Thursday, July 14, 2016

ricky l

Hardline Myanmar monk blasts 'dictator' Suu Kyi

AFP NewsJuly 13, 2016

This hardline group infringe the 3rd Precepts of False Speeches :-
(1) For expounding hatred, inciting violence, encouraging killings, cruelties - and lie that this is the Buddhism values ---- which contradict the Buddha's Teachings.
Buddhism preach peace, inclusiveness, compassion, harmony ---- not what this hardline group do.
This hardline group is akin to Devadatta ---- the disciple of Buddha that turn against Buddha by expounding evilness and slandering Buddha and His wholesome teachings.
Devadatta eventually descend into Avici Hell - as the evilness he expound is exactly what this hardline group preach.

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