REACH 216 - How to ensure safety when the number of cyclists increased (SK)
19 Apr 2021 (11am - 7pm)
[9:51 am, 19/04/2021] +REACH: Dear contributors,
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[10:00 am, 19/04/2021] +REACH: π’ Topic π’
An expert panel will review existing regulations governing cyclists on the roads, and study whether theory tests and licenses should be required for riding on roads.
π¬ With an increase in cyclists on the roads, how can we create a safer space for all road users?
Senior Minister of State for Transport Chee Hong Tat said on April 12 that the Active Mobility Advisory Panel will take several months to conduct this review, and seek feedback from the public. The panel will look into the pros and cons of licensing cyclists, and study the experiences of other countries.
Following recent complains about errant cyclists, the Land Transport Authority (LTA) also said in a Facebook post yesterday (April 18) that in enforcement operations over two days in a few locations, 34 cyclists were caught flouting rules on roads.
LTA said it was happy to see that more people are taking up cycling, but urged cyclists to keep safety in mind while on the roads. It also called for cyclists to abide by the rules and be considerate and gracious towards others.
π Panel to study licensing, mandatory theory tests for road cyclists:
π 34 cyclists in S'pore caught breaking rules on roads over 2 days:
[10:11 am, 19/04/2021] +Dan: Ho ching had a good idea.
[10:12 am, 19/04/2021] +Dan:
[11:08 am, 19/04/2021] +Alvin Lim: I’ve seen other countries have a cycle lane on the roads. Also many countries who allow cycling on roads have many cyclists complying to their standard (helmet, stay within lane etc).
First thing to look at could be how to allow cyclists on the road and get them to behave obediently according to traffic rules. Awareness and training would be good. Get leaders of cycling group to attend such training and give them the responsibility to keep their members safe. Give them some “cycling safety ambassador” appointment. People tend to be more responsible when appointed to a leader/mgmt role officially.
I would advocate licensing only as a last resort. And even so, allow cyclists who are not cycling on roads to be “license free” (eg cycle in the parks etc). Can’t imagine if someone who only cycles in the park to be slap with licensing requirements just cos others can’t behave on the roads.
My 2.14 cents
[11:10 am, 19/04/2021] +Rama: Last resort is making a laughing stock of soft approach!
[11:11 am, 19/04/2021] +65 9630 5577: I think road safety education is paramount. People on the road even after passing the license, forget everything and return to the instructor.
[11:12 am, 19/04/2021] +Rama: Some government policies that eat into a citizens independence is a result of stubbornness to reasoning.
[11:13 am, 19/04/2021] +Stella Yip: π
[11:18 am, 19/04/2021] +Stella Yip: Those people who anyhow cycle on the road probably also anyhow cross the road on their feet, probably also have a bunch of other social behaviour that needs improving. What can be done to educate people on this? Incorporate a module in pre school activities? Incorporate a module primary/secondary schools! Maybe the kids go back and share with their adult friends and family on what they learnt?
[11:24 am, 19/04/2021] +Stella Yip: Those "anyhow" people might also still behave the same way if they ride a motorbike or if they drove a car. Putting a number on their vehicle does not guarantee good behaviour becos they just might not even realise that they are doing it so "wrong".
[11:24 am, 19/04/2021] +Alvin Lim: I think if one or two lone wolf who behave that way, then will require enforcement. Otherwise for those mass cycling groups, just need to ensure they are aware and trained on how to cycle safely and share the road with motorists in gracious manner.
My gut feel is that majority cyclists on the roads will obey if they knew better. Those who are stubborn and do what they like will have to be enforced with penalty.
[11:25 am, 19/04/2021] +Stella Yip: Yup, agree.
[11:29 am, 19/04/2021] +Leonard Lau: We need a new system thinking approach to address our self-centred mindset .
Basically legislation is not effective given our existing approach .
Need to push for SAFETY and the need to empathise the importance of the CODE among road users to deter future accidents on the road .
Licensing is just a good start.
