24 Mar 2020 (12pm - 10pm)
[11:15 am, 24/03/2020] : [Sent by Gov.sg – 24 Mar]
Additional measures to reduce importation of COVID-19
➡ From 27 Mar, 0900hrs
All incoming travellers to submit health declaration
- Via the SG Arrival Card (SGAC) E-Service (go.gov.sg/healthdeclaration)
- Includes S’pore Citizens, PRs, and Long-Term Pass holders
Health declaration
- Provide your health and recent travel info, personal and contact details
- Up to 3 days prior to arrival
- Must be re-submitted if health condition or travel history changes before arrival
💻 If you don't submit electronically, you may be delayed at immigration clearance as you'll have to do it at the checkpoint.
❌ Those who make false declarations may be prosecuted
More: go.gov.sg/ica-23mar
[11:58 am, 24/03/2020] : Dear REACH contributors, welcome back!
Our chat will be opened until 10.00pm tonight.
Many of you have shared how others are not adopting safe distancing and other precautionary measures. What more do you think we can do to encourage responsible behavior?
Gentle reminder on our Terms of Use:
Megan 😊
[12:13 pm, 24/03/2020] ☸️ Danny 心:
Govt want to tap private hospital to free up capacity.
[12:14 pm, 24/03/2020] : Good move
[12:15 pm, 24/03/2020] : UK already doing that
Ben Lock
[12:17 pm, 24/03/2020] : 👍
[1:30 pm, 24/03/2020] ☸️ Danny 心:
(1) To encourage social distancing - Adopt Hierarchical Structure of Role Modeling
a. Start with Government and Civil Service - practice staff workforce splitting, social distancing of 1 meter between politicians, civil servants with public, telecommuting, ban congregation of > 250 participants
b. Media play a part in getting Mediacorp stars, reowned Health Officers etc to reinforce message of social distancing,
c. Business Leaders, Business Federation, Civic Society, Religious Groups etc - reinforce messages of social distancing, adopt in business practice eg. taping queuing of crowd, sitting arrangement, dining spaces, split workforce, adopt telecommuting etc.
d. Social groups eg. PA, RC leaders, Social Civic leaders, Schools, etc - reinforce the importance of social distancing, practice social distancing etc.
e. Even private groups, extended family members -- keep reinforcing the importance of social distancing, meet to do a task and then avoid loitering for too long and avoid crowd.
(2) Through the "Divide and Conquer" approach --- by grouping people into hierarchical, modular groups -- to reinforce social distancing message -- the hieracchical and peer model approach ---- can help to ensure more "responsible behavior" - as your peer or your higher up is noticing what we do --- and say "ur ur this is not the right social behavior - as it transmit virus" --- and then more people will behave correctly.
Jimmy Chew
[1:54 pm, 24/03/2020] : I thought they started it. You notice briefing reporters sit far apart🤣
[1:57 pm, 24/03/2020] ☸️ Danny 心: Now reinforcing it with model.
[1:58 pm, 24/03/2020] ☸️ Danny 心: Nobody talk about model right?
[2:02 pm, 24/03/2020] ☸️ Danny 心:
(1) With the correct model adopted - IT and medical scientists can develop system to fight the virus.
(2) Eg. IT AI experts can work with medical scientists - to do contact tracing, develop vaccines (by studying how virus receptor leech onto the different protein of human cells), develop treatment --- by using techniques such as AI, network science, relational data, machine learning, data science, data analysis etc.
[2:05 pm, 24/03/2020] ☸️ Danny 心: ---
(1) China use model to develop contact tracing, quarantine, detection, use combination of western and TCM to treat their people with infection.
(2) Now China has 0 locally infected case using models. --- but unfortunately now they are like us --- facing many imported cases.
Jimmy Chew
[2:08 pm, 24/03/2020] : They are good at import and export 👍
[2:13 pm, 24/03/2020] ☸️ Danny 心:
(1) If any Countries can successfully develop models -- that can do all the above I mentioned --- I think this covid-19 virus can be scientifically defeated.
