Monday, October 29, 2018

AHTC trial: FMSS’ How Weng Fan wanted 'hopeless chairman' Sylvia Lim replaced, reveals Davinder Singh

 (Updated: )

Ricky Lim
Now this FMSS How's testimony --- it is dragging everyone from the AHTC Town Council into the mud --- 一窝熟。
Ricky Lim
That is why
没有那麽大的头 - 不要戴那么大的帽。

If GRC is too big to handle, too much to handle - don't bid for the GRC.

Now who suffer?
(1) Residents of AHTC suffer.
(2) WP MPs suffer.
(3) Vendor suffer.
Ricky Lim
All these signs of "gadang gabo" --- are all tell-tale signs showing :-
(1) Inexperienced
(2) Incompetency
(3) 战战兢兢
Ricky Lim
Also notice that why this AHTC is haul to Court --- as oppose to other lapse audit case (which is due to error of judgement or weak internal control which does not benefit oneself)?

(1) There is suspected misrepresentation make to establish institutions (not only error of judgement or weak internal control). This is what the trial is trying to establish.

(2) A vendor is make as MA (or Consultant) - and then involve in awarding tender to itself. (To benefit from its position by enriching oneself).

These 2 are the most pertinent points --- that can lead to "abuse of the system" to enrich itself --- that fringe on "something sinister" in which the Court is trying to establish.
Ricky Lim
I believe the GM of AMK town council was hauled to Court - not because of error of judgement or weak internal control which does not benefit himself.

He benefitted himself in suspected bribery or corruption.
Ricky Lim
And I believe for those Agencies has financially benefitted themselves or make false representation as reported by AGO in the audit report -- they will similarly be hauled to Court.

They are not haul to Court because they have not financially benefit from the audit lapse or they have not make false misrepresentation.
Lekir Nusa Jaya
Ricky Lim what is gadang gabo? Pinoy?
Ricky Lim
Lekir Nusa Jaya - gadang gabo means "shivering, trembling, messing things up - because not sure what to do" - fringe on "panic stricken", "panic attack" - drink cup of coffee (spill the coffee on the table or floor), carry a hand load of paper - knock into someone and all paper fly all over the place.

Just look at the verbatim of FMSS How's testimony in Court --- all the sign of "gadang gabo".
Suhail Sham
Not gadang gabo lah...
It is ' Kalang kabut'
it is malay phrase for going into panic & messed up.
Ricky Lim
Suhail Sham - Ha Ha Ha Ha --- This shows that my knowledge of Malay language is very limited.....

"Aku punya Melayu tak jalan.
Bohong sedikit boleh.
Cakap banyak tak boleh." ha ha ha....

Ricky Lim
So according to report by Today :-
"Ms How also accused Ms Lim of withholding information from auditors KPMG about “improper payments”, and that it was Ms Lim who did not want to keep the computer system of IT firm Action Information Management (AIM)."
Now it is established beyond reasonable doubt that it is WP that wanted to withdraw AIM from AHTC.
It is not what WP portray from year 2011 to 2018 that - it was PAP playing "dirty tactics" to withdraw AIM from AHTC so that WP cannot run the AHTC.

So the representation make in Parliament is wrong - as per testimony by FMSS How and Singh lawyer's evidences produce in Court and per Singh cross examination.

So PAP is vindicated on this important point.
Lau Lan Chu
Ricky Lim even PAP withdraw the AIM is nothing wrong as WP questioned alot of its intention of AIM in parliament. Thought people has forgotten. Why use them when has so much doubt, so don't use loh.
Ricky Lim
Lau Lan Chu - Then why did WP blame PAP from 2011 to 2018 for using "dirty tactics" for pulling out the AIM when actually this is not the case?
This statement was repeated in the Court. 
Lawyer Singh upon presenting evidence, do cross examination and now with testimony of FMSS How - confirm that this is "untrue".

Also what representations did WP make to MND and Parliament to justify the "waiver of tender" to FMSS? Is the same excuse of withdrawal of AIM and CPG cited to justify the "waiver of tender"?

If misrepresentation is make to the Government - for MND to approve the "waiver of tender" - then it will be a serious offense.

