Wednesday, July 13, 2016

ricky l
AFP NewsJuly 13, 2016
Buddhism 3 Universal Nirvana Values stand for :-
(1) No-Self
(2) Universal Compassion
(3) Panna Wisdom
which expound Mutually Inclusive salvation of all sentinent beings.
Hardline, exclusiveness, cruelty, killings - are not Buddhism values.
Buddhism 3 Universal Nirvana values comprise :-
(1) No-Self
(2) Universal Compassion
(3) Panna Wisdom
- which stand for Mutually Inclusiveness - salvation of all sentinent beings.
Hardline, Exclusiveness, Killings, Cruelty --- are not Buddhism values.
Killings - is the 1st Buddhism precept that must be refrained.

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