Saturday, July 23, 2016

ricky l

Shock, condemnation after Trump questions NATO commitments

As posted in July 22, 2016 yesterday, this article today mirror my postings yesterday that confirm Donald Trump is a bad choice as Presidential candidate for USA - and hope he will be convincingly defeated in the coming election. :----------------
ricky l12 seconds ago
Donald Trump say he will disregard FTA.
Free trade bring USD$18.6 trillion to US Economy every year.
Donald Trump want to kill the free trade of USA - and this will make USA poorer by USD$18.6 trillion to US Economy every year --- this will not make US great again.
It will make USA very poor.
ricky l
ricky l22 seconds ago
And Donald Trump by disregarding FTA sign with many foreign Countries - will bring lawsuits against him in International Courts ---- causing dishonour to USA.
USA will not be great again under Donald Trump.
Donald Trump will disgrace USA ---- and USA will not be the major power in the World --- because foreign Countries will lose trust on Donald Trump.
USA under Donald Trump will lose trillions of dollars in trade, result in mass business bankruptcy, result in massive job loss for Americans and losing International friends worldwide.
Donald Trump will not make USA great again. In fact, Donald Trump will trigger a USAexit and break USA.
ricky l22 seconds ago
And Donald Trump will not make US more safe because with his anti-Muslim stance, Americans will become the target of attacks by Muslims - which in fact will trigger more attacks.
ricky l12 seconds ago
Under Donald Trump, there are already divisive split on the street, in almost all his campaign and in fact in his very own Republican Convention.
With Donald Trump, USA will not be safe, will not be great again - because there will be more civil unrest in USA with his divisive policies and he will make the World more divisive.

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