This is no longer a "political bullshit" - it is making a false claim to justify the "waiver of tender" to WP preferred vendor - in order to award tender to itself and contribute to a huge loss of public fund that benefit the WP preferred vendor.

Ricky Lim
This is more than a "gross wilful negligence".

It is a "premediated deliberate negligence" through "misrepresentation".

Andrew Wang
This woman is very sinister and double headed snake. Beware....
Yeok Fong Yong
First “The High Court said Ms Lim misled Parliament, was dishonest", this was way back in 2015. “Another observation the High Court made in 2015 was that if this kind of conduct had taken place in a public company, it probably would attract CRIMINAL SANCTIONS". Judge Quentin Loh’s statement "if AHPETC was managing corporation subject to the Building Maintenance & Strata Management Act it will be exposed to criminal liability"! Mr. Singh labelled her as liar. Now even their own town council’s former managing agent FM Solutions and Services (FMSS) Ms How Weng Fan labelled Sylvia Lim as 'hopeless chairman'. Luckily she got a lot of supporters to pay for her lawsuit.
Lau Lan Chu
They landed in today's situation of having to wash the dirty laundry in public is a very wrong step they took . They should have come clean very upfront that they made honest mistake and they will not be sued. From the very day they were trying to conceal by engaging their own auditor and blame others for back stabbing and insisted they done nothing wrong. A very wrong chess move. Now is case of ownself care ownself , everyone starts blaming others to self protect. Astonishing to find out Ms Ho blame ms Lim for her husband's death.
Mark Chen
Lau Lan Chu, very interesting you are absolutely right...Bro you remember the chc cases also the same, blames each others...actually these are humans
Albert Kwek
If FMSS is not capable of doing the job, why are they taking the job . They are paid well and end up to the hurt the boss. Are they 忘恩负义或大义滅亲?what I feel is she is so scare that she will get bankruptcy that why she is telling something is not honour and try to 逃避责任?
Mark Chen
New low. Resorting to personal attacks and character assasination already. Really means nothing else they can find fault with.
Kwai Meng Tang
That's how lawyers who were PAP MPs previously do when they take up case against opposition members. Paint the "shits" out of them or what is called character assassination. They learned this pretty well when they are in the PAP circle.
Some info graphic on github for people to ponder about:
Lynn Lee
Disgusting attack
Tommie Vale
Not friend anymore when troubles come.

When millions of dollars were for grabs, call me anytime, my dearest friend.

Act like suffering for 33 million dollars.

What a show .

Breeke Lo
Looks like DS is no match for this lady. Plaintiff cross examination turned into counter defence :

Sylvia inexperience - mitigating factor
All Govt bodies coming at us - extenuating factor
Sylvia everything scared - v careful and meticulous
We disagree with each other - not in cahoots
Help PAP kill them off - political interference in AHTC
Caused my husband's death - has motive to attack Sylvia
No computer system for balancing - mitigating factor
Don't use our advice - WP has oversight and in control

Good job Ms How!
WP +1 today

Albert Kwek
How can tell your boss that you are not fit to the boss? Not longical at all unless you are the boss . As the agent to serve the town council , your job is make a good suggestion and solution to the boss . Do not wait until u got sue, u tell everyone she is not capable or fit to the job. Her credit is a problem.
Lau Lan Chu
Everyone read as negative for WP and only you read what you like it as. Read this, ms how has spilled that is WP wanted to terminate AIM, a nail to the coffin.
Swee Meng Ling
shhh.. now her method would not get pass all the state media creative editing system.
Breeke Lo
Swee Meng Ling it doesnt matter, no one is so silly to trust the 151st ranked state media anyways lol
Breeke Lo
au Lan Chu what's going in your state programmed mind is not the same as "EVERYONE" u know keke.

But i think EVERYONE might be curious now how you managed to conclude "EVERYONE read as negative..". Care to share your secret method with EVERYONE? Keke
Lau Lan Chu
Breeke Lo I hope you understand with this ms ho mudslinging on the WP their political career is as good as over. It was claimed whatever she did is of integrity issue and not as simple as a simple lie, and utterly incapable. I read the same as what you read unless we all are reading fake news. That's my interpretation and if others read otherwise as this is positive news for the defendants please explain, maybe I missing something in between the line.
Breeke Lo
Lau Lan Chu the problem is not what you, me or we read, it's what you interpret.

