Sunday, January 18, 2015

Charlie Hebdo increases print run to 7 million to keep up with international demand

ricky l
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ricky l • a second agoRemove
An escalation of tension is imminent not only in France - but throughout the whole of Europe - being physically connected and demographically similar.

Freedom of speech is a prize but wonder should it be done at the expense of others which everyone know will evoke negative emotion and violence?

Otherwise laws that safeguard slander and libel will not come into play.

Freedom of speech do come with responsibilities.

Responsiblities not to :-
(1) cause slander
(2) cause libel
(3) mock others' religion that may invoke unnecessary tension and ill-feeling. Some can take it lightly, others may react negatively and cause unnecessary violence that will harm innocents.

There is a Universal 3rd Precepts - that human must be observed to prevent undue sufferings :-
3rd Precept - Refrain from false speeches - that include no slander, no libel, no mocking and insulting others, no lying, no harsh speech, no gossiping, no talking behind others' back that will cause unhappiness.

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