Coronavirus: Chinese, WHO scientists were ‘in it together’ in Wuhan
Liang Wannian, who led Chinese side in joint investigation, dismisses claims members of international team were denied access to data
Report on inquiry was delayed ‘not because of any interference or our laziness’ but because those involved were ‘striving to ensure its quality’, he says
Holly Chik
Published: 8:16pm, 31 Mar, 2021
1. The explanation by China why data are delayed and why some privacy data can be accessed and read but cannot be taken away - look above board and reasonable. China can stand tall or no need to look small.
2. Many Countries - whether democratic Countries or not - also have privacy law to protect some data that are sensitive to the citizens.
China allowing WHO medical team to access and read - but not to be taken away - is reasonable and above board - as long as the report and investigation can discover the origin of the covid and not alter the report that is not the truth.
3. The explanation of ensuring data quality and hence result in delay - is also acceptable - as unstructured raw data can cause confusion --- as long as the format and organisation of the data does not distort the truth.
4. As the WHO team leader who led the medical team publicly concur with China's explanation - this make China's public statement credible. I can't see any ground to fault China.
5. Let us come back to the objectives of the WHO's investigation :-
a. To determine the origin of covid and what trigger this horrible disease.
b. The result of the investigation - will help the World to come out with process, system, procedures, R&D on clinical prevention etc - to prepare ourselves and protect Humanity from future Disease X pandemic - that can cause global death and illness --- so that the World in future will not get caught flat-footed.
c. WHO investigation is not to pin blame on any Country or Countries or to demand compensation - as this will cause Country or Countries to be defensive, not cooperating (and the World will not be able to find the root cause - that will be usefulg to prevent future pandemic) - especially if the pandemic occur through nature.
The World has to remember that H1N1 that trigger a pandemic worldwide in 2009 infect 1.4 billion people causing 575,400 death.
Did the World pin the blame on the originator - as it occur naturally in animals that jump host to human?
d. WHO investigation must be fair, neutral, objective and evidence-based - free from political influence.
e. Most importantly - this WHO investigation of the covid orign should not be influence by "power play" and allow itself to be "politicised" ---- because it will distort the mission of covid investigation of discovering how it occur, and how to prevent future Disease X. Future cooperation to combat future pandemic will not be forthcoming if this is compromise --- and this will be detrimental to the global public health and safety to Humanity - if this investigation is politicised.
Neutral Countries in the World - should not be draw into a "power play" --- rather than cooperation to safeguard Humanity from future pandemic.
Neutral Countries should not be used as "pawn" for such political purpose. In other word, "power play" should be outside the equation of this WHO covid investigation.
6. When WHO investigation is neutral, unbias and is conduct fairly - then China and in future other Countries will be cooperative and forthcoming - in the event if future similar pandemic arise --- so that pandemic can be quickly arrested, prevented from escalation - that will help to reduce casaulties worldwide.
7. The other outcomes of WHO fair, unbias and objective investigation in cooperation with China - will help to promote confidence and constructiveness in engaging World Bodies to resolve complex global problem ---- as the outcomes is to ensure Win-Win outcomes for Humanity --- not to clobber another Country based on coercion from another power, or to receive geopolitical gain by putting down another Country.
Only then Countries will more likely to open up, cooperate and forthcoming to work with Global Bodies --- to resolve thorny complex global issues and problems --- without resorting to conflict, confrontation and destructive actions --- that lead to a more dangerous World.
8. Countries will also more likely to comply with International Rules --- as the rules are not formulated to benefit some powers - but to benefit International members at large --- in resolving international disputes. In so doing, the World will be more peaceful, constructive and Countries can work together to resolve global issues - without resorting to unwholesome confrontation that destabilise the World.
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