Tuesday, October 16, 2018

AHTC trial: WP’s Low Thia Khiang concedes he did not do ‘the responsible thing’ to check on managing agent contract
Read more at https://www.channelnewsasia.com/news/singapore/ahtc-trial-low-thia-khiang-checks-on-managing-agent-contract-10832950

 (Updated: )

Ricky Lim
During the cross examination, lawyer Davinder Singh asked whether a "responsible town councillor" would check the situation before deciding whether to release the other party.
“Was it the responsible thing to do to check whether CPG was entitled to get out?” Mr Singh asked.
“That was not on my mind,” said Mr Low.
“I’m asking you now. Was it the responsible thing to do?”
“Yes,” Mr Low responded.
“Thank you. And you didn’t do that, yes?”
“Yes,” Mr Low replied.
At least and at last, this is an honest and responsible answer to the residents of Aljunied GRC.
Not shifting blame.

Ricky Lim
According to the Channel 8 news 10pm :-
(1) Mr Low did not read through the MA contract with CPG.

(2) 2 contractors offer to be the MA for Aljunied GRC - Mr Low rejected them citing they don't have experience managing a town council of 50,000 residents.

(3) Mr Singh replied that FMSS also have no experience managing a town council of 50,000 residents - why is FMSS selected?

Mr Low :- Ur ............................................
(Seow liao).......
Goh Jon Hin
Ricky Lim
Shooting his own Low foot.

Christopher Supramaniam
Goh Jon Hin agree. Many MSM came up with their version of the stories. Based on Daniel Goh's website . LTK only said that it was not on his mind to check CPG contract since they wanted out.. Singh asked again, was it the responsible thing to do.

Low, “to do what?”

Singh replied that to check whether CPG was entitled to get out and he didn’t do that.

Low said, “Yes I didn’t do that.”

Seemed some just like to rephrase ... There was a continuation of the whole episode which some subtract and add...
Tokay OH
One takeaway all can learn from this episode is that governing a country is not never easy. Now Mr Low has tasted it already. It never hurt if all opposition candidates can bear this in mind too.

A chance given by the ppls had in turn work against WP. As a checker one need to work within the law & diligently for the ppls before task(check) can b carry out. A small victory because of opponent mistake does not mean u r automatically the next GOV that law & order is no more.
Is a painful lesson now.

Running future SG is even tougher frm a recent charity index rank SG bottom 10 can b see.

Yeok Fong Yong
I was surprised why Chen Show Mao seemed not to involve in helping in the evaluation of contracts since he is a corporate lawyer and should be good in such things unless Low Thia Khiang already decided who will be the MA as suggested by Mr. Singh

Tay Hai Kong
Logically you would not appoint the existing contractor because these were lackeys and cronies of the incumbent party. You won't trust them in the first place....kar kee lang syndrome.

But it was not done with properly. This will terribly weaken the WP's resouces if found liable. One can only hope the court would look at it leniently and differently. But the chances are slim in a Singapore court. The WP badly needs a maverick Michael Khoo!

And also it created a strategic opportunity for the PAP to deny them the chance to "procure" party funds this way just as other PAP wards might be able to do so under the cloak of non-transparency. That was probably why Khaw Boon Wan, then MND minister, said that TCs were given leeway in appointing contractors including waiver of tenders.

Perhaps a "checks and balances" bill on all TCs similar to the one done on AHTC should be tabled to ensure a level playing ground and that only constituents get the best of deals.

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