Monday, October 22, 2018

'We must not allow social stratification to harden in Singapore': PM Lee

 (Updated: )
Ricky Lim
To tackle social stratification, the following may help :-
(1) Data analytics with the help of AI - can produce more targeted information of each household that will need help and can make recommendation how these each household can be levelled up :-
(a) computing the total income per household, the number of people per household, and the amount of $ each person with have per month - to determine whether they will have sufficient income to lead a reasonable, sustainable lives

(b) determine what policies or measures can be introduced to help each household how to level up and achieve social mobility.

(c) if the household sole breadwinner has lose the job - determine what help can be done to help the person to get a new job.


Felt that, more targeted help is possible with the help of Smart Nation - where data analytics and AI - can provide more targeted information, provide more avenues of how targeted assistance can be provided - to ensure social mobility and close the income gap.
Ricky Lim
Some household are facing difficulties and are making noises which predominantly are :-
(1) Breadwinners that may have lose their jobs, retiree, people unable to get employment --- and they are living on savings or social welfare.

(2) Household with one or more working - but income may not be deem sufficient to bring a comfortable lives to the household.

So if the data analytics and AI can identify and target this household group - more proactive measures and approaches can be make by identifying the various ways to help these household such as :-
(a) Helping the household breadwinners to find jobs.
(b) Provide the necesssary financial assistance such as medical financial scheme, education scheme etc
(c) Suggest skill upgrade for those who need to upgrade in order to get themselves employed.

Basically a case is opened up for the household that required help - and a "package approach" - to help these household to level up in social mobility and close the income gap.

Data analytics with AI will be able to scour many databases to identify such household in needs.

Chad Lim
Ricky Lim Amazing we need someone to create this liao confirm problem solved 👍 no one will need to whine again.
Ricky Lim
Chad Lim - This is not difficult to do.
IRAS, CPF, Housing Board, Social Welfare department, Registry of Marriage, MOE school, polys, jc, uni, MOM etc --- will have databases that keep the financial profile of each individual and household.

AI can be used to "search" or "SQL search" of all these databases and collate the income status of individual and household into meaningful data - using pie chart, bar chart, statistics etc.

AI can also propose :-
- various financial schemes,
- various job opportunities based on their qualifications, skillsets etc

Government can then :-
(1) open up a "social mobility" case for each household
(2) follow up with a "package approach" - to uplift, upscale, upgrade the household to uplift these household to achieve "social mobility" and "close the income gap".

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