Sunday, July 25, 2021

China promises US a ‘tutorial’ in how to treat other countries equally ahead of deputy secretary of state Wendy Sherman’s visit

Foreign Minister Wang Yi criticises Washington for thinking it is ‘superior’ and says it needs to learn how to treat others equally

Wang’s comments were in response to a briefing by senior administration officials that the US is dealing with China from a position of ‘strength’

Laura Zhou  in Beijing

 and Jun Mai  in Beijing


Published: 2:32pm, 25 Jul, 2021


User since Mar 2021

Babe B.

The collision over ideological differences - is most unproductive and unhelpful when the Globe needs collaboration to tackle global pandemic, climate disaster and global economic challenges.

Just now


1. US style of democracy - a deadlock 2 bi-partisan government that mostly can't get any useful policies moving. And US system of democracy can even elect a President like Trump that divide the people than rule the Country ---- don't win any admiration from the rest of the World about US system of Democracy.

2. Likewise China communism - is not exporting their form of government to the rest of the World.

3. So US harping on ideological differences, clash on ideological differences and try to be the champion of Democracy ---- ring very hollow in the eyes of the World.

4. Why Biden not focus on tackling global pandemic, climate disaster and global economic challenges in collaboration with China and the World - which is something more productive and useful - and will win more admiration from the World.


1. If both SuperPowers can compete and focus on :-
a. How to bring more prosperity by focusing on boosting Economy and bring about win-win outcome with the rest of the World - such as trade, investment, business and travel.

b. How to bring and forge peace with neighboring Countries and the rest of the World.

c. How to increase and forge more cooperation and collaboration to Global problems like tackling covid and future pandemic, seek resolution to Global Climate, boost Global Economy, trade, investment, business and travel, curb illegal activities like drug trafficking, arms smuggling, cross-border scams, cybercrime, and other crimes, prevent nuclear proliferation, reduce world conflict and confrontation, curb global terrorism etc.

2. Then the World will based on their merit recognise which SuperPower deserve the Global Leadership.

3. The mindless bickering over ideological differences and superiority of style or system of governance - rings very follow to the rest of the World - vhere both systems do not appeal to the rest of the World.


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