[11:34 am, 19/04/2021] +Kevinn Wang: there are many aspect of our society that is wrong and the root cause is mindset
[11:35 am, 19/04/2021] +Kevinn Wang: there had been too much feed from external entries who bring along their way of live ethics and culture form their home land and locals are too quick to embrace such
[11:36 am, 19/04/2021] +Kevinn Wang: local should learnt how to stand firm and uphold our way of life which was craft 50 years ago, does not means everything needs to change just because the world is changing
[11:36 am, 19/04/2021] +Rama: Internet changed everything
[11:36 am, 19/04/2021] +Kevinn Wang: things are dead humans have brains
[11:37 am, 19/04/2021] +Kevinn Wang: if everything change and must follow then why are we not follow people who jump off building ?
[11:37 am, 19/04/2021] +Kevinn Wang: is not an excuse which the young are using
[11:38 am, 19/04/2021] +Kevinn Wang: mindset of cyclist and vehicle owners have to change, it is not a matter of who pay road tax or i am the weaker vehical of the all
[11:38 am, 19/04/2021] +Kevinn Wang: each group had their wackup mindset thus causes this drift ...
[11:39 am, 19/04/2021] +Kevinn Wang: fyi singapore road is not means for "tour de merlion"it is this group that cause alot of issue with their wackoff mindset where they need to clock timing ....
[11:39 am, 19/04/2021] +Kevinn Wang: majority are leisure cycling only which is pretty fine for all but when u run into self center groups (locals or ft) who want to hit their so call show off objectives that's where issue comes up
[11:41 am, 19/04/2021] +Rama: is the various cycling groups or associations condoning reckless Road usage by cyclist!?
[11:42 am, 19/04/2021] +Kevinn Wang: hahahahaha is like a smack on the palm only reh but when cyclist got ko on the road see the wave of curse ....
[11:42 am, 19/04/2021] +Kevinn Wang: serious who in the right mind wanna kill someone , we are not USA here
[11:42 am, 19/04/2021] +65 9818 1463: It’s all boil down to enforcement !!! We have the rules and laws but no enforcement !!! Look at our expressways! How often you see TP / LTA around ? Where have all the Highway patrol cars gone to ??? We have cameras all over but who is watching ? When accidents happens suddenly you find so many TP and patrol cars appear from nowhere !!!
[11:43 am, 19/04/2021] +Kevinn Wang: not enuff reh
[11:43 am, 19/04/2021] +Kevinn Wang: hahahahha
[11:44 am, 19/04/2021] +YT: I have seen so many cyclist treat the road as if they own it. Occupying two lanes, weaving in and out of traffic, shooting red lights. Then when drivers honk them to warn them of dangers, they show them the finger. And when something happens, they blame the drivers for not giving them space or respecting them. Respect is earned. If they want respect as road users, then respect the road rules first. Otherwise, don't cry foul when they get knocked down or have accidents because of their own haughty thinking that they are the kings of the road.
[11:44 am, 19/04/2021] +Kevinn Wang: i just encounter one over the weekend
[11:44 am, 19/04/2021] +Kevinn Wang: he was like 400-500 from me when i decided to come out car park at ecp service road
[11:45 am, 19/04/2021] +Kevinn Wang: i suspect he did not want to breaak his timing and keep on speeding and scold me idiot
[11:45 am, 19/04/2021] +Kevinn Wang: see where is the road culture
[11:45 am, 19/04/2021] +Kevinn Wang: most of drivers will know to slow down and not speed up in normal case
[11:46 am, 19/04/2021] +Rama: what happened to female TP who were supposed to show physical presence in the CBD as mentioned by minister iswaran some years ago!?
[11:47 am, 19/04/2021] +Kevinn Wang: ? got such thing ahh
[11:48 am, 19/04/2021] +65 9818 1463: Yah, lady TP on scooters !!! Kena no chance !!! Summon !!!
[11:49 am, 19/04/2021] +Rama: he mentioned on local news channel
[11:49 am, 19/04/2021] +Kevinn Wang: there was a period of time they are common these 2 years dun know where they go
[11:49 am, 19/04/2021] +Rama: exactly
[11:49 am, 19/04/2021] +Kevinn Wang: simple lah just find a way to tagged those cyclist who want to ride on the road
[11:49 am, 19/04/2021] +Kevinn Wang: and make sure they buy hefty insurance
[11:52 am, 19/04/2021] +John Khor: I feel Cyclists should Stop and push when ever at Zebra Crossing , traffic light, overhead bridge, norraw Waking path etc when cos danger to other users.
