Thursday, July 21, 2016

ricky l

IS group can be conduit for psychopaths' violent desires: experts

Fran BlandyJuly 21, 2016
By profiling people with :-
"already sliding between a fantasy world and a real world." - as a potential terrorists ---- will also mean profiling religious people who believe in god, goddess, divinity.
Science tends to look at mundane empirical evidence - and prescribe it as the real world.
Religions believe in supernatural and supramundane - that science could not explain or unable to prove.
So Science will have a tendency to categorise Religions as a fantasy world as oppose to real world.
So will religious people be classified as potential terrorists? Or only those who are religious but who ascribed to violence as potential terrorists?
In this case, all extremists who are religious but prescribe violence as it cause - will be profile as potential terrorists.

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