We will pursue StanChart suspect’s return: Singapore police
Nicholas YongJuly 19, 2016
ricky l20 seconds ago
This Canadian guy has committed a crime - threatened and rob a bank in Singapore.
Rightfully this chap should be sent back to Singapore to face justice.
Canadian officials should cooperate with Singapore authorities to bring this chap for trial and not shield him. Canadian officials can however seek legal assistance for this Canadian chap.
ricky l10 seconds ago
That is, if you don't let justice play out fairly, in return, karma will get back to you.

ricky l10 seconds ago
Do remember how karma play out :-
(1) Human law - if not adequate Heavenly Law will take over.
(2) Heavenly Law - if not adequate Universal Law of Karma will take over.
(3) Universal Law of Karma - this will be the last and final justice administered.
Please note :- in each level of justice, it will be compounded (means it will magnified as it go higher up). So it is better to be administered at the lowest level possible.

ricky l20 seconds ago
Remember the story of Michael Fay?
He vandalised and was caught and put in jail plus a few stroke of the cane.
It become a diplomatic outcry and demand reduction of sentence and to dispense with the cane. He finally was given lesser stroke of the cane.
When he was released after serving his sentence, he went back home and he committed more serious crime at home.
His father finally say, he regretted lobbying against Singapore with diplomatic pressure from his Government and emboldening him - which make him even bolder and committing bigger crime at home.

ricky l10 seconds ago
Spare the rod, will embolden the criminal - and he will turn around and bite at you.
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