Sunday, April 18, 2021

US-China ties: negativity could lead to catastrophe, diplomat says

Cooperation should not be ‘one side drawing up a laundry list of demands for the other side’, foreign vice-minister Le Yucheng says

There is a ‘negative tendency in the US’ to be tough on China, which is ‘dangerous, and could derail this relationship’, he says

Sarah Zheng


Published: 5:14pm, 18 Apr, 2021


1. When Trump administration display open provocation and hostility towards China - starting with his trade war, follow by tech war ---- I was furious - because he hurts everyone down the global logistic chain.

2. When Biden win the Presidential election - I was hopeful that relationship could improve - as Biden Administration look more reasonable and more sound.

3. But to date, I have been disappointed.

4. Instead of constructive diplomacy to improve US-China relationship - the diplomatic efforts are largely negative - with the exception of climate diplomacy.

5. Too much focus is on highlighting the perceived differences from the start - but little efforts are focus on drawing out common interest, promote them and manifest common interest to benefit both parties and the World.

6. The World dislike US-China open hostility - because hostility displace cooperation and collaboration that are badly needed in many Global affairs - eg.

a. how to recover from a pandemic induced Global Economy, 

b. how to work together to improve the global climate, 

c. how to approach global issues to reduce confrontation - but instead resolution through World bodies, multi-lateral parties negotiation or bilateral negotiation to resolve thony issues.

7. The current confrontational stance adopted by US-China bilateral diplomacy --- is the wrong approach and is not helping to cool tension or resolving thorny issues in a rational manner. In fact, the temperature has gone many notches up --- and is becoming more and more dangerous to the World.

8. If fruitful outcomes are to emerge from US-China engagement --- both sides must dial-back their fierce hostile rhetoric and maneouves - but instead adopt constructive approach to resolve issues.

9. Quarrel and loud "megaphone diplomacy" won't achieve anything fruitful, but will harden each parties position and achieve the purpose of pleasing your domestic audience. Trump administration has been using such approach to "play to the stage - with clowning showmanship". 

10. Thought that Biden Administration will be different - but sad to say Biden Administration adopt the same approach that have not achieved anything meaningful.


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