By Lydia Lam
(Updated: )
Ricky Lim
Ricky Lim
Let us analyse objectively - Defense "suggested" conflict of interest with CPG as managing agent in 3 scenarios :-
(1) CPG FM Consultant - appointed as managing agent by AMK Town Council. (Is this "perceived" conflict of interest or "real" conflict of interest?)
(2) CPG FM Consultant - continued as managing agent by Aljunied Town Council for 2 years. (Is this "perceived" conflict of interest or "real" conflict of interest?)
(3) FMSS FM Consultant - appointed as managing agent by Aljunied Town Council. FMSS FM consultant as managing agent recommend or source FM solutions from FMSI as solution providers which lead to FMSI as the successful contractors.
(Is this "perceived" conflict of interest or "real" conflict of interest?)
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Let us analyse objectively - Defense "suggested" conflict of interest with CPG as managing agent in 3 scenarios :-
(1) CPG FM Consultant - appointed as managing agent by AMK Town Council. (Is this "perceived" conflict of interest or "real" conflict of interest?)
(2) CPG FM Consultant - continued as managing agent by Aljunied Town Council for 2 years. (Is this "perceived" conflict of interest or "real" conflict of interest?)
(3) FMSS FM Consultant - appointed as managing agent by Aljunied Town Council. FMSS FM consultant as managing agent recommend or source FM solutions from FMSI as solution providers which lead to FMSI as the successful contractors.
(Is this "perceived" conflict of interest or "real" conflict of interest?)
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Ricky Lim
Ricky Lim
Scenario 1 - AMK town council award to CPG FM consultant as AMK town council managing agent. Is there a conflict of interest?
(1) If AMK town council appoint CPG FM consultant as AMK town council managing agent to assist AMK town council --- there is no conflict of interest.
(2) Does CPG FM consultant acting as AMK town council managing agent - award any FM services or solution to CPG?
If yes - there is conflict of interest.
If no - there is no conflict of interest.
Based on what I know, CPG only provide FM consultancy services - but does not provide FM solutions and maintenance.
Thus in AMK Town Council case - CPG FM Consultant as AMK Town Council managing agent --- has no real conflict of interest.
(Unless otherwise - someone have proprietary info. point to the contrary that CPG consultant acting as managing agent for AMK town council - suggest, recommend or award FM contract solutions or services to CPG --- if this is the case --- there is conflict of interest and contravene the Town Council Act).
Like · Reply · 18m
Scenario 1 - AMK town council award to CPG FM consultant as AMK town council managing agent. Is there a conflict of interest?
(1) If AMK town council appoint CPG FM consultant as AMK town council managing agent to assist AMK town council --- there is no conflict of interest.
(2) Does CPG FM consultant acting as AMK town council managing agent - award any FM services or solution to CPG?
If yes - there is conflict of interest.
If no - there is no conflict of interest.
Based on what I know, CPG only provide FM consultancy services - but does not provide FM solutions and maintenance.
Thus in AMK Town Council case - CPG FM Consultant as AMK Town Council managing agent --- has no real conflict of interest.
(Unless otherwise - someone have proprietary info. point to the contrary that CPG consultant acting as managing agent for AMK town council - suggest, recommend or award FM contract solutions or services to CPG --- if this is the case --- there is conflict of interest and contravene the Town Council Act).
Like · Reply · 18m
Ricky Lim
Ricky Lim
Scenario 2 - Aljunied town council continue to use CPG FM consultant as Aljunied town council managing agent for the next 2 years until its contract finished. Is there a conflict of interest?
(1) If Aljunied town council continue to appoint CPG FM consultant as Aljunied town council managing agent to assist Aljunied town council --- there is no conflict of interest.
(2) Does CPG FM consultant acting as Aljunied town council managing agent - award any FM services or solution to CPG?
If yes - there is conflict of interest.
If no - there is no conflict of interest.
Based on what I know, CPG only provide FM consultancy services - but does not provide FM solutions and maintenance.
Thus in Aljunied Town Council case - CPG FM Consultant as Aljunied Town Council managing agent --- has no real conflict of interest.