[11:53 am, 19/04/2021] +Leonard Lau: Enforcement alone can’t address the issue . We need more than that.
In our society , car-sharing or Even NTUC trolley-carts were abused and simple hawker centre tray-return advisories (for hygiene) were ignored .
Besides enforcement means higher cost to the Road users too . Thus it is Necessary but not effective
[11:53 am, 19/04/2021] +Kevinn Wang: put this in facebook and see what the local cycling society says . they will says stupid idea
[11:53 am, 19/04/2021] +Alex: Is this really a serious problem in Singapore?
Singapore has a tiny proportion of cyclists as road users compared to similar 1st world countries and, from what I have seen, cyclist behave extremely well in comparison with other countries.
I think there is a perception of a bigger problem (and worse behaviour) that there really is because so many people have car-cameras and are obsessed with posting even the most minor infraction on Facebook, Stomp etc etc.
[11:54 am, 19/04/2021] +Rama: yes
[11:54 am, 19/04/2021] +Rama: yes
[11:55 am, 19/04/2021] +Rama: will never be unless penalties are there.
[11:55 am, 19/04/2021] +Rama: registration
[11:56 am, 19/04/2021] ☸️ Danny εΏ:
1. Honestly, to encourage more cyclists and pmd - the safest way is to create a dedicated path for them.
2. This is in addition to dedicated path to pedestrian.
3. And dedicated path to cars.
4. Licensing cyclists and pmd helps. But dedicated path ensure physical safety for everyone - so that neither users of road will cross paths on each others and cause accidents.
5. There is a need to create space for cyclists and pmd users if we're encouraging cycling as another mode of transportation.
[11:56 am, 19/04/2021] +KS Foong: I fully agree and support thisπ
[11:56 am, 19/04/2021] +Leonard Lau: Sorry , I may not have enough data points to prove my observation. However I saw cyclists riding on AYE yesterday , is this safe? ..
Is the usual bad sheep screwing the majority . Thus , we need to have a new approach to tackle this situation .
[11:56 am, 19/04/2021] +Kevinn Wang: 1) singapore road is not idea for cycling to work
[11:56 am, 19/04/2021] +Kevinn Wang: cycle to market and near by ok
[11:56 am, 19/04/2021] +Rama: land constraints and cost
[11:56 am, 19/04/2021] +Kevinn Wang: but for tour de merlion concept forget it
[11:57 am, 19/04/2021] +Leonard Lau: Yes .. once cyclist needs to have insurance coverage and liable for claims .. it will be a game changer.
[11:57 am, 19/04/2021] +Kevinn Wang: and whoever come up the regulation for 1.5m away from cyclist and allow them ride side by side this my be cancel
[11:57 am, 19/04/2021] +Rama: is CCTV being used to assist in physical enforcement !?
[11:57 am, 19/04/2021] +Kevinn Wang: one lane is how wide only how to give the 1.5 clearance
[11:58 am, 19/04/2021] +Kevinn Wang: in roads like changi and loyang .. how u expect 1.5m to work
[11:58 am, 19/04/2021] +Kevinn Wang: orchard road is possible
[11:58 am, 19/04/2021] +Kevinn Wang: some housing estate is not possible also
[11:58 am, 19/04/2021] +Rama: no uniformity is possible
[11:58 am, 19/04/2021] +Kevinn Wang: and riding abreast u give them 2 they abreast up to 4 see mandai lor
[11:59 am, 19/04/2021] +Kevinn Wang: look no one is against cyclist as long as is properly carry out
[11:59 am, 19/04/2021] +Rama: TP - catch me if you can!
[0:01 pm, 19/04/2021] ☸️ Danny εΏ:
1. The LTA and city builders initially did not plan for cyclists and pmd as the mode for transport.
2. But now if cycling is part of the plan for transportation - dedicated path for cycling and pmd will have to come in.
3. Worst come to worst, main road will have to carve out one path for cycling and pmd - as cars are being reduced.
4. Road side parking spaces may have to give way to cycling path.
[0:02 pm, 19/04/2021] +Alex: We've all seen cyclists do crazy stuff but my question was whether this is really a serious problem? Just because a small number do stupid or selfish things doesn't mean that cycling has become a serious problem in SG.
