Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Muslims in Philippines march against Charlie Hebdo

Published on Jan 14, 2015 6:58 PM                     

Ricky Lim · Singapore
Firstly, I disagreed with Charlie using cartoons as modus operandi of mocking and insulting others' religions. It is disrepectful and lack sensitivity.

But, emotional reactions to the cartoons is also an over-reaction. Death threat is outlaw - as threatening death is a sinful act.

If the violence shooting incident at Charlie did not occur, the publication may soon shutdown due to bankruptcy. This show that the general public does not support the modus operandi of mocking and insulting others especially on religions that most people are emotionally attached.

Divine Bodhisattvas images in Buddhist temple were smashed in Malaysia - Buddhists though unhappy about such incident did not emotionally react to it and in fact let the police and the law to apprehend the violator and put him to jail.
Simple problem, simple solution - devoid the need of any emotional outbreak.

This should be the cool and calm reactions that is expected by the Divine of its followers - as Religion preach harmony, peace, bliss - and not sufferings and violence.

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