ZOOM Meeting NEA - Public Consultation on Disposable Carrier Bag Charge
(10 July 2021)
Key Points for Discussion
1. Rampant overuse of plastic bags.
2. Landfill overwhelm, incineration pollute environment
3. Need to restrict usage of plastic bags.
4. Solution - Levy charges on plastic bag in supermarket.
5. But Plastic bags - dual-function (1. Grocery carrier. 2. Bag solid and liquid waste at home).
6. Charging plastic bags - Pro :- People use reusable bags for groceries. Con :- Cannot bag home waste.
7. Consequences :- Pro :- Solve problem with less plastic bag. Con :- 1. Create a new hygiene problem (pest infestation, stench, cleaner more problem). 2. 80% HDB flat, 16% Condo - if many units stop bagging liquid & solid waste - hygiene problem will grossly manifest, impact public health.
8. Buy refuse bags :- Pro :- Bag liquid and solid waste. Con :- 1. single-used (more inferior to plastic bags - double used). 2 Refuse bag too big (for the chute opening, make choke rubbish chute, or hack wall to clear the choke). 3. Big refuse bag - fill up landfill faster and burn longer causing air pollution. 4. Plastic bag is free or implicity paid (part of groceries price) - now got to pay extra for refuse bags that is single-used and don't fit the chute - people unhappy. 5. Impact low, middle-income and retiree (with no income).
Propose solutions:-
9. 1 week waste require 7 plastic bags. Suggest 7 plastic bags per supermarket visit. Exceed 7 plastic bags, levy charge per bag.
(NEA suggest 3 plastic bags free, then levy charge) (If NEA has done detail calculation and 3 is the maximum allowable - I support).
10. Plastic bags from other retail sources - are usually too small and come in all shape and size to fit the waste basket. Supermarket plastic bags more suitable.
11. Other solutions include Government provide GSTV voucher ($73 per year) to every household. Every plastic bag in supermarket charge.
12. Town council provide correct size plastic bags for refuse (every week or every month) free. Not my preferred choice (Overhead :- distribution cost, manpower cost, lost through theft, pilferage, misplaced).
13. My close friend in my discussion group propose "plastic bag coupon" - by allocating x coupons a month to each household.
Household can redeem it one shot or space out redemption of plastic bags - to be used for refuse bags.
Advantages of "plastic bag coupon" versus charging plastic bag:-
1. People will go to 1 supermarket to get "3 or 7 plastic bag" free, and then go to another supermarket to do the same thing - hard to enforce and restrict people actually stick to 3 or 7 plastic bag.
Charging plastic bag is a "best effort solution" - banging on people will only shop in 1 supermarket to earn the discount rather than splitting up their purchase and losing the discount (eg. linkpoints will be earn above $20 in one purchase).
2. By using "Plastic bag coupon" - the Government can ensure x plastic coupon per household - only x number of plastic bag will be given out - thus ensuring rampant plastic bag usage is based upon the coupon issued out ---- a "deterministic solution".
Implementation of "plastic bag coupon" can assume the following form :-
1. Using "smart card" solution
a. Every occupants of a household in the same address are issued with 1 "plastic bag coupon" smart card.
b. A 31 credit is given to each household each month (31 days = 31 credit per month). Or 365 credit per year per household.
c. Occupants of the household can use the smart card to redeem the plastic bag in the supermarket. (1 credit = 1 plastic bag) - by using a machine reader that is connected to a remote server with database keeping track of the credits per household per address.
d. The number of credit will be deducted from the total credit per household.
e. When the full 31 credit is redeem by the occupants of the same household, each plastic bag will be charged eg. 10 cents per bag or 20 cents per bag.
f. In future, this "plastic bag coupon" can be roll out to other shops (other than supermarket).
g. Advantages of this smart card is that it is a one-off solution. It is versatile and the central software can be tweaked as requirement change (eg. next time to include disposable water bottle, takeway boxes etc). It promote smart solution to resolve sustainability problem.
h. Alternative to smart card is using mobile apps for younger folks who are IT-savvy (similar to token and TT mobile apps). Smart card don't need to use battery unlike token - less maintenance.
2. Use printed plastic bag coupon
a. 31 coupon per month issued to household. Easier to used by elderly. 1 coupon exchange for 1 plastic bag in supermarket.
b. High distribution cost to print the coupon, deliver to each home, face the risk of pilferage, theft and break-in into letter box to steal the coupon.
c. Also hardcopy coupon, it environmentally unfriendly.
d. Less versatile to keep track of the hardcopy coupon, disposed off, need to burn when used etc.
Hence, I suggest solution 1 - smart solution to implement "plastic bag coupon" credit.
10 Jul 2021
After the virtual meeting this morning, I will like to propose the following 3 non-chargeeable model as solutions:-
1. Plastic bag coupon/ carbon credit of 31 credit per month per household. All occupants in the same household will be issue with smart card or mobile apps that share this combined credit to redeem the plastic bags at supermarket (for groceries and refuse bag).
When credit limit use up, every additional plastic bag - charge.
