Sunday, October 28, 2018

For Taiwan youth, military service is a hard sell despite China tension

 (Updated: )
Ricky Lim
Taiwan's military is working hard to recruit soldiers as it moves to a fully volunteer force after decades of conscription.
"We will pay a heavy price for the move ... We won't be able to find enough soldiers."
Taiwan last year spent nearly 47 per cent of its defence budget of TUS$319.3 billion on manpower-related costs. Military experts said that squeezed the budget for weapon acquisitions.
The island's goal to move to an all volunteer force by 2019 will be "costlier than anticipated", diverting funds from defence acquisition and readiness, the U.S. Defense Department said in a report to Congress in May.
For some Singaporeans who advocate replacing National Service for a regular army --- this example illustrate the deadly mistake make.

(1) Regular army will be extremely costly --- more money will be spend on manpower cost and less for weapon assets --- that will gravely deplete an Army's capabilities in this new era of technological advances.

(2) We will not get the required quantity of soldiers to make up the army - as the motivation of men joining the army is low.

These will reduce the Operational Readiness of the Army --- and the Army will be vulnerable.

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