(Unless otherwise - someone have proprietary info. point to the contrary that CPG consultant acting as managing agent for Aljunied town council - suggest, recommend or award FM contract solutions or services to CPG --- if this is the case --- there is conflict of interest and contravene the Town Council Act).
(3) If CPG consultant is the managing agent for Aljunied Town Council and CPG consultant is also the managing agent for AMK Town Council --- is there a conflict of interest?
Not really, because CPG consultant is a legal enterprise that can work for different customers (even the customers can be competitors).
For eg. Microsoft can sell OS software or work as cloud providers to AMK town council and also to Aljunied town council --- with no conflict of interest.
Like · Reply · 11m · Edited
Scenario 2 - Aljunied town council continue to use CPG FM consultant as Aljunied town council managing agent for the next 2 years until its contract finished. Is there a conflict of interest?
(1) If Aljunied town council continue to appoint CPG FM consultant as Aljunied town council managing agent to assist Aljunied town council --- there is no conflict of interest.
(2) Does CPG FM consultant acting as Aljunied town council managing agent - award any FM services or solution to CPG?
If yes - there is conflict of interest.
If no - there is no conflict of interest.
Based on what I know, CPG only provide FM consultancy services - but does not provide FM solutions and maintenance.
Thus in Aljunied Town Council case - CPG FM Consultant as Aljunied Town Council managing agent --- has no real conflict of interest.
(Unless otherwise - someone have proprietary info. point to the contrary that CPG consultant acting as managing agent for Aljunied town council - suggest, recommend or award FM contract solutions or services to CPG --- if this is the case --- there is conflict of interest and contravene the Town Council Act).
(3) If CPG consultant is the managing agent for Aljunied Town Council and CPG consultant is also the managing agent for AMK Town Council --- is there a conflict of interest?
Not really, because CPG consultant is a legal enterprise that can work for different customers (even the customers can be competitors).
For eg. Microsoft can sell OS software or work as cloud providers to AMK town council and also to Aljunied town council --- with no conflict of interest.
Like · Reply · 11m · Edited
Ricky Lim
Ricky Lim
Scenario 3a - FMSS FM Consultant - appointed as managing agent by Aljunied Town Council. Is there a conflict of interest?
(1) The answer is "NO" as long as FMSS working as managing agent for Aljunied Town Council - does not source for FM services and solutions to FMSS or any corporate entities that belong to FMSS.
Scenario 3b - FMSS FM consultant as managing agent recommend or source FM solutions from FMSS corporate entity - eg. in this case, FMSI as solution providers which lead to FMSI as the successful contractors.
- because the owner of FMSS also own FMSI - FMSS working as managing agent of Aljunied Town Council - rightfully should not recommend or source solutions from FMSS corporate entity or associates such as FMSI in which FMSI owners is also the owners of FMSS.
Like · Reply · 4m
Scenario 3a - FMSS FM Consultant - appointed as managing agent by Aljunied Town Council. Is there a conflict of interest?
(1) The answer is "NO" as long as FMSS working as managing agent for Aljunied Town Council - does not source for FM services and solutions to FMSS or any corporate entities that belong to FMSS.
Scenario 3b - FMSS FM consultant as managing agent recommend or source FM solutions from FMSS corporate entity - eg. in this case, FMSI as solution providers which lead to FMSI as the successful contractors.
- because the owner of FMSS also own FMSI - FMSS working as managing agent of Aljunied Town Council - rightfully should not recommend or source solutions from FMSS corporate entity or associates such as FMSI in which FMSI owners is also the owners of FMSS.
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Ricky Lim
Actually, "waiver of competition" is granted only in very stringent situation - and are usually not granted lightly.
(1) Eg. in situation whereby in local industries - the successul tenderer is the only tenderer that can provide such kind of services when no other can.
(2) Eg. in situation whereby a delay of award - will cause "life and death" situation or "emergency" situation.
Otherwise the norms are :-
(1) Get 3 quotations from at least 3 different vendors
(2) Call open tender from the industries
(3) Call close tender - if there is only a few niche suppliers that can provide the solutions.
