Wednesday, October 17, 2018

AHTC trial: Low Thia Khiang ‘directed’ FMSS before it was appointed managing agent, says lawyer

 (Updated: )
Ricky Lim
Under the Government Instruction Manual (IM) for Procurement Process that govern Government contract of services (where Town Council will also come under this jurisdiction):-
(1) Quotations ($6,000 – up to < $70,000) - at least 3 quotations need to be called
(2) Tender (more than >$70,000). - Open tender or Closed tender (if the procurement is niche).

Looking at the Aljunied GRC town council - Maintenance Agent role, the following evaluation criteria to call the tender need to be examine :-
(1) Does the MA services exceed $70,000?
Ans :- Yes - a tender need to be called.

(2) Is the MA services so niche that only one and only 1 vendor can meet?
Ans :- No - CPG can meet and exceed, FMSS and 2 other vendors who come forward can meet. (In fact in the industry market, many other vendors have such expertise to provide FM services).
--- Thus an open tender is imperative.

(3) If open tender is called to provide MA consultancy services - the qualification must be a track record to manage between 40,000 to 50,000 residents in the estate.
Which vendor qualify?
a. CPG
c. 2 other vendors

Ans :- CPG has such track record of managing 40,000 to 50,000 residents.
FMSS and 2 other vendors do not have such track record according to Mr Low.

Rightfully based on this evaluation criteria - only CPG qualified. But yet FMSS is selected and 2 other vendors were penalised based on this evaluation criteria.

Note :- This is a breach of the Government IM in awarding the tender.

(4) What is method of procurement by Aljunied GRC town council?
Ans :- Waiver of tender (this is against IM for not calling an open tender) - as waiver of tender is strictly restricted - only reserved for :_
- one and only one vendor can provide the services where no one can.
- in an emergency situation where services need to provide immediately - else it is a "life and death" situation.

Does Aljunied GRC fall under this 2 category to justified the "waiver of tender"?
- there are more than one vendor that can provide this service.
- is it a life and death situation - CPG, 2 other vendors can provide other than FMSS

Ans :- Aljunied GRC context doesn't qualify to exercise "waiver of tender" - and now the question is - how Aljunied GRC make representation to MND on how they justify "waiver of tender" to make MND agree to the "waiver of tender".

(5) By awarding FMSS the MA role - will it cause a "conflict of interest" if FMSS associate company bid for the project under Aljunied GRC contract in which FMSS is playing a MA role?
Ans :- Yes - FMSI is own by FMSS and indeed will cause a "conflict of interest" and breach the Town Council Act.

This is like what Mr Singh lawyer said :- "WP ex-chief Low Thia Khiang gave FMSS 'a gun to put to AHTC's head'".

This will allow FMSS to fleece AHTC big time - $33 million loss to FMSI.

Ricky Lim
(1) The objective of the Government IM to guide the Government procurement process is to ensure :-
(a) select the vendor that can best do the job at the best price.
(b) ensure fair and unbias sourcing to prevent possibility of conflict of interest and weak internal control - which contribute to losing of public funds.

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