Saturday, January 24, 2015

Climate change brings world closer to 'doomsday', say scientists

ricky l
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ricky l • a second agoRemove
Yes, Humanity has entered into an era of Dharma Ending Period for Humanity and animal realm - where all Universal Law cease.

3 elements that will trigger it are :-
(1) Massive Explosion - trigger by Human war
(2) Environmental trigger by Climatic Changes or Natural Disasters
(3) Epidemic

- the 3 destructive elements triggered due to karma of the 3 inherent evil roots of :-
(1) Anger / Hatred
(2) Ignorance of Universal Law
(3) Greed
ricky l
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ricky l • a second agoRemove
The World have a taste of small scales of each of the 3 destructive elements eg. :-
(1) Massive explosion - 3 hotspots military skirmishes that have been restrained - which could have global escalated impact.

(2) Typhoon, flood, tsunami etc. - in many parts of the World.

(3) Epidemic - Mers outbreak - luckily, miraculously stopped in time before it cause worldwide infection, Ebola outbreak - spread in Africa profusely, but now subside without causing mass infection globally, Bird flu - very subdue, no massive spreading.

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