By doing so, this is to ensure that taxpayers money are safeguarded by getting the best price for its services - and the monies are not overpaid or get fleece by service providers.
(1) Eg. in situation whereby in local industries - the successul tenderer is the only tenderer that can provide such kind of services when no other can.
(2) Eg. in situation whereby a delay of award - will cause "life and death" situation or "emergency" situation.
Otherwise the norms are :-
(1) Get 3 quotations from at least 3 different vendors
(2) Call open tender from the industries
(3) Call close tender - if there is only a few niche suppliers that can provide the solutions.
By doing so, this is to ensure that taxpayers money are safeguarded by getting the best price for its services - and the monies are not overpaid or get fleece by service providers.
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Ricky Lim
Having say all these :-
(1) The question is :- was the $33 million overpaid?
How much are wrong classifications, correctly paid but no supporting documents or services done but paid and not documented?
The court case outcome --- is to recover the "OVERPAID" amount where no services are rendered from the amount of $33 million and put back to the sinking fund of Aljunied Town Council --- to ensure the residents of Aljunied Town Council will not suffer from the mishandling of the Aljunied Town Council fund.
(1) The question is :- was the $33 million overpaid?
How much are wrong classifications, correctly paid but no supporting documents or services done but paid and not documented?
The court case outcome --- is to recover the "OVERPAID" amount where no services are rendered from the amount of $33 million and put back to the sinking fund of Aljunied Town Council --- to ensure the residents of Aljunied Town Council will not suffer from the mishandling of the Aljunied Town Council fund.
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Tan Kwong Moh
MND should consider to take back all Town Councils' management. This is to prevent any lapse or lost money in invevetments.....
Ricky Lim
Then residents cannot assess their MPs performance in taking care of their housing estate.
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Tan Kwong Moh
Ricky Lim ....Voters choose the MP is not only based on Town council's management. There are many other things , such as parliamentary debats and how they serve the residents.
Do U think our PM and ministers have time to manage the Town Councils' works? All are run by Estate Manager or the TC's manager, right?
And moreover, if any new political party MP elected, it is wasting public funds in handingover and takingover procedure. This thing had happened in PE by-election, the office was demolished too. Is it not wasting public fund?
Do U think our PM and ministers have time to manage the Town Councils' works? All are run by Estate Manager or the TC's manager, right?
And moreover, if any new political party MP elected, it is wasting public funds in handingover and takingover procedure. This thing had happened in PE by-election, the office was demolished too. Is it not wasting public fund?
Tan Kwong Moh
Francis Ong ..... That is why I suggested. If all TC' s management run by MND. HDB or MND can standarised the TC governance, all the residentswill be paying the same rate of charges....
Ricky Lim
Tan Kwong Moh - The MPs must be assess as able to form a Government to run a Country.
PM and Ministers are already running a Ministries and across the Ministries.
If MP is not tested to run an organisation such as town council (only a mid size enterprise of $100 million) - then how to assess them and let them run a Ministry whereby the budget of some Ministry are multi-billions of dollars?\
If MP only do parliamentary debates - then many in this forum also qualify as good debaters.
Wah then MP very easy to do - easier than CEOs, SME bosses and even project managers.
Let me tell you something, a good manager can handle at least 2 x $100 million projects (plus some other projects that are less active).
Now you got 5 MPs of high salary - also got problem managing the in-and-out fund (not even talking about how to win sales and projects to bring in money?)
Now all town council funds all made by law - compulsory payment by residents plus government funds - so easy to manage (almost like no brainer) - no need to crack the heads to bid projects and fight sales - still got problem to manage?
$100 million fund - are medium size enterprise (not even a large enterprise).
I know of one man (with only primary school cert) that run a very successful $100 million business.
So really so difficult to run a fund meh?
PM and Ministers are already running a Ministries and across the Ministries.
If MP is not tested to run an organisation such as town council (only a mid size enterprise of $100 million) - then how to assess them and let them run a Ministry whereby the budget of some Ministry are multi-billions of dollars?\
If MP only do parliamentary debates - then many in this forum also qualify as good debaters.
