Friday, April 16, 2021

China summons Japanese ambassador over Fukushima water plan

Assistant foreign minister Wu Jianghao lodges ‘solemn representations’ with ambassador Hideo Tarumi, accuses Japan of ‘suspected violation of international law’

Tokyo’s decision to release more than 1 million tonnes of treated water from the nuclear plant into the ocean has prompted concern from neighbouring countries

Agence France-Presse


Published: 12:29am, 16 Apr, 2021

China raises ‘deep concerns’ over Japan’s plan to release Fukushima plant water into ocean

  • Beijing has asked Tokyo to take ‘responsible attitude’ to the disposal and called for transparency and consultation with neighbouring countries
  • A formal decision is expected on Tuesday to gradually release treated water from the damaged nuclear plant into the Pacific Ocean

1. Pouring radioactive water into the ocean - no matter how it was proclaimed as "innocent" - will not be a good measure --- as it may pollute the ocean, affect fish stock and enter into the human foodchain --- where world may consume radioactive fishstock.

2. In addition, 1 million tonne of radioactive water when pour into the ocean - will reach every corner of the sea - including Asia Pacific, Pacific Ocean, Indian Ocean and reach America shores.

3. China challenge to Japan to drink the "innocent water" but Japan side-step this suggestion - indicate that the "radioactive water" is not as innocent as it sounds to be.

4. A better method to dispose off the "radioactive water", I suggest is :-

a. Why not Japan find an inhabitable island - where no people live.

b. Dig a big landfill hole that can accomodate 1 million ton of "radioactive water" - and dispose off the radioactive water by pouring into the inhabitable island landfill.

5. In this manner, the ocean will not be polluted and the global fishstock wil not be contaminated.

6. Neighboring Countries will not protest Japan disposal of the radioactive water in a unhabitated island landfill.


1. That's sacrifice one uninhabited island - rather than sacrifice the ocean - where fishstock, global human food depends on.

And sacrificing the lives of people in the world - unwittingly consuming the contaminated fishstock.

2. To prevent seepage into the soils of the landfill or into ocean from the island - reinforced the 4 walls of the landfill to hold the radioactive water.

3. Or just lower all the tanks that hold the 1 million ton of radioactive water into the landfill and bury them; and no need to reinforce the landfill.

Problem solved.


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