[0:02 pm, 19/04/2021] +Rama: point 3 - towards car lite policy
[0:02 pm, 19/04/2021] ☸️ Danny εΏ:
1. LTA and city planner will have to relook at city planning to accommodate this cycling needs.
[0:03 pm, 19/04/2021] +Alex: London (and other UK cities) introduced miles and miles of dedicated cycle lanes and it is a nightmare - now lots of roads have car lanes jammed and cycle lane virtually empty - this should not be encouraged.
[0:04 pm, 19/04/2021] +Kevinn Wang: this is another slap in the face ! if you want car lite den why bring in Grab and uber ....
[0:04 pm, 19/04/2021] +Kevinn Wang: now taxi numbers are down but see how many pte cars have been added to the road
[0:04 pm, 19/04/2021] +Kevinn Wang: actually is not possible to built dedicated cycle lane
[0:05 pm, 19/04/2021] +Kevinn Wang: china did it with overhead lanes
[0:05 pm, 19/04/2021] +Rama: government fouled up on the pmd issue in the padt
[0:05 pm, 19/04/2021] +Kevinn Wang: now ask the cyclist are they ready to pay for it
[0:05 pm, 19/04/2021] +Rama: thus I agree
[0:05 pm, 19/04/2021] +Kevinn Wang: they can speed all they wan
[0:05 pm, 19/04/2021] +Kevinn Wang: they can do tour de merlion all they wan
[0:05 pm, 19/04/2021] +Kevinn Wang: erp can even be added to it
[0:06 pm, 19/04/2021] +Kevinn Wang: of cos a cycle tax have to be added
[0:06 pm, 19/04/2021] +Kevinn Wang: and class of bicycle can be created base don type and numbers of gears
[0:06 pm, 19/04/2021] +Rama: π€£ππ
[0:12 pm, 19/04/2021] ☸️ Danny εΏ:
1. Well government very simple to decide.
2. Study the cycling and pmd population including projection of growth.
3. Study the car usage and projection of growth.
4. Always keep one dedicated path for pedestrians.
5. Make mathematical and quantitative analysis - whether transforming one dedicated path to cycling and pmd users make statistical sense or not.
6. Cost of building the cycling and pmd path is just putting a paint over it.
[0:17 pm, 19/04/2021] ☸️ Danny εΏ:
1. When car usage grow and cycling or pmd users fall - don't build cycling and pmd path.
2. When cyclists and pmd users grow whereas car usage fall - then build a cycling and pmd path by acquiring one car lane.
3. No need complex decision making.
4. Statistical analysis provide the answer and help us to make decision.
5. Government just need to act with conscience based on the statistics presented.
[0:23 pm, 19/04/2021] +YT: Cyclists need to know they don't own the road. Nobody owes them anything. If they want to use the roads, they jolly well obey the rules and regulations. That's a simple fact and if every cyclist adheres to this, then no complex decision making or policies needed.
[0:29 pm, 19/04/2021] ☸️ Danny εΏ:
1. To accommodate more people, build higher vertical. Eg. HDB flat previously are 15 floors high. Now can build up to 30 floors.
2. Our airforce are moving out of paya lebar airbase to tengah and commercial planes fly out of Changi airport to the sea. Thus no height restrictions for house building.
3. We are also digging underground, and building elevated road to take advantage of space in the air - to achieve 3 stack spaces.
4. So LTA and city planner will have to carve out a path for cycling and pmd users - through creative long term planning of road space - if there are demand for cycling and pmding.
[0:34 pm, 19/04/2021] +Leonard Lau: pls see that cyclist pay their share of the road .. implementing road tax etc to ensure that the users of the road pays them .
[0:37 pm, 19/04/2021] +Stella Yip: Road tax is for road usage meh? Thought for emissions.
[0:38 pm, 19/04/2021] ☸️ Danny εΏ:
1. Of course whoever use more of the road, they will have to pay for the usage.
2. Licensing cyclists and pmd users will be necessary to regulate them and a cost package will have to work out for them.
3. Government will have to do an in-depth study the affordability of cost model for cyclists and pmd users vis-a-vis their usage, their income and govt budget.
[0:40 pm, 19/04/2021] +Stella Yip: Maybe should send a team to China to study what works, what does not, why implementation diff in diff parts of China?