"ms how has spilled that is WP wanted to terminate AIM, a nail to the coffin" This is what you said after reading Today.

ST reported this, "Things were political from the start, with the audits and the incumbent computer vendor withdrawing a Town Council Management System in 2011, she said."

WP terminate? Or, AIM withdraw? You choose lor. You want take MSM as gospel truth you go ahead. But read more sources and form a balanced view lah. That's what discerning Singaporeans do you know? You so narrow minded in interpretation how to provide good arguments (always welcomed by the way)?
Albert Kwek
How can tell your boss that you are not fit to the boss? Not longical at all unless you are the boss . As the agent to serve the town council , your job is make a good suggestion and solution to the boss . Do not wait until u got sue, u tell everyone she is not capable or fit to the job. Her credit is a problem.
Lau Lan Chu
They already not in good terms after fmss got terminated. Looks like she has turn PAP supporters.
Kee Wee Lee
As I mentioned before. If your are new starter to carry out a duty that is cap by political position and power . If you wanted to be successful complete your duty. Moneys are the only powerful tools. As Chinese said money can command the ghost to work and complete your mission.😁😂
Sharon Lim
How many people that have been taken to court by a government body have been victorious ......please mr are blind to reality
Chang Meng Tat
Sharon, PAP MPS have been sued in court and found to be liable. DS is correct 😂
Breeke Lo
This time round different. Ppl are coming out in arms! A precedent is going to be set.
Sharon Lim
How many people who were sued by a government body were victorious ...please mr me the stats...that’s what ms how is talking about
Sharon Lim
Really mr Singh, one can be victorious in court when sued by a government backed entity? show me the stats cos I don’t see this.....
Jason Fan
The headline and the article are totally different! Live how the ST reports one side and then what actually is said is totally ignored.
Richard Quek
biting the hands that feed her
Wan Wan
This Ms How is worse than a black widow spider(probably hubby died after years of her blood sucking)and LTK has been trusting her for donkey years! No wonder Ms S Lim is soooooo wary of her! When SHTF, she turns into a double-headed snake and chooses NOT to differentiate what is RIGHT or WRONG!
Lau Lan Chu
Maybe that's a plot. Like we watch in show . She trying to push towards the innocent mistake direction and hope that the law will forgive everyone and move on. What they sacrifice is just the reputation as they prepare to step down anyway, rather not need to pay the millions comp.
Georgie Lee
Many more truths will surface again starting from tomorrow and it will become more and more interesting to read.No wonder Sylvia Lim is so desperate for a donation. All three will be made a bankrupt and go to jail.
Georgie Lee
But Mr LTK stood down and Sylvia Lim became the Chairman. Think both share a common inrerest.
Felicia Chen

CNA is MOTHER OF ALL fake news; what was directly stated as per below reported in this article itself ("No, rotate and replace") pertaining to "chairmanship", not the person :-

"That would be a removal," Mr Singh said.

"No, rotate and replace," she said
Breeke Lo
Our media is 151st "best" in world leh .. i would be really surprised if being factual is a virtue with these story spinners
Lau Lan Chu
Breeke Lo reporting based on court case hearing without video recording allowed, subjecting to interpretation. Hope can see reporting from anti site like TOC, Independent, see the story line twist to defendants advantage.
Aero Yeo
One sided story.
Kiwi Bird
Hopeless? Why not you try raise $1M in 3 days..
Kelvin Ho
actually a politician has different skills sets from one who runs a property maintenance department .....
John Low
It is definitely great news for Sylvia. FMSS has vindicated her. This show there are no collusion and Sylvia has been cautious in her handling of her dealings with FMSS. However I cannot speak for Low TK. He is very close as it seems with FMSS.
So what we have here is someone inexperience while FMSS is very experienced trying to manipulate the inexperience MP. They are definitely not in cahoot to cheat the people's money. It is not intentional nor unintentional of the MP in giving plum deals to line the pocket of FMSS. It is not a crime to be inexperience. Everybody at one time or another will be inexperience so long as she is doing to her best of her ability no one should fault her. Inexperience is not a character fault, it is just inexperice. Question is how many qualified experienced town councillor want to work for opposition party. They should be very scared of association with opposition because the risk of bankruptcy is very high.

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