Tuesday, July 12, 2016

ricky l

Tribunal says China has no historic title over South China Sea

Monday, June 16, 2014
ricky l
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ricky l • a second agoRemove
The 3 wholesome resolution methods with the "Neighbor Dispute Analogy" have the following elements :-
(1) direct talk and negotiate in a peaceful manner to resolve the dispute (through give-and-take attitude, through sweeten deals by incorporating other economic deals to resolve the territorial claim) ----- 人情。
(2) call a 3rd party – eg. Police, counsellor or someone where both can trust to settle the dispute in a rational, logical and adult manner – with “give and take attitude” ----- 理。
(3) Both neighbors subject themselves to Court Arbitration process – by producing documents to support their claim and honour the Court Judgement. This measure is undertaken by Singapore and Malaysia claim on 5 outcrop rocks follow by sweeten deals by incorporating other economic deals to resolve the territorial claim ----- 法。
人情,理, 法 - are the 3 best wholesome peaceful resolution methods to resolve dispute because both disputant parties will accept the outcome with 心服口服 - and will no longer trigger future dispute and conflict.
ricky l
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ricky l • a second agoRemove
Hopefully, the remaining South China Sea disputes can be similarly resolved through the peaceful resolution method and avoid military conflict and confrontation in the South China Sea.
And hopefully, East China Sea will also adopt similar approach in dispute resolution.
Posted by Babe at 2:00 AM No comments:

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