US under the President Obama Administration has indeed brought about a remarkable Economic Recovery for the Country within a decade and has been exemplary in foreign affairs.

Notably, the following areas that stand out are :-
(1) Foreign Affairs - able to transform advesaries into friends notably, China, Myanmar, Cuba, better climate to negotiate impasse with Iran, winning many friends in Middle East, Asia, and other region.

(2) Military diplomacy - able to exercise restraint, turn potential hotspot by calming situation without escalating tension and thus required military action and confrontation. No single bullet are fired and hotspot situation improve. Though intervention on ISIS is a necessary evil (though killings is a sinful act).

(3) Economic Recovery - from 10 years ago where jobs situation is at a low ebb, Economy growth is languishing - to strong job growth and good Economy figure.

All these are wholesome Universal values. Buddha has bless America under the President Obama Administration.