Saturday, January 31, 2015

French tourists in nude Cambodia photo scandal to be deported

Published on Jan 31, 2015 10:49 PM                     

Ricky Lim · Singapore
Law will take care by itself.

No emotional outburst.

No cry for killing, violence, no hurting of the community or the innocents.

Case close.
  • Ricky Lim · Singapore
    This will be the same treatment if they pose nude in :-
    (1) the presidential palace
    (2) in a business function
    (3) along a public road
    (4) or in a nursery where there are many children

    so is there a need for emotional cry for killing, violence, bloodshed?

Interest rate cut in Russia evidence of economic chaos: White House spokesman

Published on Jan 31, 2015 2:23 AM
Ricky Lim · Singapore
This is the right strategy used - measured, appropriate and non-offensive, non-confrontational that will lead to open conflict and military confrontation - where many lives will perished and properties, investment will be damaged.

The wholesome outcomes is to :-
(1) Established "the Art of Collaboration" in International space not lock into "the Art of War" or "the Bane of Confrontation or Konfrontasi".

There are sufficient economic spaces, political spaces, social spaces for both Blocs to operate - but not through military invasion.

Notably, the East Europe is the hottest ground - the number 1 place for "World Hotspot" - where the 2 World War originates where millions of human mankind perished - and potentially if a 3rd World War breakout - it will mean end of human mankind.

Friday, January 30, 2015

Al-Qaeda in Yemen chief says France top enemy now, not US

Published on Jan 31, 2015 12:01 AM

Ricky Lim · Singapore
Some French tourists stripped naked and pose themselves for photos in ancient Buddhist temple.

It is inappropriate and offensive as the temple is a place of worship. But did Buddhist create an uproar and take the lives of these few French tourists or worst target the whole community and threaten other innocent lives in the name of a religion?

They will be dealt with accordingly by the law.

Religions are holy and preach Peace, Tolerance, Patience, Inclusiveness - not violent and threatening other people's lives.

Religions help the misinformed see the light of wisdom, righteousness, moral ethics - but not indulge in wrongdoing by indulging in violence and murder in the name of the religion and divinity.

Aircraft set for minute-by-minute tracking

ricky l
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ricky l • a second agoRemove
Tracking the aircraft almost real-time will be more cost-effective - than launching a more costly mammoth search-and-rescue exercise.

Air strike killed ISIS chemical weapons expert: US

Published on Jan 31, 2015 7:14 AM                     

Ricky Lim · Singapore
This show that IS is a dangerous group and has the capability to cause mass destruction to human mankind - hence the "Middle East hotspot".

Nipping all these dangerous elements in the bud - become increasingly vital - if human mankind is not to be threaten by this Satan and Devil.

Chad air force bombs Boko Haram out of Nigerian border town

ricky l
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ricky l • a second agoRemove
US role in organising the fight against Boko Haram (the IS proxy) is a blessing - to prevent African Union from being displaced and terrorise by this group that try to imitate IS to form a caliphate.

Fighting Boko Haram in Africa, like fighting IS in Middle East - is a necessary evil because Boko Haram is a Devil while IS is a Satan.

Both Boko Haram and IS - is an evil against Humanity which both have committed many outrageous atrocities against mankind.

Boko Haram - contribute to the "baby hotspot" in African continent.
IS - contribute to the "hotspot" in Middle East, spreading to the West and further ashore.

Both Boko Haram and IS must be dealt with - to save Humanity from the man-made evil.

Let the Hell realm - salvage them - after they have been subjected to all kind of pain and sufferings in Hell to burn out their evil karma they have created for themselves.

Only after they have expired their negative karma in Hell - can they be salvaged.

ricky l
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ricky l • a second agoRemove
So far Boko Haram - has not display even a single trace of Compassion.
All they display is terror, mass killings, murder, kidnap etc - all Hell-bound Sins,

N. Korean leader Kim Jong-Un set for global debut

ricky l
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ricky l • a second agoRemove
Rather than be isolated, reaching out to explore the World will be a better move.

ricky l
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ricky l • a second agoRemove
When isolated, communication are cut and information become distorted.

Venturing out, will see and hear first hand - so that miscommunication and distorted information will be avoided - and mis-steps can be avoided.
ricky l
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ricky l • a second agoRemove
When isolated, perception are formed (which may be deviated from reality) - as a result action may be miscalculated based on perception of misinformation.

By reaching out, misperception can be corrected - and mis-steps and miscalculation can be minimised or avoided.

Britain to launch 100,000 genomes project as Obama backs DNA drive

Published on Jan 30, 2015 10:27 PM                     

Ricky Lim · Singapore
It this project - "to understand the underlying basis of diseases and develop medicines targeted to the genetic profile of individual patients."

It will be a golden gift to human mankind.

