Saturday, January 24, 2015

Chan Chun Sing joins NTUC, likely to be next labour chief

By | Yahoo Newsroom – Fri, Jan 23, 2015
ricky l
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ricky l • a second agoRemove
Hope the new leadership can see more focus effort to help :-
(1) Unemployed matured Singaporean PMETs to get themselves re-employed
(2) Singaporeans as the core of the workforce

To convincingly win any election, ability to create jobs and keep citizens gainfully employed - is the best and most important election strategy.

Since Independence - this is the core and most potent election "ace card".

Job Security - unemployment, under-employment - especially among matured PMETs is one of major grievances among Singaporeans.

Solving this problem will remove one of the biggest tumour that Singaporeans are sufferings.
  • ricky l
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    ricky l • a second agoRemove
    Singaporean Workers (breadwinners and their dependents) traditionally have been a strong support for the Government.

    If job security for Singaporean Workers is fortified, how will the Government lose election?

    The moment this foundation pillar is shaken - due to job insecurity, unemployment, under-employment - then the foundation will be shaky.

    Thus this pillar is the most important foundation - that must be fortified and not shaken - if an election is to be won convincingly.
  • ricky l
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    ricky l • a second agoRemove
    Because with job security, there will be income :- money to pay for :-
    (1) food
    (2) housing
    (3) medical care
    (4) education
    (5) clothing
    (6) transport - virtually everything.

    Imagine Singaporeans who are unemployed or under-employed - it means no income, no money to pay for :-
    food, housing, medical care, education, clothing, transport - virtually nothing not only for themselves, but his dependents.

    So do we think job security for Singaporeans PMETs and Workers not important to help to win election?
    ricky l
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    ricky l • a second agoRemove
    During the early years before Independence, Mr LKY win the support of the Singaporean Workers in the early 60s to win the Election.

    This is a historical lesson - but is still valid and valuable in current time and for the future. 
    ricky l
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    ricky l  •  1 minute 49 seconds ago Remove
    Labour - play a very important part of the 3 lowest Maslow Hierarchy of Needs :-

    (1) Physiological Needs
    (2) Survival Needs
    (3) Security Needs

    the needs that is closet at heart to Humanity - not only for the Singaporean Workers but also their immediate dependants.

    Solving the job insecurity needs of Singaporeans - 得天下 !

    ricky l
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    ricky l • a second agoRemove

    自度,度人,(上度,横度,下度), 利己,利人, 是大乘之法。
    销灾,解难, 灭苦,灭执, (救苦,救难) 是菩提大愿。

    当政者有此 慈悲,智慧,无我 之心,那有不受人民爱戴拥附之理

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