Monday, April 12, 2021

China’s Xi Jinping likely to take part in Joe Biden’s Earth Day climate summit

Ahead of the virtual talks, US climate envoy John Kerry is expected to travel to Shanghai to meet Chinese counterpart Xie Zhenhua

Climate change is an area where the two powers have said they could work together amid deepening tensions

Catherine Wong


Published: 11:00pm, 12 Apr, 2021


1. It will be a great relief if the China President Xi accept the US President Biden invitation to attend the virtual conferencing on the climate talk.

2. As mention earlier, any window or door of opportunities to "break the ice" or "opportunity to work together" to resolve any global issues - must not be lost.

3. Recent developments that see China and US "locking horn" in World stage on many controversial issues --- are unnerving and spell trouble for the World --- if both continue the "hostile stance" of engagement --- with no opportunity to break the "spiraling abrasive stance".

4. Understand the initial engagement may not be able to smoothen all the sharp edges.

5. But it will be a good start, and given time, less confrontational geopolitical politics will emerge ---- and more constructive talks and engagement will hopefully emerged.

6. The current temperatures with both SuperPowers is highly undesirable --- and a spark could ignite into a big fire --- if there are no attempt to cool the temperatures --- by setting aside the differences now - while looking for areas of cooperation.


7. The World prefer China and US to be able to work together - on issues with common interest and to resolve differences through talks and negotiation - with the ability to emphatise and compromise.

8. The current temperatures of "megaphone diplomacy" is highly undesirable - and keep pushing either side into a corner - invoking a corresponding aggressive response.

9. I am appalled that there are no neutral apparatus in the Global system - to prevent the 2 SuperPowers from going down the road of hostile entanglement - where all other Countries in the World -- become pawn of collateral damages.


User since Apr 2021

Wing-Chun L.

@Babe B. The Chinese people protest the US government on its declaration of their country as a nation of genocide. This is too heavy. This is too over.

1h ago

User since Apr 2021

Wing-Chun L.

@Babe B. The US is not the leader of the world anymore.

2h ago


1. China rising can be respectable in the eyes of the World - by developing and growing its "Heart Softpower" and convince the World of its rising through good reasoning and strong argument based on facts --- to win over the critics (without resorting to military might and economic power - to stem its claim and safeguard its interest).

2. Looking at the controversial issues raised by US, we can look at each issue critically and surgically - how China can employ "Heart Softpower" to tackle each thorny issue constructively without spark and fury and without firework and yet emerge as respectable power in the eyes of the World:-

a. Xinjiang "genocide" claim

b. Hong Kong political reform

c. Origin of covid

d. Taiwan integration

e. South China Sea territorial claim

3. "Heart Softpower" is the single, most important value that China should inculcate - in its rising without inviting "undesirable adversary" response.


A. Xinjiang "genocide" claim

1. Previously, I read that Islamist extremists have been carrying out - religious terrorism by hacking many innocent children and adults with choppers and knives resulting in many death and injuries.

2. At that time, religious extremists are causing havoc worldwide - in US, Middle East, EU, South East Asia, Australia, New Zealand, India, Pakistan, BanglaDesh etc.

3. Many Countries ramp up their internal security to prevent the religious extremists from conducting terrorism at home, make arrest, imprison and rehabiliate them.

4. Hence my reading of Xinjiang "genocide claim" ---- is unable to resonate with me and to many people because :-

a. Beefing up security measure to prevent religious extremism - are undertaken by many Countries worldwide.

b. Videos presented how Xinjiang educate through schools, provide training, place people in jobs to earn income and sustain their living, provide lands for farming etc --- are all part of rehabiliation process - to ensure people do not indulge in religious terrorism  but become a useable citizens of society.

c. I can't see how is this associate with "genocide claim" --- which in fact many in the World is unable to agree with US and the West claim - that China adopt genocide in Xinjiang.

d. Of course, China can skilfully dismiss the claim once and for all - by allowing well-meaning media and UN representative to visit Xinjiang and dispel the claim as baseless - and close the chapter.

5. Interestingly, US will have alot of improvement to make in its human right - when racism incidents are rampant, where minority are shot to death or bash up.