Wah then MP very easy to do - easier than CEOs, SME bosses and even project managers.
Let me tell you something, a good manager can handle at least 2 x $100 million projects (plus some other projects that are less active).
Now you got 5 MPs of high salary - also got problem managing the in-and-out fund (not even talking about how to win sales and projects to bring in money?)
Now all town council funds all made by law - compulsory payment by residents plus government funds - so easy to manage (almost like no brainer) - no need to crack the heads to bid projects and fight sales - still got problem to manage?
$100 million fund - are medium size enterprise (not even a large enterprise).
I know of one man (with only primary school cert) that run a very successful $100 million business.
So really so difficult to run a fund meh?
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Ricky Lim
Ricky Lim
Tan Kwong Moh - In case you still have doubt that running a Town Council - require superb management skills and time :-
Ricky Lim
Aljunied GRC is not like an enterprise required to bring in sales and win project to sustain the $100 million.
(1) Law by default make all residents compulsory contribute money to Aljunied GRC.
(2) Government will give grants to the town council
-- Aljunied GRC no need to crack their heads to bring in revenue you know -- only need to manage the fund properly - when people give the fund to you by default by law you know.
The job of Aljunied GRCs is to :-
(1) maintain the fund properly
(2) find contractors to do maintenance - at a competitive price by doing due diligence
(3) ensure no overpayment of fund
(4) do a good job to maintain the estate
It is not rocket science that required specialise skillsets you know.
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Ricky Lim
Let me tell you something, people bid for more than $100 million projects :-
(1) maintain all the inventories
(2) categorise different type of inventories
(3) issue the work order
(4) do tender to source for suppliers of parts, do scope work, do tender evaluation etc, ask for 3 quotes compare prices do award.
(5) issue invoice, make payment
(6) do billing
(7) receive payment
etc all by using spreadsheet only.
There is no need to customise a software just to do the above.
The project required much more specialised skills and knowledge - and the takeover and handover is less than 3 months without hiccups.
Thus your idea of forgiving Aljunied GRC - don't go down well with me - and I don't buy the idea that without software cannot function properly.
Taxpayers want the $33 million back.
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Ricky Lim
In case you give more excuses, many SME of $100 million - still manage their accounts using spreadsheet only.
They don't have specialised software to help them run their operation and maintain their accounts.
All they need are keelat people to manage the accounts.
So if you say no specialised software - Aljunied GRC town council gadang gabo - cannot operate properly ---- are lame excuses ---- I don't buy this idea.
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Ricky Lim
Aljunied GRC is not like an enterprise required to bring in sales and win project to sustain the $100 million.
(1) Law by default make all residents compulsory contribute money to Aljunied GRC.
(2) Government will give grants to the town council
-- Aljunied GRC no need to crack their heads to bring in revenue you know -- only need to manage the fund properly - when people give the fund to you by default by law you know.
The job of Aljunied GRCs is to :-
(1) maintain the fund properly
(2) find contractors to do maintenance - at a competitive price by doing due diligence
(3) ensure no overpayment of fund
(4) do a good job to maintain the estate
It is not rocket science that required specialise skillsets you know.
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Ricky Lim
Let me tell you something, people bid for more than $100 million projects :-
(1) maintain all the inventories
(2) categorise different type of inventories
(3) issue the work order
(4) do tender to source for suppliers of parts, do scope work, do tender evaluation etc, ask for 3 quotes compare prices do award.
(5) issue invoice, make payment
(6) do billing
(7) receive payment
etc all by using spreadsheet only.
There is no need to customise a software just to do the above.
The project required much more specialised skills and knowledge - and the takeover and handover is less than 3 months without hiccups.
Thus your idea of forgiving Aljunied GRC - don't go down well with me - and I don't buy the idea that without software cannot function properly.
Taxpayers want the $33 million back.
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Ricky Lim
In case you give more excuses, many SME of $100 million - still manage their accounts using spreadsheet only.