[0:40 pm, 19/04/2021] +Stella Yip: Maybe send a team to Europe too?
[0:41 pm, 19/04/2021] +Stella Yip: Then come back to give better info to G for policy making.
[0:44 pm, 19/04/2021] +Stella Yip: Inconsiderate cycling cannot only exist in SG, other countries must have encountered similar issues, so might be good to review the situation from a global perspective as well. Then more info for G to consider when G make policy for SG.
[0:45 pm, 19/04/2021] +Stella Yip: After all there are so many not born in SG people in SG now.
[0:58 pm, 19/04/2021] +65 9297 3029: Singaporeans expect headline inflation to rise to 2.7% in year ahead: Survey
Singaporean households surveyed last month see overall or headline inflation rising to 2.7 per cent in the year ahead from 2.2 per cent in a December poll.
More -
[0:59 pm, 19/04/2021] +REACH: SMRT subsidiary to distribute electric motorcycles in Singapore, Asia Pacific
Electric motorcycle manufacturer EuroSports Technologies (EST) has partnered with Strides Transportation, a subsidiary of public transport operator SMRT, to develop, market and supply smart electric motorcycles.
[1:03 pm, 19/04/2021] ☸️ Danny εΏ: Israel declare victory over covid-19 - and mask off hailing Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine success.
[1:03 pm, 19/04/2021] +Leonard Lau: Nope .. it’s road tax and not emission
[1:07 pm, 19/04/2021] +Ben: Alternative perspective is that empty cycle lanes and choked car lanes might encourage more people onto Bikes! London is very different to Singapore as well. We have far less cars, far better public transport, and far shorter distances to go.
[1:08 pm, 19/04/2021] +Ben: Sounds good - we need to be progressive as a Country and adapt to change.
[1:08 pm, 19/04/2021] ☸️ Danny εΏ:
1. For me, I will always advocate those policies that close the gap of social inequality and status inequality.
2. Rich people can afford cars and have their own private mobility.
3. Middle income and lower income group can take public transport - but sometimes also prefer to have their own private mobility.
4. So cycling and pmd are one way to accord private mobility to middle and lower income groups - this helps to close the gap of social inequality and status inequality.
[1:08 pm, 19/04/2021] +Ben: Agreed yes.
[1:09 pm, 19/04/2021] +Ben: Healthier and environmentally more friendly too.
[1:10 pm, 19/04/2021] +Ben: Insurance is a good requirement, despite difficulty in maintaining. Having am insurance tag displayed somewhere might be effective.
[1:11 pm, 19/04/2021] +Ben: True, there are bad cyclists. There are also bad car drivers.
[1:12 pm, 19/04/2021] +Ben: There are certainly more road accidents, injuries and death caused by Cars than bikes, per passenger. Roadside and car cameras are useful. Not sure how effective highway patrol is, I don't have the data.
[1:14 pm, 19/04/2021] +Stella Yip: π
[1:15 pm, 19/04/2021] +Ben: It's good to introduce a theory test, which should be updated and mandatory to complete at least annually. The purpose should be presented as making the roads and paths safer for everyone so that Singapore can embrace and encourage more cycling.
[1:16 pm, 19/04/2021] +Ben: I ride a bike and am very respectful to pedestrians when I'm on the PCN. However, as both a cyclist and a pedestrian I experience a lot of cyclist who are not. A few ride very fast and very close to people. They would likely hurt themselves in accident, but would also hurt others.
[1:17 pm, 19/04/2021] +Ben: There is often a total lack of consideration and awareness. This is damaging for all cyclists and we should do a publicity campaign shaming bad riding and make it socially unacceptable.
[1:19 pm, 19/04/2021] +Ben: Agree with this. Licensing very complicated and hard to enforce. Also a deterrent to people to cycle, which is something we should encourage more people to do. More signs and slow down areas on the PCN would help maybe? Treat this as an education exercise to highlight the importance of consideration to pedestrians.
[1:23 pm, 19/04/2021] ☸️ Danny εΏ:
1. With more hybrid working arrangement where people now also working remotely at home - not fully in office, I believe the demand for short traveling around the neighborhood will rise.