2. Government give GSTV voucher of $73 per household (365 days X 20 cents) - to buy 1 plastic bag per day for refuse.
3. Town council issue 31 bags per month to each household per month.
Note :- This 3 non chargeable model:-
1. Hard quota that can fully meet the environmental outcome of reducing plastic bags usage.
2. No lost to government, as the plastic bags cost are funnel to the government by supermarket to finance the above 3 options.
The above 3 non-chargeeable model will be supported by 2 chargeable model to prevent excessive usage of plastic bags when credit limit is used up:-
A. Charge per plastic bag 5 cents or 10 cents
B. Charge per transaction
Whichever model is more effective to prevent excessive use of plastic.
Best regards.
To conclude :-
Avoid triple charges on households in the name of sustainability:-
1. Plastic bags every one charge.
2. Reusable carrier bags for groceries charge.
3. Refuse bags for home waste charge.
1. Plastic bags free.
2. Groceries bags free.
3. Refuse bags free
This is the impact in which households will form an impression - if we don't do this right
Thus we have to be careful to do it right.
By cutting excessive used of disposal plastic bags - that overwhelm the landfill & pollute our environment.
But maintaining the benefits of 1 solution solving 3 problems of :-
1. Carrier bag for groceries.
2. Double up as refuse bags.
3. No triple penalties of triple charging but yet no excessive use of plastic bags.
My close friend suggestion on alternative solution (rather than charging plastic bag) - specifically using "plastic bag coupon"):-
One way is to have plastic bag credits. Like global carbon credits.
So no matter where you go you have let the shop or supermarket deduct your credit.
This can come in the form of coupons.
How many gov print and give out is the quota os free bags.
So this goes by household. The household can use up all the plastic bag credits in a single trip
The idea is not new. During war, households are given coupons to buy food and essential items. So this a form of rationing.
Every country has a carbon credit to ensure countries don't overproduce carbon. This is a form of slowing climate change.
How to control car growth. Coe which is a form of quota.
So we can think of a way to set this quota by way of giving out plastic bags coupons. Every time you need a bag use a coupon. So if a household is allocated x coupons a month. The household has to decide how to distribute amongst household members. And the household can use up all coupons in a single shopping trip or space them out. Over time, keep reminding people to bring reusable bags or pay for bags.
We also can implement recycling bins for plastic bags.
A lot of people just throw bags. If there is a place to deposit them an recycle then that will better. But the cost usually outweigh the benefits
Detail write-up
*NEA Virtual ZOOM Meeting - Usage of Plastic Bag in Supermarket (10 Jul 2021)*
7 Jul 2021
1. I support the *need to reduce the usage of plastic bags* - as it will quickly overwhelm our landfill - and harm our global climate if the usage of plastic bags are not controlled.
2. However, *limited used of plastic bags is inevitable* - as there is a need to bag refuses (liquid or solid waste) at home - to prevent hygiene problem if waste are thrown down the rubbish chute without bagging it.
3. Currently, plastic bags from supermarket is a good *dual-purpose* bag - as it not only used as carriers of groceries, but it is also used as a bag to hold liquid and solid waste at home.
4. *Supermarket plastic bags size are large enough* to occupy and wrap around the waste basket unlike plastic bags provided by brick-and-mortar shops that come in all shapes and size (usually some are too small).
5. Putting the above background into context concerning the usage of plastic bag, and the call for limit usage of plastic bag to prevent overwhelming the landfill and destroy the global climate - there are *call to levy charges* for plastic bag used in supermarket.
6. The following is *my concern and feedback* :-
a. *Plastic bag cannot be totally eliminated* - by replacing reusable carrier bags to carry groceries in Supermarket.
i. *Plastic bag* currently used for supermarket are also used for daily refuse bag (Total *7 bags per week*).
ii. If every *plastic bag is charge* in supermarket - the likely outcome is :-
- Large majority of the people may start *using resusable carrier bags* for carrying supermakert groceries and *not pay for the plastic bags*. (This is the outcome of the social experiment conducted in some NTUC fairprice).
- But people without plastic bags - will *change their attitude* and *stop bagging refuse* (liquid and solid waste) at home. And instead may throw the solid and liquid waste down the rubbish chute without bagging them.
- These will result in polluting the rubbish chute and lead to *serious hygiene problem*.
Eg. *Pest infestation* - rats, mosquitoes, cockroaches, ants, lizards, pigeons, birds etc and viruses, bacterias will grow.
- High rise blocks rubbish chute will stink - and *workers clearing the rubbish chutes* will have a hard time. (Notice in chute when someone throw curry down without bagging them - the *stench is unbearable* --- and workers have to spray strong dose of water to clean up the curry mess).
- Imagine this is *multiply many times in every high-rise blocks* ----- what will be the hygiene consequences islandwide?
iii. Household expected to *buy* their *own refuse bag* :-
a. *Refuse bag* is also a plastic bag - and is only for *single-used* - for the sole purpose of bagging liquid and solid waste. (Unlike *supermarket plastic bags* which are *dual-used* - to *carry groceries* and to *bag rubbish*).