To point fingers at another, one have to be above board - else it lose its credibility.


B. Hong Kong political reform

1. 2 years ago, Hong Kong protestors run amok - doing widespread protest, storming Legislative chambers, University, beating up people on the street, destroying and burning business, houses and public amenities.

2. No Countries in the World can tolerate rebellious people running riot -- it become ungovernable.

3. In US, we can see white nationalists, some arm with assault weapons running havoc by storming Capitol Hill buildings and threaten lawmakers' lives. US government now label such rioters as domestic terrorism - and promptly do mass arrest of these rioters.

4. In Spain, Catalan separatism try to breakaway from Spain and to become independent is being put down promptly - by imprisoning Catalan leaders who push for independence.

5. Hence I can't see any inappropriateness in amending Hong Kong National Security Law through political reform - to prevent future unrest in Hong Kong - as long as it adhere to the spirit of the Basic Law.

6. Stability, lawfulness and patriotism are ingredients that are necessary to be governable and the inherent right of any Country to ensure these - be it in Hong Kong, US, Spain or any other Countries.

7. Hence as long as China can present this facts constructively - the World can finally accept the Hong Kong political reform --- albeit it will take times.

8. Democracy must not be used as an excuse - to incite unrest and riot. Democracy is to allow constructive viewpoints, feedback to be exchanged - to improve governing - but not to be exploited by unscrupulous elements to create havoc for self-interest.

9. If democracy is exploited for hideous purpose - then there is a need to tighten the law to prevent it from being misused.

10. When democracy are being used correctly - and indeed lead to better Hong Kong governance - universal suffrage can even be rolled out in the future - whereby Hong Kong governor and lawmakers are elected through Universal Suffrage (after being elected by Central Government).

11. Lesson can be learned from US Presidential election - How Trump try to manipulate the election process against the spirit of democracy --- and this serve as a useful lesson for Hong Kong to ensure its democratic system are meant to properly govern - but not to serve individual interest.


C. Origin of covid

1. The purpose of WHO led investigation - is to determine how the covid arise so that prevention can be formulated worldwide to prevent future Disease X from arising. 

2. Making blame and demanding compensation should not be the purpose of the WHO investigation especially if covid arise naturally. Else in future, no Countries will cooperate with WHO to prevent future pandemic that cause harm to humanity worldwide.

3. Example, no one accord blame or demand compensation on Countries when H1N1, bird flu, SARs, swine flu, Spanish flu, measles, smallpox, MERS, Ebola etc break out.

4. So based on China cooperation with WHO investigation, I don't see any reason to pin blame on China.

5. Even though some citizen privacy data cannot be taken out as per China law (in which many Countries also have such privacy law) - I find this reasonable as the data are presented to the WHO team to "eyeball" it without hiding it.

6. As long as all the data presented are transparent and did not attempt to hide any facts that distort the investigation and lead to wrong findings --- then forbidding WHO team to copy privacy data should be acceptable.


D. Taiwan integration

1. Taiwan re-integration is not totally impossible --- even though it is the most emotional issue between China and Taiwan.

2. What makes China different from Taiwan - that make re-integration near impossible?

a. Ideological Differences - China advocate Communism, whereas Taiwan adopt Democracy.

b. Different Governance System - China adopt - Communist Party-Elected Leader versus Taiwan adopt - Universal Suffrage whereby citizens directly vote the ruling party and the President.

3. Fortunately, China has transformed from a Central-Planned Economy into a Market-Economy (hybrid of State-Owned Enterprises and Private Enterprise) --- that can integrate with the World Economic System ---- and spark China rise to become the 2nd Largest Economy in the World.

4. So apart from a common Economic system, China and Taiwan share the same ancestral root, same ancestral cultural heritage, same language, same race.

5. Now how can China extend its "Heart Softpower" to reach out to Taiwan - to break the deadlock and facilitate re-integration?

The simple answer is "Middle Path" ---- "Meeting each other half way". Both China and Taiwan must make some adjustment to make it happen.