They don't have specialised software to help them run their operation and maintain their accounts.
All they need are keelat people to manage the accounts.
So if you say no specialised software - Aljunied GRC town council gadang gabo - cannot operate properly ---- are lame excuses ---- I don't buy this idea.
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Tan Kwong Moh
Ricky Lim ....My question is; is it wasting public funds when any new political MP elected if they have to demolish an office or taking procecedure?
Give u an example, Malaysia new Govt got to run the so-called TC before it form a new Govt? So, forming a new Govt and run the TC council is different issue. After all, our ministry all are having high ranking officials to manage.
One more example, was PAP's MPs had the experiences to run the Govt before they formed the NEW one? No is it?
Give u an example, Malaysia new Govt got to run the so-called TC before it form a new Govt? So, forming a new Govt and run the TC council is different issue. After all, our ministry all are having high ranking officials to manage.
One more example, was PAP's MPs had the experiences to run the Govt before they formed the NEW one? No is it?
Tan Kwong Moh - then not running town council - but go to parliament to debate (but not formulating policy), weekends go around shake hands --- wow very easy job you know. Then alot of them who talk very well, a movie star quality look pretty can be MPs.
The litmus test on the opposition - already prove that they have problem even running a GRC - much less a Government.
You do not want a veracity test on the highest office - but rather let untested politicians to try their luck?
The litmus test on the opposition - already prove that they have problem even running a GRC - much less a Government.
You do not want a veracity test on the highest office - but rather let untested politicians to try their luck?
Ricky Lim
Tan Kwong Moh - also I want to dispel the myth that high ranking civil service officer run the whole Ministry in its entirety and Minister merely sign on the paper and passed it.
It is not the case.
The civil service official look at all the administrative, technical details, scrub through all the laws, and all the nitty gritty details.
Ministers look at the long term, strategic, political angles and moving the ground.
Most of the time Government policies will require high ranking civil service officials to work very closely with the Ministers - and both mutually influence the final policies through many robust discussion, debates and iteration.
Ministers political jobs are no joke.
In fact Ministers will be held responsible if anything go wrong in the Ministry in Parliament - Minister face the music first - not the civil service.
If MPs cannot run a town council properly - they will flop in a Ministry - where they will be overwhelmed by the civil service.
It is not the case.
The civil service official look at all the administrative, technical details, scrub through all the laws, and all the nitty gritty details.
Ministers look at the long term, strategic, political angles and moving the ground.
Most of the time Government policies will require high ranking civil service officials to work very closely with the Ministers - and both mutually influence the final policies through many robust discussion, debates and iteration.
Ministers political jobs are no joke.
In fact Ministers will be held responsible if anything go wrong in the Ministry in Parliament - Minister face the music first - not the civil service.
If MPs cannot run a town council properly - they will flop in a Ministry - where they will be overwhelmed by the civil service.
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Tan Kwong Moh
Ricky Lim ........Yes, we always see MPs and ministers shake with residents...But seldom see opposition one shake hand with residents......
Tan Kwong Moh
Ricky Lim... You are wrong again! I already told U, PM and ministers are very busy, they have no much time to run the TC. All depend on the Estate Manager....Are u clear now?
Tan Kwong Moh - whether estate managers run the town council or the MPs run the town council or the Ministers run the town council is immaterial.
They will still be the one that is ultimately held responsible.
Capable people can delegate responsibillities, appoint good people to run the town council - and this is how the residents assess them.
Of course they can run it themselves without delegating.
Residents associate the well being of the estates to the MPs.
Eg. you see Punggol alot of great vision of development in their estate - this is the MPs vision and residents associate this to their MPs effort.
you see Jurong vision - residents also think that MP put in alot of effort.
Today I see upgrading in AMK mall - and people say this is the PM's effort.
So if you let MND run everything, how do residents assess? It is all MND's effort and not MP's effort.
They will still be the one that is ultimately held responsible.
Capable people can delegate responsibillities, appoint good people to run the town council - and this is how the residents assess them.
Of course they can run it themselves without delegating.
