Saturday, January 10, 2015

Paris shooting: France maintains highest security level after attacks - minister

Published on Jan 10, 2015 5:59 PM

ISIS caliphate is identify as one of the "3 hotspots" of the World - is because it has the ability to trigger a worldwide war.

Indeed the chilling prophecy has come true.

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This is posted in 13 Aug 2014.

(1) Middle East hotspot - the middle of Middle East caliphate.
(2) East Europe hotspot - the Ukraine crisis that may pull in the SuperPowers.
(3) Asia Pacific hotspot - that if ignited may pull in all the SuperPowers.
(4) Baby hotspot - the West Africa Ebola crisis and the boko haram.
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A chilling prophecy posted on :-
Thursday, October 23, 2014 has come true.
Have posted this many months back:-

"But dealing with the caliphate is a necessary evil - because the consequences of not dealing with it will be far and wide.

Even the moderate Sunnis and Shiite in the Middle East will not be spared.

The next in line will be the Western targets if not dealt with.

Not to mention those further afar - as this group has members coming from many Countries."

The prophecy has come true.
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