2. This will induce the demand for cycling and pmding.
3. Even public transport will be reduced.
4. Hence relooking on how to carve out cycling path maybe necessary.
[1:24 pm, 19/04/2021] +tzyya Won: Why are we still talking about this, seeking consultantion and studies, cannot enforce existing traffic rules and regulations, and wasting so much time by so many people?
When consultation, education, and seeking opinions STILL DO NOT WORK, WE MUST USE THE STICK, take actions on those WHO DOES NOT ABIDE TO THE RULES.
Talking is cheap and no enforcement is a mere waste of time and resources.
We must be gracious, accept other users and think of our safety first, be the cyclists or the predestrians or the drivers and others sharing the common road. No need for any additional rules and laws. Take action now.
[1:24 pm, 19/04/2021] +KS Foong: To enforce the following to be installed on all bicycles: 1- a mechanical brake 2- a bell to alert near by pedestrians. 3- Safety head lights
[1:27 pm, 19/04/2021] ☸️ Danny εΏ:
1. But for those who used pmd - strict compliance to UL2272 must be enforced.
2. Don't want people to charge their pmd at home and burn their house down.
[1:28 pm, 19/04/2021] +tzyya Won: Speed kills, when all parties slow down share the space then we do not need any additional enforcement and Rules and Laws. Cheers/
[1:29 pm, 19/04/2021] +tzyya Won: Accidents only happen when both parties are not careful.....
[1:32 pm, 19/04/2021] +tzyya Won: Take action and enforcement on those BLACK SHEEP, leave the majority who are following the common safety practice alone... Cheers.
[1:34 pm, 19/04/2021] +Stella Yip: πππ
[1:35 pm, 19/04/2021] +tzyya Won: Cycling is not anything new, cycling is even older than cars.... The best practices are already established and no need to try to change those BLACK SHEEP. Take enforcement actions immediately to spare the ROT. Cheers.
[1:37 pm, 19/04/2021] +tzyya Won: We do not need to scarifice our freedon to please those BLACK SHEEP. Cheers.
[1:38 pm, 19/04/2021] +Dan: Unfortunately, when accidents happened. Driver always bear the brunt, even when the fault lies clearly on the rider. Its difficult to legislate when u do not have some form of control.
[1:42 pm, 19/04/2021] +Ben: Agreed, and I'd consider safety helmet too, especially for under 14s
[1:45 pm, 19/04/2021] +tzyya Won: When cyclists are using the roads then every cyclists must follow the Road Traffic Act in place, in case of accident then the traffic police can decide and bring those who are not cooperative to the court and let the court to decide the case. Cheers.
[1:45 pm, 19/04/2021] +Ben: This is true. If people rode their bikes more slowly when around people, everyone would feel better.
[1:45 pm, 19/04/2021] +jimmy chew: Good that they make the cyclist ride on the road and not on the pavement! safety to pedestrians
[1:47 pm, 19/04/2021] +Alvin Lim: Actually cyclist on pavements are quite reckless too.
[1:47 pm, 19/04/2021] +tzyya Won: When cyclists are using the pavement then every cyclists must follow the common pratices and safety of every users on the pavement. Cheers.
[1:48 pm, 19/04/2021] +Alvin Lim: I’ve encountered a few where they don’t slow down at a corner and just zoom forwards
[1:48 pm, 19/04/2021] +Alvin Lim: If a pedestrian steps out from the corner it’ll be an accident
[1:51 pm, 19/04/2021] +Dan: That is why there must be a system to track them. Otherwise how are we gg to bring them to court.
[1:52 pm, 19/04/2021] +Stella Yip: Agree on safety helmet. But please don't do the safety sticker thing. Go ask why BMW stopped bringing in most if not all of their hi end helmets. Every batch that comes in need to send so many for destruction testing. How to make $ like that.
[1:53 pm, 19/04/2021] +tzyya Won: Does those CCTV installed around can help to track down the culprits? Now, we are opening to another matter about the CCTV related in terms the enforcement....
[1:54 pm, 19/04/2021] +Dan: Does enforcement officers have facial recognition system to track people down using cctv?
[1:59 pm, 19/04/2021] +Dan:
[2:00 pm, 19/04/2021] +Dan: And what if 20 cyclists decide to hog all the lanes on the road?