Residents associate the well being of the estates to the MPs.
Eg. you see Punggol alot of great vision of development in their estate - this is the MPs vision and residents associate this to their MPs effort.
you see Jurong vision - residents also think that MP put in alot of effort.
Today I see upgrading in AMK mall - and people say this is the PM's effort.
So if you let MND run everything, how do residents assess? It is all MND's effort and not MP's effort.
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Ricky Lim
Eg. CEO will delegate a project to his project manager - and he don't run it.
CEO will also delegates alot of responsibilites to many of his managers and he don't run it.
CEO only doing strategic planning, vision and how the move his organisation to grow and make profit.
But if any projects go wrong - he will be held responsible - he cannot run away from responsibilities.
Thus the CEO is assess based on :-
(1) did he get the best man to do the job
(2) did his directions follow by his men
This is how CEO is assess.
Similarly this is how MPs are assessed.
Look at WP's woes in GRC - there are a couple of failure - organisation skill failure.
CEO will also delegates alot of responsibilites to many of his managers and he don't run it.
CEO only doing strategic planning, vision and how the move his organisation to grow and make profit.
But if any projects go wrong - he will be held responsible - he cannot run away from responsibilities.
Thus the CEO is assess based on :-
(1) did he get the best man to do the job
(2) did his directions follow by his men
This is how CEO is assess.
Similarly this is how MPs are assessed.
Look at WP's woes in GRC - there are a couple of failure - organisation skill failure.
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Tan Kwong Moh
Ricky Lim .....One more thing U missed again. I make it clear first, I am not anyone here.
For opposition MPs to run a TC is not easy as ruling party.
Because many, many approvals must go through the grassroots leaders, and ruling party MPs themselves are grassroots leaders, so is much easy to do thing. Opposition MPs are NOT grassroots leaders, so that the diferentces. Do U agree on this point?
For opposition MPs to run a TC is not easy as ruling party.
Because many, many approvals must go through the grassroots leaders, and ruling party MPs themselves are grassroots leaders, so is much easy to do thing. Opposition MPs are NOT grassroots leaders, so that the diferentces. Do U agree on this point?
Tan Kwong Moh - Take a look at how Mr Lee Kuan Yew as opposition overcome all odds against the incumbent government and turn up stronger. He turn all the people who are communist grassroots into his grassroots.
A capable person never feel handicap, they thrive in handicap - and can outmaneouver all odds to become stronger.
Do you agree with me?
A capable person never feel handicap, they thrive in handicap - and can outmaneouver all odds to become stronger.
Do you agree with me?
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Weng Cheng Ye
Ricky Lim
First and foremost, I am an illiterate by our national standard (you can never compete against me in comparing auspicious red F9s). I managed Asia for a US$Billion company (prior to their "Lehman" acquisition that they have to sell the company when they tanked US200MM into a medical dark hole), managing all 5 divisions though I was in charge of the smallest division, the others (ex-hongkies and ex-Japanese) managing 4 other division were playing golf in California only once a while come over for KTV or claim credit after I resolved their respective issues. After acquisition I was made "No.2" to the 33billion Euros company's CEO for half a day, by virtue of being the only pedlar in the room who sailed through the 1998 crisis with +68% ( my Taiwanese balls set me up to fail with +48% in his attempt to save his cronies from me for their scandals).
So much of my bragging!
So! If I read right your analysis, does it mean that I should be a minister?
BTW, I attained the rank of General in just 3 weeks as a recruit but the system did not recognise my achievement probably due to my illiteracy.
First and foremost, I am an illiterate by our national standard (you can never compete against me in comparing auspicious red F9s). I managed Asia for a US$Billion company (prior to their "Lehman" acquisition that they have to sell the company when they tanked US200MM into a medical dark hole), managing all 5 divisions though I was in charge of the smallest division, the others (ex-hongkies and ex-Japanese) managing 4 other division were playing golf in California only once a while come over for KTV or claim credit after I resolved their respective issues. After acquisition I was made "No.2" to the 33billion Euros company's CEO for half a day, by virtue of being the only pedlar in the room who sailed through the 1998 crisis with +68% ( my Taiwanese balls set me up to fail with +48% in his attempt to save his cronies from me for their scandals).
