Monday, April 19, 2021

US urged to join mega APAC trade deal by China’s former chief trade negotiator

Long Yongtu says United States should work with China to merge the CPTPP trade agreement with the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership

At the Boao Forum for Asia on Monday, one expert says there is an opening for the United States to compete with China in Asia, because so many countries are wary of Beijing

Orange Wang


Published: 9:30pm, 19 Apr, 2021


1. One meaningful engagement with the World - that have mutual benefits -- is International Trade.

2. This is especially important as covid pandemic has cause tremendous damage to the World Economy ---- and a vibrant multi-lateral trade - is the right formula to bring a healthy recovery for the Global Economy.

3. Both US and China Economy - the largest and 2nd largest Economy in the World - if able to promote multi-lateral trade ---- will grossly benefit the World Economy - and solidify their Global Leadership - as a respectable and responsible World Leaders.

4. By promoting multi-lateral trade - is also building mutual stakes with the 2 largest Economies as well as with the rest of the World.

5. This in effect is buying insurance - to ensure that SuperPowers will have more integrated stakes and international platforms for constructive talks, negotiation and discussion --- which will greatly reduce the chance of confrontaion and conflicts.

6. Any differences can be sorted out over the table - rather than through "megaphone diplomacy" over the media.


1. One thing the World has taken note is that :-

a. China honor its word when it coin the RCEP multi-lateral trade and see through the ratification of the trade deal with the rest of the members.

b. US on the other hand coin the TPP, but walk out of the deal by Trump. Now with the new administration, there is no indication of honoring the TPP trade deal - leaving the rest of the members in a lurch - whereby Japan has to pick up the fiasco and lead the deal.

2. So the World is not concern about the contest between Communism or Democracy ideologies - but the World is concern with whether the SuperPowers honor their deal, possess integrity and honor their words - and not use other Countries in the World as their pawns to prop up their supremacy and secure their interest - instead of striving for mutual benefits.

3. In this aspect, China has won the "Heart Softpower" over US with the World.


1. Trumpeting democracy and human rights - ring very hollow - when the basic tenet of human rights is to honor the deal it make.

2. If democracy means to break the deal it sign - by flip flopping on policies when another Party leader is elected - and refuse to honor international agreement sign --- then what is so great about "democracy" when it cannot respect and honor international deal signed?

3. If human right is about respecting integrity - ie. to be honest and have strong moral prinicples - then how to trumpet human rights - when one is unable to honor a deal sign and instead walk out from a deal - and leave the rest of the members in a lurch?

4. The moral high ground of trumpeting democracy and human rights - has been lost.


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