Boko Haram a threat for Africa: African Union chief           

Published on Jan 30, 2015 4:46 PM

Ricky Lim · Singapore
Yes, it is already imitating what IS did in Middle East.
It will capture lands in the neighbouring countries, set up a caliphate and spread terror throughout the region.

Humanity and lives will be at stake.

Boko Haram and IS - have totally disregard for human lives - and not possible to turn them over a new leaf being the most evil of human mankind.

Thursday, January 29, 2015

IS suffers 'devastating' blows but biggest fighting still ahead

ricky l
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ricky l  •  52 seconds ago Remove
IS has a rallying call "the Caliphate" - that gather the jihadists to fight.

The International Coalition to successfully gather sufficient ground troop - must have an alternative rallying call.

IS is the "Satan Caliphate".

International Coalition is the "Good for Humanity".

  • ricky l
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    ricky l • a second agoRemove
    Or the International Coalition can be call "Anti-Satan Caliphate" - as the rallying call.
Mother of Japanese captive begs PM to save son held by Islamic State By Elaine Lies and Takashi Umekawa | Reuters Wed, Jan 28, 2015
ricky l
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ricky l • a second agoRemove

When one walk, we are careful not to step on ants and insects - and hurt them.

When we lit a candle, we are careful not to take the lives of the moth.
What's more a human life?

Singapore minister says Sengkang columbarium plans will be reversed

By | Yahoo Newsroom – 1 hour 26 minutes ago

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Eric  •  1 hour 10 minutes ago Report Abuse
in the first place, land in Singapore should not be allowed for religion. Because religion is all bluffs....... why should we encourage people to believe something that is fake?

  • ricky l
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    ricky l • a second agoRemove
    Religion such as Buddhism teaches and preach moral ethics and spiritual cultivation - to avoid attachment to sensual desires and to eradicate greed, hatred and ignorance of Universal Law.

    How can you conclude religion is bluff?

    Then I ask you, where is 1st human originate from?
    When human die, where will it go?
  • francis
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    francis  •  56 minutes ago Report Abuse
    We know from natural history that life was created chemically, and life propagate haphazardly for billion of years till we, human started civilisation, in your religious term, human came from their parents, and after we die we are returned to the ground.
  • ricky l
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    ricky l • a second agoRemove
    If life is created chemically, 2 questions :-
    (1) where did the chemical originate from - and why it exist.
    (2) if life is created chemically, where are the mental process and consciousness originate from?
  • ricky l
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    ricky l • a second agoRemove
    Human exist for what reason?
    Eat, sleep, work for income to buy food, accomodation etc, and finally die?
    What is the purpose of human life?
    Why do human exist in the first place?

  • ricky l
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    ricky l • a second agoRemove
    Why Universe exist?
    Who create the Universe?
    It Universe are just chemicals - specifically the 4 Great Elements of Matter, Air, Temperatures and Liquid - hard, cold place - how does living things evolved (as living things have consciousness, feelings, perception, judgement, mental process)?

    Where does the mental process and mental aggregates evolved from?

ricky l
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ricky l • a second agoRemove
If atom, sub-atom, matter, temp, air, liquid, human life, Earth, Sun, Solar System, Galaxies, Universe is such an unstable state - that is subject to birth, live, decay, die ...

Why do human like you are born in this unstable state?

Do we have a choice?
    ricky l
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    ricky l • a second agoRemove
    Is there a stable state - where human and the Universe not subject to the Law of Impermanence - that are subjected to birth, live, decay, die ?

    Under Einstein Law of Relativity - where there is an unstable state - there will be a stable state.

    Where is this stable state - where it will inherit the characteristics of Law of Permanence (where unlike this Universe, everything in this Universe - it will undergo birth, live, decay and die).

    In a stable state - there will be Eternal stability and exist in the Law of Permanence.
    ricky l
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    ricky l • a second agoRemove
    OK based on Einstein Law of Relativity, if there is Law of Permanence of Stability - where everything is constant and not subject to Change - (unlike in Universe - where change is a constant).

    Then can Mental Process be a constant and will not subject to change?

    Human mental process, thought process - is like a flux that is constantly changing where we have one stray thoughts one after another - influence by our 5-sensse consciousness, feelings, perception, judgement and mental formation - also known as vexation.

    Then under Einstein Law of Relativity, will the mental process be an eventual Constant, and where the Mind and Heart is CONSTANT - where not even a stray thought will arise?

    Do you know?

    Can Science explain this phenomenon?

    This is Science what/ 
    ricky l
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    ricky l • a second agoRemove
    Do you notice that the lifespan of living things and non-living things varies and are very short, where some could be longer?

    But all have run-out-date.

    Some animals last for 20 years.
    Some insects last for less than a month.
    A human last for less than 100 years.
    Sun will last for 1 billion years - and then the whole solar system - including Earth will perish - including all its occupant.

    Have you asked why? 
    ricky l
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    ricky l • a second agoRemove
    When non-living things die, they are transformed into another material form.