(2) But it will take sometimes --- not so soon.
(3) I somehow feel that our AI IT experts and medical scientists -- have such capabilities to pull off such feat.
(4) But if we work with China and the Western experts in these areas to simultaneously collaborate and work on it ---- we can develop a full blow AI and Medical Model --- to defeat this covid-19 epidemic.
[6:10 pm, 24/03/2020] ☸️ Danny 心:
My close friend's contribution :-
Whether is was about safe distancing or other measures to fight covid 19, here's a few principles to follow:
1. Induce positive behaviour
2. Reduce negative behavior
3. Communicating law-abiding behavior. What can or cannot be done. What's the consequence if you breach the law
4. Leverage on technology and media
5. Measure & Communicate success and failures
On point #1 :- Induce Positive Behavior
(1) Gov has prescribed some social distancing behaviors
e.g. Following the markings on the floor when we q?
What's the problem if I don't follow?
Why is this a solution?
I think we need to translate that to more graphic demonstration of physical contact, how viruses be transfered and contracted.
There are videos that are circulating,some are quite good and easy to understand for elderly and the young.
And it initiate even more tangible actions
e.g. In that case, even if there were no markings on the floor, it should still keep a safe distance.
I should avoid hand shaking, shower,wash hands more often etc etc
[6:29 pm, 24/03/2020] ☸️ Danny 心:
On point #2 :- Reduce negative behavior
(a) Why we should refrain from non essential travelling to overseas?
It's one example of negative behavior and distancing we want to reduce.
(b) I would broadly classify them into 2 groups of mentality .
1. Denial - I won't get it
2. Resigned - it's a pandemic. It's a matter of when I get it.
(c) More messaging and advertising needed on this.
- US media recently used a real patient.
- He never thought He would contract covid.
- Paint the emotional worst consequence that he thought he was going to die.
- He was very fit before he fell sick.
- Or how a younger person recovered but passed the covid to his grandmother who later died.
(d) Need stronger messages to move people to reduce negative behaviors
[6:39 pm, 24/03/2020] ☸️ Danny 心:
On point #3 :- Communicating law-abiding behavior
(a) it was reported that there 21k were served with stay home notices?
(b) How much resources are we putting into the surveillance?
It's inconvenient to disclose.
We don't want the world to see singapore in distress.
(c) There has to be strong messages to people under what circumstances people at served with SHN and the inconvenience s when we have to abide by it.
(d) Some people actually thought that people will come around and bring them 3 meals or they go to holiday chalet to stay.
(e) Time to summarise and consolidate.
People forget and most will listen.
(f) Then there are people who are secretly testing the system and break the rule.
(g) Make public the harsh penalty and again appeal to their consciences that they are potential carriers and might infect others.
(h) Time to use technology to further improve on surveillance.
[7:25 pm, 24/03/2020] ☸️ Danny 心:
(1) Just saw the interview of software engineer that develop Tracetogether mobile apps.
She acknowledge that the team are mainly software developers - but no infrastructure and security engineer.
And the team also are learning how the bluetooth works.
Thus bluetooth security may be an issue. Should consult CSA (Cyber Security Authority) - who are the expert in cybersecurity.
[7:48 pm, 24/03/2020] ☸️ Danny 心:
Singapore scientists study genes to fast-track coronavirus vaccine
24 Mar 2020 04:40PM
[8:01 pm, 24/03/2020] ☸️ Danny 心: CNA news :-
Returning Singapore residents from UK, US to serve stay-home notices at hotels
-- to prevent returnees from infecting their family members.
(1) This is a good pre-emptive move - to prevent returnees from infecting their family members --- who will in turn infecting the Community unknowingly - and trigger Community spreading.
(2) A good move.
[8:05 pm, 24/03/2020] : yes. should have done this from the start or they could come from their homes and go without accountability. An honour system doesn't work here.
[8:15 pm, 24/03/2020] ☸️ Danny 心:
But this will involve cost to taxpayer.
Stay at home no cost.
