is accurate and hopefully is not fake data--- will give us very good insight on how we can tackle the virus outbreak more effectively)
Pse see the details :-
As at 21 March, after registering 2 deaths, MOH reported 290 active cases: 238 patients are stable and 14 are still in critical care.

178 Sg Citizen (SC),
22 Sg Permanent Resident (SPR),
90 Foreigners
==> Of the 90 Foreigners: 43 hold Work Passes (WP), 21 hold Long Term Visit Pass (LTVP), 26 are short-term visitors.

Of these active 290 cases, 92 contracted the virus locally while 198 cases contracted the virus overseas.
Of the 92 LOCAL transmission: 72 are SC, 7 are SPR, 13 are foreigners (8 WP, 5 LTVP)
Of the 198 IMPORTED cases: 106 are SC, 15 are SPR, 77 are foreigners (35 WP, 16 LTVP, 26 short-term visitors)
From 17th to 21st March, in just 5 days, MOH registered 14 new cases who are short term visitors. 12 were registered between 8th and 16th March.
4* of them are warded in private hospitals while 22 of them are in our public hospitals.
2x Americans, 1x Australian, 1x Belgian, 4x British, 1x Canadian, 2x Dutch, 1x French, 1x German, 1x Indian, 9x Indonesians, 1x Spanish, 2x Swiss.

AH: 2
CGH: 10
FPH: 1
GEH*: 2
KKH: 2
KTPH: 11
MEH*: 2
MEHN*: 1
NCID: 199   => max capacity 330
NUH: 14
SGH: 19
SKH: 9

5 are 18yo (youngest) and 19yo
72 are between 20-29yo
57 are between 30-39yo
36 are between 40-49yo
52 are between 50-59yo
48 are between 60-69yo
16 are between 70-79yo
4 are 80 & above (oldest Interesting.
Majority are below 70 years old. Could it be that : Older persons are more careful? Do not go out more

[7:22 pm, 23/03/2020] ☸️  Danny 心:
My close friend comments :-

"Looking at the hospitalised numbers, ncid is approaching 2/3 capacity which in IT terms we need to watch because there is not much room for sudden surge.

While gov has plans for other hospitals to backup.

Pls note that this is at the expense of other patients.

Deferring treatments of other ailments will mean creating another backlog and can become monster.

We all don't like it but there is a need to heighten social lock down.

Not affecting work and school but social lockdown."

[7:34 pm, 23/03/2020] ☸️  Danny 心: --
Another observation by my close friend :-
"It was also rumoured that parents are collecting signatures to petition for school closure.
Seems that around 3800 had signed.
Can we ask MOE to seriously consider against the petition pls.
We have around 300k-400k full-time students?
If we close schools what percentage of them will confine themselves at home?
If not, then where will they be hanging out? Fast-food restaurants, malls etc would that help to keep us safe from contracting more new cases?
Besides, it would also mean that parents have to take leave or scramble for childcare arrangements for the younger .students"

(1) While being mindful of the NCID capacity being more and more affected and taken up by many imported cases ---- we must be mindful not to stir 2 big hornets --- specifically the workers (that will have tremendous impact on the Economy) and school children (that will overwhelm parents and social space --- if they are not kept in school learning and studying --- but allow to roam free).

(2) Thus as long as we are confident that "Community Spreading" is not happening ---- there is no urgency to close schools and force all workers to stop work in a total lockdown.

(3) Our current measures of :-
a. testing all suspected cases --- 38,000 test from 25,000 people to sieve out even "mild asymptomatic case".
b. social distancing - in schools, workplace, splitting workforce, in retail and F&B to reduce infection risk.
c. enhanced border measures control and strict quarantine and stay-home-notice
---- are deemed sufficient at this current juncture --- until and unless we see cases going out of control.


Kelvin Law
[8:08 pm, 23/03/2020] : Oh I totally applaud this.  Then MOE shall hold parents responsible when their kids are not at home the entire day.  Ok?

[8:08 pm, 23/03/2020] : Start a petition, I will sign against school closure. There are parents and single parents who have limited resources

Kelvin Law
[8:11 pm, 23/03/2020] : I think dont need to petition against.  Close for the right reasons.  We cannot be like certain western countries where we bow to people pressure for fear of losing political brownies.


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