Monday, January 5, 2015

Columbarium plans sparks flat refund requests

ricky l
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ricky l  •  4 minutes 0 seconds ago Remove
Thought void decks also use as temporary place for funeral wake?
Hospital also got people passed away.

Also any humans will never die in any house ?

Just curious ..........
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  • ricky l
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    ricky l  •  1 minute 48 seconds ago Remove
    To find an auspicious house, must find one house where no human will ever die, must be an immortal - then the house will be auspicious.
  • ricky l

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    ricky l • a second agoRemove
    Oh forgot something.
    Human stomach is the greatest graveyard, a lot of :-
    (1) dead fish
    (2) dead chicken
    (3) dead pig
    (4) dead lamb
    (5) dead cow

    Ah vegetarian is cleaner, but have :-
    (1) dead bacteria
    (2) dead virus

    So is human also not auspicious - being the greatest graveyard of so many dead animals and microorganism.....
    ricky l

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    ricky l • a second agoRemove
    So people cannot live near a :-
    (1) Hospital - because got people kick the bucket, got mortuary. Hospital bed also got people die. Cannot be hospitalised.
    (2) Temple, Church, Mosque and other Religious Institution - because religious teachers will be called upon to provide blessing for the passed away.
    (3) Void decks - because it will be temporary be leased as wakes.
    (4) Roads - because sometimes got accidents, people may passed away in road accidents.
    (5) Ex-cemetery - because got people get buried in the ground.
    (6) Sea, reservoir - because people got drown
    (7) Eh, World War 2 happen in Singapore and many people got killed everywhere what
    - where should people stay huh in Singapore ---- since there are so many dead people everywhere --- very inauspicious leh. 
    Joseph Chia
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    Joseph Chia  •  56 seconds ago Report Abuse
    Dead spirits may roam around in the hospitals.
  • ricky l
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    ricky l • a second agoRemove
    Yah dead spirits will hover around every human - being the greatest graveyard for so many animals. 
    ricky l
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    ricky l • a second agoRemove
    Oh forgot something, few people drown in Bedok reservoir and everyone have been drinking reservoir water after purification, so is everyone inauspicious? 
    ricky l
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    ricky l • a second agoRemove
    Next time, developers must put in a clause :-
    "The house is build on a land that no body will die. It is thus an auspicious land and auspicious house".

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