But now situation from UK, US too serious. No choice but to incur this cost.
[9:07 pm, 24/03/2020] ☸️ Danny 心:
My close friend contribution :-
On point #4 - Leverage on technology and media
Ministers communicate at length but they can only do so much.
(a) Get the media help to do more.
- Translate the messages to video clips and broadcast on social media and traditional media.
- Put thoughts into consolidating them and shape the messages according to target audience.
(b) On the point on technology, people in HK who are quarantined have to wear a tracker wrist bands.
- I think for singapore we can seriously consider RFID wristbands. We are not alone to this. Imagine a shoplifter trying to bring unpaid items out of a department shall and the alarm will sound. People who are served with QO or SHN shall have RFID. Tracker installed outside of their home and they wear a rfid wristband. If a person in question tries to leAve his home, it will set off the alarm. Neighbours can help to report to the authorities.
- With a rfid wristband, he can be easily spotted and reported
(c) We should also have crowd mapping websites using mobile signals.
- Imagine all of us have mobile handsets.
- From crowd mapping, we can conscientiously choose to avoid crowded places.
- Better still if every mall can display the crowd density.
- We are a smart nation and aspire to be a leading smart nation.
- Should think of doing more to help ourselves and showcase to the world.
[9:21 pm, 24/03/2020] ☸️ Danny 心:
My close friend contribution :-
On point #5 :- Measure & Communicate success and failures
- People can be encouraged to respond if they were told what targets they are aiming for
- Eg. If we were to perform all these social distancing, what is our goal?
- Can gov tell us that local transmission is trending upwards and we are aiming for zero local transmission?
- I remembered during SARs period, there was comms that singapore needs to maintain a straight record of no new case for consecutive xx days.
- The goal was to get WHO to remove singapore from the list of SARs epidemic area?
- What is Kpi for non-essential travel ?
- Many of us including students are accustomed to kpi and measurements.
- If they can be crafted, measured and communicated, many will respond positively.
[9:26 pm, 24/03/2020] : [Sent by Gov.sg - 24 Mar]
➡ Tighter safe distancing measures to minimise further spread (till 30 Apr)
- Limit gatherings outside work and school to 10 or less
- All bars and entertainment venues (like nightclubs, cinemas, karaoke outlets) closed
- All classes at tuition and enrichment centres suspended
- All religious services suspended
- Events and mass gatherings (e.g conferences) cancelled
- Senior-linked activities suspended
➡ S’pore Residents and Long-Term Pass Holders who leave S’pore from 27 Mar will be charged unsubsidised rates at public hospitals if:
- admitted for suspected COVID-19
- have symptoms within 14 days of returning
➡ Dedicated facilities for S’poreans returning from UK/US to serve Stay-Home Notices
➡ Community Isolation Facility a…
[9:52 pm, 24/03/2020] : Many businesses have been impacted by the evolving #COVID19 situation. Through our conversations with business leaders and the trade chambers and associations, we recognise that companies, in particular the small and media enterprises (SMEs) as well as certain sectors, may need further support.
Singapore Ministry of Manpower will thus introduce further measures to help companies tide over this period. In helping the companies, we are in fact helping Singaporean workers to keep their jobs too.
[9:56 pm, 24/03/2020] : Eventually, companies are laying off staff. The food catering that my sis is working at is laying off 60% of the staff.
Breaktalk is cutting staff pay.
[9:57 pm, 24/03/2020] : Yes .. that is the reality in business
[9:58 pm, 24/03/2020] : Quarantine is only for people coming back from overseas? How about those staying with them? Loophole here that needs to be plugged!
[10:00 pm, 24/03/2020] : Hi REACH Contributors,
Thank you very much for being part of our WhatsApp chat and sharing your views.
We will be closing the chat for today.
Let's continue our discussion again soon :)
Thanks, once again, for your active participation!
Megan ☺
[8:05 pm, 24/03/2020] : yes. should have done this from the start or they could come from their homes and go without accountability. An honour system doesn't work here.
