U.S. launches quiet diplomacy to ease South China Sea tensions
By Lesley Wroughton and John WalcottJuly 14, 2016
ricky l11 seconds ago
US quiet diplomacy to ease South China Sea tension is the appropriate and right move.
Over time China will learn the World Order that observe International Law - where members Countries of the World should learn how to inter-operate ---- and thus reducing international conflict and confrontation in which the World operates.
Stephen22 minutes ago
From the beginning China already knew the result ruling of the Hague court would be bias against them because the court is backed by the US. That's why China had said it many times that they would not accept whatever was the ruling. China is firm in their stand on its territorial control of the SCS.

- ricky l26 seconds ago
ricky l6 seconds ago
Might is not right.

ricky l6 seconds ago
ricky l16 seconds ago
Otherwise if member Countries of the World blatantly run afoul to International Law --- 那不是无法无天?
Does it means that those who carry a bigger gun will have the bigger say?
That is what the pirates do in the sea.

Respect is earned - not coerced, not demanded.

ricky l6 seconds ago

ricky l6 seconds ago

ricky l16 seconds ago
A big power can earn influence through soft power - earning the respect of other Countries - through "Win-Win" solutions and outcomes - through trade, through diplomacy, through business, through culture, through collaboration, through cooperation.
But not through coercion, pressure, "win-lose" solutions, "win-lose" outcomes.
And this does not apply only to this saga - but it is a lessons for all Countries in the World - in which how member Countries inter-operate.
Only then will Peace, Prosperity can be achieved through an Orderly World Order.

ricky l16 seconds ago
大乘佛法,儒家思想 - all taught right way of life and appropriate conduct of human life.
Shouldn't the origin of such philosophy set examples to win the respect from the World?
Or such philosophy being lost over time - taken over by the greed of power?
ricky l6 seconds ago
Only through the right way of life --- will elicit the wholesome Universal Law of good Karma.
ricky l6 seconds ago
佛涅槃了。孔子,孟子 往生了。
但 教法 还在。
Not monkey do, monkey follow.
Do what is right, discard what is wrong.
Do good, Refrain from evil.