China, US send warships into disputed waters as tensions rise over Whitsun Reef
US aircraft carrier strike group entered South China Sea and a destroyer was in East China Sea, while Chinese carrier transited through Miyako Strait near Japan
It comes amid a deepening dispute between Beijing and Manila over the presence of Chinese boats at a reef in the Spratly Islands
Sarah Zheng and Kinling Lo
Published: 10:30pm, 5 Apr, 2021
SuperPowers can exert geopolitical influence in 3 ways - and it varies in merits and weaknesses :-
1. Military Power - by coercing and forcing smaller Countries to subject to its interests.
This is an "inferior strategy" to exert geopolitical influences - as even smaller Countries can also cause damages.
In addition, other Countries in the World will view the SuperPowers in "negative light" - and will cause problem in the Global stage - where cooperation on many global issues from others will be required.
2. Economic Might - if this is used for mutual benefits (in trade, investment, travel, business etc) - then this is consider a "superior strategy".
But if Economic Might and Financial Might - is used to coerced and force smaller Countries to subject to its interests --- this strategy will degenerated and become an "inferior strategy".
Similarly, , other Countries in the World will view the SuperPowers in "negative light" - and will cause problem in the Global stage - where cooperation on many global issues from others will be required.
3. Heart softpower - where inherently, the Leader or the collective leadership of the SuperPowers - can win over the smaller Countries due to the following reasons :-
a. Political System - that make the people they govern happy, peaceful, social harmony.
b. Economic System - that make the people prosperious and progress.
c. Social System - that make people they govern feel equal even with diverse race and religions.
This will win the respect of other smaller Countries --- because the SuperPowers also extend their "Heart softpower" to other smaller Countries - ie. Friendship, mutual benefits, power, global leadership are "earned" by its inherent "Heart softpower".
Friendship, mutual benefits, power, global leadership cannot be "coerced" by Military Power or Economic Might (by bribing, buying or coercing).
"Heart softpower" - is far more superior than Military Power and Economic Might. Because smaller Countries willingly look up to the SuperPower for global leadership - without even firing a bullet.
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