[8:15 pm, 24/03/2020] ☸️ Danny 心:
But this will involve cost to taxpayer.
Stay at home no cost.
But now situation from UK, US too serious. No choice but to incur this cost.
[9:07 pm, 24/03/2020] ☸️ Danny 心:
My close friend contribution :-
On point #4 - Leverage on technology and media
Ministers communicate at length but they can only do so much.
(a) Get the media help to do more.
- Translate the messages to video clips and broadcast on social media and traditional media.
- Put thoughts into consolidating them and shape the messages according to target audience.
(b) On the point on technology, people in HK who are quarantined have to wear a tracker wrist bands.
- I think for singapore we can seriously consider RFID wristbands. We are not alone to this. Imagine a shoplifter trying to bring unpaid items out of a department shall and the alarm will sound. People who are served with QO or SHN shall have RFID. Tracker installed outside of their home and they wear a rfid wristband. If a person in question tries to leAve his home, it will set off the alarm. Neighbours can help to report to the authorities.
- With a rfid wristband, he can be easily spotted and reported
(c) We should also have crowd mapping websites using mobile signals.
- Imagine all of us have mobile handsets.
- From crowd mapping, we can conscientiously choose to avoid crowded places.
- Better still if every mall can display the crowd density.
- We are a smart nation and aspire to be a leading smart nation.
- Should think of doing more to help ourselves and showcase to the world.
[9:21 pm, 24/03/2020] ☸️ Danny 心:
My close friend contribution :-
On point #5 :- Measure & Communicate success and failures
- People can be encouraged to respond if they were told what targets they are aiming for
- Eg. If we were to perform all these social distancing, what is our goal?
- Can gov tell us that local transmission is trending upwards and we are aiming for zero local transmission?
- I remembered during SARs period, there was comms that singapore needs to maintain a straight record of no new case for consecutive xx days.
- The goal was to get WHO to remove singapore from the list of SARs epidemic area?
- What is Kpi for non-essential travel ?
- Many of us including students are accustomed to kpi and measurements.
- If they can be crafted, measured and communicated, many will respond positively.
[9:26 pm, 24/03/2020] : [Sent by Gov.sg - 24 Mar]
➡ Tighter safe distancing measures to minimise further spread (till 30 Apr)
- Limit gatherings outside work and school to 10 or less
- All bars and entertainment venues (like nightclubs, cinemas, karaoke outlets) closed
- All classes at tuition and enrichment centres suspended
- All religious services suspended
- Events and mass gatherings (e.g conferences) cancelled
- Senior-linked activities suspended
➡ S’pore Residents and Long-Term Pass Holders who leave S’pore from 27 Mar will be charged unsubsidised rates at public hospitals if:
- admitted for suspected COVID-19
- have symptoms within 14 days of returning
➡ Dedicated facilities for S’poreans returning from UK/US to serve Stay-Home Notices
➡ Community Isolation Facility a…
[9:52 pm, 24/03/2020] : Many businesses have been impacted by the evolving #COVID19 situation. Through our conversations with business leaders and the trade chambers and associations, we recognise that companies, in particular the small and media enterprises (SMEs) as well as certain sectors, may need further support.
Singapore Ministry of Manpower will thus introduce further measures to help companies tide over this period. In helping the companies, we are in fact helping Singaporean workers to keep their jobs too.
[9:56 pm, 24/03/2020] : Eventually, companies are laying off staff. The food catering that my sis is working at is laying off 60% of the staff.
Breaktalk is cutting staff pay.
[9:57 pm, 24/03/2020] : Yes .. that is the reality in business
[9:58 pm, 24/03/2020] : Quarantine is only for people coming back from overseas? How about those staying with them? Loophole here that needs to be plugged!
[10:00 pm, 24/03/2020] : Hi REACH Contributors,
Thank you very much for being part of our WhatsApp chat and sharing your views.
We will be closing the chat for today.
Let's continue our discussion again soon :)
Thanks, once again, for your active participation!
Megan ☺
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