[2:01 pm, 19/04/2021] +tzyya Won:
Another interesting topic is on the horizon.
When we cannot settle the errant cyclists and sharing our road issue then this could be another "time bomb", we must move on to seek the best for our common good and safety on the road. Thank you.
[2:04 pm, 19/04/2021] +tzyya Won: I do not know about this, but CCTV can capture those errant drivers who are inside the vehicle on the road.
[2:07 pm, 19/04/2021] +Dan: Vehicles are registered.
[2:12 pm, 19/04/2021] +Ben: Obstruction of traffic offence?
[2:19 pm, 19/04/2021] +tzyya Won: Just to clarify, vehicle and driver or bicycle and cyclist are both different entity.
But the vehicle with the errant driver is moving at many times the speed of the bicycle with the cyclist, so is the CCTV more difficult to capture them "in action"? Thank you.
[2:20 pm, 19/04/2021] +tzyya Won: Agreed and hope to see more actions. Actions speak louder than words. πππ
[2:22 pm, 19/04/2021] +tzyya Won: Get rid of those BLACK SHEEP and the rest will follow. Overall, we will have a more gracious society to benefit every users sharing our common path....
[2:25 pm, 19/04/2021] +Caleb:
[2:26 pm, 19/04/2021] +Dan: They don't track the drivers. They tracked the vehicle with the registration plate and issue the summon to the driver. The driver will then write in(now there is an online system to appeal) if he/she is not the driver at that point of time. Its the registration plate that is the crux to nab the errant drivers.
[2:26 pm, 19/04/2021] +Suma pamu: Can some one Kindly reply
If we are seeing Some fake Forwaarded msgs shared by some one.. and When highlighted informed Her to remove as Its Fake
She is claiming That
Its Real msg
I really don't want To keep quiet
So wants to bring this to concerned Department.
(The msg is about... Clam that COVID Can easily cured with Using Speacial tea made with Ginger pepper bla bla..)
Please do reply To whom should i inform about that particular group.
[2:29 pm, 19/04/2021] +Dan:
[2:38 pm, 19/04/2021] +tzyya Won: Thank you for the explaination and I appreciate it.
[2:41 pm, 19/04/2021] +Dan: No worries.
[2:43 pm, 19/04/2021] +Suma pamu: Thank you
Found Website
Will try to use Feedback Form
[2:43 pm, 19/04/2021] +tzyya Won: Sure, i think when TP issue the summom is to the owner of the vehicle and up to the owner to dispute the driver at that moment captured on the CCTV. I do not know who will actually get the compound or pay the compound. Thank you again.
[4:00 pm, 19/04/2021] +John Khor: Group cycling may need apply permit cycling on the Road.
[4:07 pm, 19/04/2021] ☸️ Danny εΏ:
China raises ‘deep concerns’ over Japan’s plan to release Fukushima plant water into ocean
Beijing has asked Tokyo to take ‘responsible attitude’ to the disposal and called for transparency and consultation with neighbouring countries
A formal decision is expected on Tuesday to gradually release treated water from the damaged nuclear plant into the Pacific Ocean
Sarah Zheng
Published: 7:00pm, 12 Apr, 2021
1. Pouring radioactive water into the ocean - no matter how it was proclaimed as "innocent" - will not be a good measure --- as it may pollute the ocean, affect fish stock and enter into the human foodchain --- where world may consume radioactive fishstock.
2. In addition, 1 million tonne of radioactive water when pour into the ocean - will reach every corner of the sea - including Asia Pacific, Pacific Ocean, Indian Ocean and reach America shores.
3. China challenge to Japan to drink the "innocent water" but Japan side-step this suggestion - indicate that the "radioactive water" is not as innocent as it sounds to be.
4. A better method to dispose off the "radioactive water", I suggest is :-
a. Why not Japan find an inhabitable island - where no people live.
b. Dig a big landfill hole that can accomodate 1 million ton of "radioactive water" - and dispose off the radioactive water by pouring into the inhabitable island landfill.
5. In this manner, the ocean will not be polluted and the global fishstock wil not be contaminated.
6. Neighboring Countries will not protest Japan disposal of the radioactive water in a unhabitated island landfill.
1. That's sacrifice one uninhabited island - rather than sacrifice the ocean - where fishstock, global human food depends on.