    When living things die, have you wonder what "mental process" will the deceased transformed into? Will it vanish into thin air or will it transformed into "another form of mental process"? If not how does living things such as human are born into a material world in the Universe - if there are "no mental process"?

    Can Science explain this?

    Science can only explain birth and death.

    But Science is not able to explain what happen from "death" onwards "into the next life". 
    That is there is a broken chain. 
    ricky l
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    ricky l • a second agoRemove
    Do you know that there is a consciousness between "death" into the "next-life" - known as "death-relinking consciousness" into the next rebirth? 
    ricky l
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    ricky l • a second agoRemove
    We all know that for human to be born, we need a man (call father) and a woman (call mother).

    But on Earth, who is the first father and who is the first mother?
  • ricky l
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    ricky l • a second agoRemove
    If some say, first human father and first human mother evolved from apes.
    Then how does the first ape father and first ape mother evolved?
  • ricky l
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    ricky l • a second agoRemove
    Now beyond this, different faith will have arguments on how lives are formed - as it touches on supernatural power with different interpretation of how lives are formed.the first ape father and first ape mother evolved? 

  • ricky l
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    ricky l • a second agoRemove
    Some religions say that lives are formed because God create the Universe and the Humans on Earth.

    Buddhism say that lives in the Universe & Universe are made up of 2 parts - Physical & Mental:-
    (1) 色 (form - 4 Great basic Elements of Matter, Air, Temperature and Liquid) - that form the basis of & 空 (Mental Process (5 Mental Aggregates) - starting with consciousness)
    (2) Nama (Mental) & Rupa (Physical)
    (3) Form (Physical) & Formless (Mental)
    under the Law of Relativity.

    When Universe is collapse into Big Black Hole of Energy (Form), it will still have the opposite pole of Formless (that make up the Mental Process).

    Similarly, when Universe expanded with many celestial bodies, it will have Mental Process of consciousness exist in the Universe.

    The moment when a celestial bodies of 4 Great Basic Elements is conducive to support lives, living things will grow - under the Law of 12 Dependant Origination of Life - through the Volition of Karma - where the Origin is the resultant of the "1st stray thought" - anchor in the 1st inherent unwholesome roots of Ignorance of Universal Law, Hatred, Greed - that trigger the 1st sensual desire - to form the 1st Life in the Universe.

  • ricky l
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    ricky l • a second agoRemove
    Scientists and astronomists have discovered that in celestial bodies in the Universe other than on Earth, the moment the land, the air, the temperature and where there are water - micro-organisms (through the 12 dependant origination of life) will start to grow.

    We can experiment it ourselves - by creating vacuum in a tightly sealed glass with no water and leave it for a few days - and then observe it with microscope. No organism grow.

    Then pump in oxygen and some water - observe it for a few days - microorganisms grow - under 12 dependant origination of life. Life is "created".
    ricky l
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    ricky l • a second agoRemove
    So other than human consciousness, animal consciousness, insect consciousness, bird consciousness, sea creature consciousness etc found on Earth, are there other consciousness in the Universe?

    The answer is yes !

    Because when the Earth in the early years where all the above living things cannot grow - then what and where are the consciousness in the Universe reside?

    The "consciousness" reside in a different realms and different dimensions - other than on Earth, because Earth is not conducive to support lives then.

    ricky l
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    ricky l • a second agoRemove
    Conversely, if the solar system and the Universe will eventually die one day, where will consciousness reside ?

    Different realms and different dimensions - until another Universe are formed and evolved to support lives.

    Let us use Math to explain this :-

    0, 0.1, 0.2 ................................. 0.999999999 to infinity ...... 1 - 1st Universe. When 1 Universe die....

    1, 1.1, 1.2 ................................. 1.999999999 to infinity ...... 2 - 2nd Universe. When 2 Universe die....

    ........ 999999999999999999999999999999999999 ... - infinity Universe.

    Universe is an infinity. Lives are also an infinity.

    ricky l
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    ricky l • a second agoRemove
    So if there is Universe (裟婆世界)or Samsara (of infinity of changes - non-constant) and Lives (迷)(of inifinitity of birth, living, sickness, death, rebirth) - does it have the opposing pole under the Law of Relativity?

    Yes, it is known as Nirvana (涅槃)(Eternal Peace and Constant) and Enlightenment (悟)or Nirvana Fruition (no birth, no death, no karma, Eternal Peace and Bliss)

    ricky l
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    ricky l • a second agoRemove
    To conclude, how does 1st life form on Earth or in the Universe?

    The 1st stray thought - trigger by the 1st Ignorance of Universal Law (痴), Hatred (嗔), Greed (贪)- that trigger the vicious cycle of 12 dependant origination of life.

    How this is known?

    If one from Samsara, enter into Nirvana, and then come back into Samsara - the entire cycle of Life is link and known.