So much of my bragging!
So! If I read right your analysis, does it mean that I should be a minister?
BTW, I attained the rank of General in just 3 weeks as a recruit but the system did not recognise my achievement probably due to my illiteracy.
Weng Cheng Ye - Well you can join any political party and win election to be an MP and then a Minister.
Or you can form your own political party win election and form the Government.
If people believe you.....
Or you can form your own political party win election and form the Government.
If people believe you.....
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Tan Kwong Moh
Ricky Lim .....Was Mr Lee run the TC before he became our PM??? Want to form a Govt must run the TC first.,that is what U said..... Talk like Bangshitong, in fact is NOT.....
Let others have their views and judgement. I already mentioned, NOT based on your own opinion or mine.
Let others have their views and judgement. I already mentioned, NOT based on your own opinion or mine.
Ricky Lim
Tan Kwong Moh - If WP win the Government in next election - do you think Singapore can survive?
(1) when WP is now expose from their weakness of running the Aljunied GRC - and the whole world know about it.
(2) versus when you do not have the benefits of WP not running Aljunied GRC - just merely shake hands, meet people session and debate in Parliament - give them the false impression that they can replace the Government.
Now WP run afoul of one GRC of $100 million - they lost $33 million (more than 1/3 of the total fund). Now they blame incumbent govt sabo them, grassroots did not support them.
If WP form Government to run $700 billion Economy - you think how much they will lose - without going through the veracity test? You want Singapore to lose more than seeing them losing GRC fund?
Are they going to blame international govt never make life easy for them?
(1) when WP is now expose from their weakness of running the Aljunied GRC - and the whole world know about it.
(2) versus when you do not have the benefits of WP not running Aljunied GRC - just merely shake hands, meet people session and debate in Parliament - give them the false impression that they can replace the Government.
Now WP run afoul of one GRC of $100 million - they lost $33 million (more than 1/3 of the total fund). Now they blame incumbent govt sabo them, grassroots did not support them.
If WP form Government to run $700 billion Economy - you think how much they will lose - without going through the veracity test? You want Singapore to lose more than seeing them losing GRC fund?
Are they going to blame international govt never make life easy for them?
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Tan Kwong Moh
Ricky Lim ..... Why Malysia PH can survive till to date???
If so smart, how come lost money in investments???
If the majorty choice, can or cannot on one can tell...
You can talk and write alot, but is the majorty agree with U or intrested what u said is more important.
For your info, I don't read and not interested what u said IF u don't reply my comments. U have not answered my questions yet......
I have other better things to do and must go to work, no time to entertain U.... Bye....
If so smart, how come lost money in investments???
If the majorty choice, can or cannot on one can tell...
You can talk and write alot, but is the majorty agree with U or intrested what u said is more important.
For your info, I don't read and not interested what u said IF u don't reply my comments. U have not answered my questions yet......
I have other better things to do and must go to work, no time to entertain U.... Bye....
Ricky Lim
Tan Kwong Moh - so you are saying WP can be the Government lah?
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Tan Kwong Moh
Ricky Lim .......I didn't say that, but if the people choose for it, we can't do anything, right???
Wow! U look like a good speaker, U always take free bus and free dinner to speak at the rallies??? Congratulations!
I must go to work even late night, no time to entertain u. Bye....
Wow! U look like a good speaker, U always take free bus and free dinner to speak at the rallies??? Congratulations!
I must go to work even late night, no time to entertain u. Bye....

Francis Ong
Sure not? If this happened, the money will become their money and the estate will have to wait till 67 years old before they can get a money sum and if the estate need to upgrade and use the money, they can draw from these money but must pay interest ..
Tay Hai Kong
MND cannot be seen to disapprove waivers of tenders as it will open a can of worms amongst existing contracts in other PAP wards. For example, AIM their software solution managers, was setup by some former PAP parliamentarians who did not have any experience in this business.
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