And sacrificing the lives of people in the world - unwittingly consuming the contaminated fishstock.
2. To prevent seepage into the soils of the landfill or into ocean from the island - reinforced the 4 walls of the landfill to hold the radioactive water.
3. Or just lower all the tanks that hold the 1 million ton of radioactive water into the landfill and bury them; and no need to reinforce the landfill.
Problem solved.
[4:10 pm, 19/04/2021] +Ben: Actually a good idea.
[4:21 pm, 19/04/2021] +Fulgrim: Cannot eat seafood liao
[4:23 pm, 19/04/2021] ☸️ Danny εΏ:
That's why must propose right solution so that they will do the right thing.
Else the whole world will be eating radioactive sashimi, fish, prawns, crabs.
[4:24 pm, 19/04/2021] ☸️ Danny εΏ:
Protest no used.
Give them solutions to do the right things more useful.
[4:25 pm, 19/04/2021] +Rama: mankind is done for!
[4:27 pm, 19/04/2021] +Leonard Lau: The Japanese authority can dump the water in their backyard but chose to do to the ocean . These politicians just don’t want to take responsibility . So it is right for Japan’s international neighbours to condemn them .
Besides , the fiasco is due to human negligence . Japan has to be responsible for this epic .
[4:29 pm, 19/04/2021] ☸️ Danny εΏ:
1. World can have less conflict and less confrontation if world leaders approach problems with rational thinking and less emotions.
2. We can do our part in social media to promote such values - so that the world can be a better world.
3. We don't have to restrict ourselves in REACH looking only at local issues.
4. Because what happens overseas will also affect everyone.
[4:34 pm, 19/04/2021] +REACH: 1 community infection among 20 new Covid-19 cases in S'pore
[4:36 pm, 19/04/2021] +Alvin Lim: Should we be wary for pass few days community cases
[4:54 pm, 19/04/2021] +Ben: Imagine the World's reaction if China or India was to do such a thing....
[4:57 pm, 19/04/2021] ☸️ Danny εΏ:
1. Thus propose solutions rationally and objectively.
2. Free from political affiliation.
3. Reinforce humanity values.
4. Refrain from taking sides.
5. Then we can uplift people's values - regardless of nationals - and build a better world.
[5:02 pm, 19/04/2021] +Valli: The authorities should be extra cautious of the arrivals of passengers from India.
India is now having a third variant of the Covid which is more powerful & infectious...
A temporary stop should be enforced
[5:04 pm, 19/04/2021] +Rama: everything thing possible
[5:17 pm, 19/04/2021] +Caleb:
[5:35 pm, 19/04/2021] +REACH: MOM to carry out 400 worksite safety inspections on top of routine checks amid spate of accidents
From May to June, the Ministry of Manpower (MOM) will carry out 400 worksite safety inspections targeting high-risk sectors including construction and manufacturing.
[5:35 pm, 19/04/2021] +REACH: Phase 2 of underground 'highway' for used water to be financed through borrowing: MOF
A major project that aims to free up space on land by moving facilities for treating used water underground is under way, with about a quarter of a 100km-long conveyance system for central and western Singapore completed so far.
[6:45 pm, 19/04/2021] +REACH: Dear Contributors,
⏰ We will be closing the chat in 15 minutes ⏰
Thank you very much for being part of our WhatsApp chat.
[6:49 pm, 19/04/2021] +Caleb: How come that stars so good?
[6:50 pm, 19/04/2021] +Caleb: IMDA better don't keep quite
[6:51 pm, 19/04/2021] +jimmy chew: I thought it was because of the earthquake?
[6:53 pm, 19/04/2021] +jimmy chew:
[6:53 pm, 19/04/2021] +jimmy chew: saw this today and was impress
[6:54 pm, 19/04/2021] +Alvin Lim: Gdnite Megan!
[6:57 pm, 19/04/2021] ☸️ Danny εΏ:
Could be related to promoting air travel, tourism.
Vaccination safety.
But still it is not coherent with overall guidelines.
[6:57 pm, 19/04/2021] +Caleb: Exactly
[6:58 pm, 19/04/2021] +Rama: template reply!?
[7:00 pm, 19/04/2021] +Rama: it is. now they want to close down the plant totally but must discharge the waste water as part of the process
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