6. The pain points to Taiwan reluctance to embrace re-integration with China are:-
a. Taiwan want Democracy - where it want Taiwan leader to be elected through Universal Suffrage by Taiwan people.
b. Taiwan want self-governance in Taiwan's economy.

7. China want Taiwan to reunify with China and be part of China.

8. So to facilitate and achieve peaceful unification, both Taiwan and China must take something and give something ----- using "Middle Path resolution" by "Meeting each other half way".
a. To soften the ground for Taiwan to observe the "1 China principle" ---- China must be willing to make the 1st move ---- by making amendment to its political system --- ie. transforming its political system from Communism to its own form of "Democratic System" with Universal Suffrage.
i. China Central Leaders - are elected by the Communist Party.
ii. Thereafter, the Party-elected Central Leaders - to be elected by people from all the Provinces. If receive 50% of the votes by aggregating all provinces, the Central Leaders become the Government and lawmakers. If under 50%, a new set of leaders will then undergo a 2nd round of Universal Suffrage to achieve at least 50% of the votes. If under 50%, the higher percentage of the votes among the 2 set of leaders will be the government.
iii. Taiwan Provincial Leader and lawmakers (either from DPP or KMT) - must be a member of Chinese Communist Party - loyal to the Party and to China (including Taiwan).
iv. Taiwan Provincial Leader and lawmakers to govern Taiwan - will be elected by the Communist Party Leadership - and then subject to Universal Suffrage by Taiwan people similar to the election of Central Leader.

9. So in order for China to re-unify Taiwan - both China and Taiwan - must make adjustment politically to be successful.

10. If the above political transform are make by China and Taiwan, there is no reason why US, the West and the World --- can accuse China of being autocratic - as China has transformed itself into a "Democratic System" - albeit its own form of Democracy - where the Chinese Communist Party will still hold the power despite the political reform.
E. South China Sea territorial claim
1. Internationally, the most controversial issue should be the South China Sea territorial claim.
2. Not 2nd guessing why China do a late 9 dash line claim - be it because of historical evidence, rich marine or material resource to meet domestic demand or military strategic areas to be able to deploy A2/AD (anti-access, area denial) capabilities to secure all sea lane entry points.
3. However, there is no difference from the claims - by other claimants like Vietnam, Philippines, Malaysia, Brunei and Taiwan - in addition to China's 9 dash claim in South China Sea.
4. The overlapping claims when superimposed into the South China Sea - make it very difficult to resolve ---- as 2 or more Countries are staging claims on the same areas in different parts of South China Sea.
5. To break the deadlock of the overlapping claims - and ensure every claimants gain something from the claims without being left out and resolve the South China Sea peacefully, "Middle Path resolution" or "Meeting each other half way" --- can be used :-
i. Examine the interpretation of the UNCLOS (United Nation Convention of the Law of the Sea) ---- that will be able to satisfy and meet all the claimants claim "half way" --- the "Middle Ground" approach :-
a. 12 nautical mile (22 km) - Territorial Water from the coast line.
b. Another 12 nautical mile (22 km) - Contiguous Zone from Territorial Water.
c. 200 nautical mile (370 km) - Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) from Contiguous Zone.
Total 414 km

a. and b. (24 nautical miles / 44 km) - which are the Territorial Water and Contiguous Zone --- should be reserve for Countries with coastal lines.

c. the EEZ with 200 nautical mile / 370 km ---- will be the areas where "Middle Ground or Meeting half way" ---- dispute resolution approach ---- can be made.

If 2 Countries have disputed claims that fall onto the EEZ - divide into half to be shared by the 2 Countries - each one get 100 nautical mile / 185 km.

If 3 Countries have disputed claims that fall onto the EEZ - divide into 3 to be shared by the 3 Countries - each one get 66.6666666.....7 nautical mile / 123.3333333 km.

6. As the distance between Vietnam to Philippines is about 1,564.67 km - taking into account the total 414 km of claimants claim - a total remainder of 1,132.67 km become (International water - outside Territorial Water) --- and is reserved for International sea of passage.

7. South China Sea problem solved ! ------ no more "hard feelings" among all claimants on South-China Sea --- and peace is restored. Prosperity and Economy can then thrive in Asia Pacific.....

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