How does *penalising* the *dual-used* of supermarket plastic bag - *more superior* than forcing household to buy a *single-used* refuse plastic bag?
b. To buy the refuse bag (a plastic bag) - to replace the supermarket to bag the home rubbish - *defeat the whole altruistic purpose of saving the global climate* - because it will still need to be send to the landfill to be incinerated and since *refuse bag are bigger* - it will take a *longer time to burn* the refuse bag and *fill up the landfill faster* than the supermarket plastic bag.
c. The *current refuse plastic bag* that are found in the market is also very big - *may not able to fit into the flat rubbish chute* - and may got *stuck* in the rubbish chute - as more than 80% Singapore residents live in flat, 16% live in high-rise condo and only 5% live in landed property. May even need to hack the wall to clear the choke.
d. What is given *free or part of the implicit price paid* for the buying of groceries - but now taken away - and *force to pay* for the plastic bag as carrier --- make *people feel unhappy*.
e. *Middle and lower income group or retiree* (with no income) will feel an *additional financial burden* to bear (as every small amount all adds up) - and may stop bagging their refuse triggering hygiene problem.
7. With all the considerations stated above, I will like to propose the following *solutions* :-
a. I concur that *too many plastic bags* are being dished out in the supermarket which led to wastage - and *overwhelm our landfill* and cause *harm to the global climate* - and I agree that something must be done.
b. I support restricting the *free plastic bag* given our by supermarket for dual-used (to carry the groceries and to bag liquid and solid refuse at home).
- I propose *7 plastic bags free* per supermarket visit (for *1 week rubbish*) will be just right.
(But NEA suggest *3 plastic bag per supermarket visit free*. Subsequent plastic bag charge.
I respect and will likely to support NEA's suggestion as NEA must have done detail computation and arrive at the number of bags to be given free per visit - will help to solve our current problem of overused plastic bags that overwhelm our landfill).
c. I am *not* of the opinion that *buying plastic refuse bag* on our own - will help in reducing waste in our landfill or save our global climate because :-
i. When the supermarket *dual-used plastic bag fit our purpose and is free* - why we need to buy a single-used plastic refuse bag?
ii. The plastic refuse bag is *too big* and may *choke the rubbish chute* in HDB flats and condo.
iii. The *bigger* plastic refuse bag will *fill up the landfill faster* and lead to *more air pollution when incinerated* compare to a smaller supermarket plastic bag.
d. However, if the decision *go against 7b and 7c*, then I will like to suggest the following :-
i. Government provide an *annual GSTV voucher* to each household to pay for the plastic bag as refuse bag calculated as per the below formula :-
- 365 days x 1 waste basket per house x 0.20 cents per refuse bag = $73 (to be given to every household - HDB, Condo and landed housing).
ii. *Town council issue free plastic bag* per week or per month to residents - to bag their refuse or waste (to every household - HDB, Condo and landed housing).
(Not my preferred choice - as it impose undue overhead on town council in terms of distribution cost, lost in distribution, pilferage, theft, misplacement etc).
e. To conclude - we must be careful not to solve one problem (the plastic problem) - but create another problem (the hygiene problem).
11 Apr 2021 - Charging plastic bags versus Bagging refuse waste
With the Government toying with charging money per plastic bags in supermarket, I will like to highlight the following :-
1. 3 options to solve the problem of reduction in usage of single plastic and bagging refuse and waste at home :-
a. 7 plastic bag free (1 plastic per day - to bag refuse) per shopping in supermarket - above 7 plastic bag - levy charge. Or;
b. Town council issue free plastic bag per week or per month to residents - to bag their refuse or waste (to HDB and private housing).
c. Government provide "Refuse Voucher (like GST Voucher") calculated as per the below formula :-
- 365 days x 2 waste basket per house x 0.20 cents per refuse bag = $146 or to round up $150 per year (to be given to every household - HDB and private housing).
2. This is to ensure that we don't solve one problem (less plastic problem) - but throw another problem at the people (no plastic to bag waste and refuse) - causing hygiene problem ----- without offering compensating solutions.
3. Without providing the above either of the 3 solution options, it will result in the following consequences :-
a. Impact to low and middle income household - who needs to dish out additional money to buy refuse bag (noting GST impending increase, public transport price increase, and pandemic trigger difficulties to household).
b. People may change their attitude towards bagging refuse eg. they may throw liquid waste or solid waste down the rubbish chute without bagging them - as they have no plastic bags to bag the waste. The consequences on hygiene will be dire :-
- rats, mosquitoes, cockroaches, ants, lizards, pigeons, birds, maggots, crows etc and viruses, bacterias will grow - as people throw their refuse without bagging them.
c. High rise blocks rubbish chute will stink - and workers clearing the rubbish chutes will have a hard time. (Notice in chute when someone throw curry down without bagging them - the stench is unbearable --- and workers have to spray strong dose of water to clean up the curry mess).
Imagine this is multiply many times in every high-rise blocks ----- what will be the hygiene consequences islandwide?
4. Hence we must be careful not to solve one problem (the plastic problem) - but create another bigger problem (the hygiene problem) that can impact public health.
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