Trump backers claim shift in his immigration rhetoric
Jill Colvin and Luis Alonso Lugo, Associated PressAugust 1, 2016
ricky l18 seconds ago
This show that Donald Trump is a political yo-yo ---- as he is not sound in his policy - shifting from left to right when challenged.
Donald Trump is unable to consider all the consequences before he blare out his fiery rhetoric --- can then force to backtrack later.
Can Americans trust Donald Trump to be their President - as he sound so shaky?

ricky l18 seconds ago
Imagine Donald Trump to have his finger on the button of the nuclear missile - who press it in a moment of fiery rhetoric - but then regret later ---- and then it become too late ---- as his opponents will have fired back - causing a catastrophe.
Can Americans trust Donald Trump to be their Commander-in-Chief? Really?
ricky l18 seconds ago
And Donald Trump pose a direct instruction to Russian hackers to hack his opponents - and when there is a huge outcry ---- and when his running mate Pence say that he will not allow foreigner power to influence the election ---- came out next day to say he is trying to be sarcastic by clowning around.
Donald Trump is a big yo-yo ---- who swing from left to right and then right to left.
Is he a Presidential quality ---- he is more like a clown - Bozo the clown --- clowning around.
ricky l38 seconds ago
The next thing you might hear is that "Donald Trump accidentally press and fire off a nuclear missile - as he was clowning around".
The next thing, his running mate Pence will say "We have make a mistake to fire off the nuclear missile. Now we are in the midst of calling back the nuclear missile in flight".
And Donald Trump will say "Oh i was just being clowning around with the button, being sarcastic with the nuclear missile but accidentally fire it off. Oh never mind, someone will correct my mistake and will try to recall the missile in flight".
Oh Bozo the Clown-in-Chief err Commander-in-Chief.
ricky l18 seconds ago
And the Russian hackers did due to the encouragement and coaxing of Donald Trump - successfully hack the US network and system again.
Wow did not know that Donald Trump is so clever to elicit the help of foreign hackers to hack his own countrymen and hack his own Country's network and system.
Donald Trump well done ---- for doing so well to sell out your Country and compromise your Country National Security and breaching your Country cybersecurity.
And Donald Trump aspire to be the Commander-in-Chief ---- Well Done !
Oh Donald Trump excuse is that he is just clowning around, he is just trying to be sarcastic - but his Country cybersecurity indeed was breached and compromise by his clowning around and his sarcasm.
Donald Trump - Well done ..... Oh just being sarcastic like you....
ricky l18 seconds ago
Wonder why Republican Americans - vote Donald Trump as their Clown-in-Chief --- err i mean their Commander-in-Chief ---- oh just trying to be like Donald Trump --- trying to be sarcastic......
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