‘Talks with China must be based on int’l law’
By Alexis Romero
Philippine StarJuly 21, 2016
ricky l14 seconds ago
When 2 Countries go into talks with position of "unequal" - presiding military might over the other ---- thus the way forward to restore the equal right for negotiation - is to acquire "moral might" to negate "military might".
Subjecting to International law and winning international ruling - is by acquiring "moral might" to negate "military might" - so that Countries big and small --- that is unable to negotiate on "equal footings" - will be possible to ensure justice and fairness in all International deals and negotiations that should be accorded to Countries big or small of the international community.
The issues of international bullying will hence be subdue - and this will ensure a proper World Order.

ricky l11 seconds ago
Only with a proper World Order - based on International Law - can members of International Community interoperate, coexist, trade, do business, integrate - with lesser friction, conflict or confrontation.
In the World of increasing inter-connectedness - World Order with Countries of Equal - keeping in mind "Win-Win outcome", Mutual Benefits, is the only way forward.

Everyone will want a rising Giant that support World Order and that contribute prosperity significantly to the World Economy in a Win-Win outcome anchor in the principle of mutual benefits - minus territorial encroachment.
If this posture is corrected, i believe this rising Giant will win many more friends as a friendly, dependable, trustworthy Giant that can be relied on for mutual benefits - with no thorns and spikes that will hurt.

ricky l11 seconds ago

ricky l11 seconds ago

ricky l31 seconds ago
如果我的老爷子 仗势欺人,我会对我的老爷子说 :-
ricky l11 seconds ago
As time goes by :- 老爷子 will one day understand - this will be a 金玉良言, 无价之宝。
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