REACH 257 - View on which Phase 2 (Heightened Alert) measures impact you most? (SK)
22 July 2021 (10am - 7pm)
[9:49 am, 22/07/2021] +REACH: Dear contributors,
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[9:59 am, 22/07/2021] +REACH: 📢 Topic 📢
Starting from today up till 18 August, Singapore will revert to Phase 2 (Heightened Alert) (P2HA) of Singapore’s reopening. This entails tighter COVID-19 measures, including a cap of two pax per group, and suspension of dining in and other mask-off exercises.
💬 Which of the re-tightening of COVID-19 measures impact you the most? How are you and your family coping to adapt to these measures?
In a Facebook Post on 21 July, Minister Ong Ye Kung said that what caused the slide back to P2HA was the Jurong Fishery Port cluster. Describing the situation as “worrying”, Min Ong also said that fishmongers and stall assistants who were infected at the port had gone to work at various markets, seeding many more cases in the community. Markets are also often frequented by the elderly, many of whom are unvaccinated.
Min Ong added that 50 percent of the population has received both doses of the COVID-19 vaccine. He said, “It is a good rate but needs to go higher… In 2 weeks, we will be at 64% or more. That will put us in a much stronger and resilient position when we review the P2HA rules.”
The Jurong Fishery Port cluster continues to grow, with 130 new cases reported yesterday (21 Jul). This brings to the total number of cases in this cluster to 454.
MOH also reported that 11 new cases were found linked to the Marina Bay Sands Casino, forming a new cluster. MOH will conduct a special testing operation for all staff of the casino, and extend free testing for members of the public who visited the casino from July 7.
[10:02 am, 22/07/2021] +Ben: "Markets are also often frequented by the elderly, many of whom are unvaccinated." - great, so we go back into an even tighter lockdown because of the stubborn refusal of people to get vaccinated?
[10:02 am, 22/07/2021] +Ah Heng: PLEASE LEY
[10:02 am, 22/07/2021] +Ben: Are there vaccination slots each day they are not taken? Or do other people fill those slots? ie - are we at maximum capacity for delivering vaccinations each day?
[10:03 am, 22/07/2021] +Ah Heng: ready OKY press message
[10:03 am, 22/07/2021] +Ah Heng: dun just wack the 200k aged people one day we will get old also
[10:03 am, 22/07/2021] +Ah Heng: old people is not easy to convince
[10:03 am, 22/07/2021] +Ben: Please do whack me even when I am old if I cause such damage to the country.
[10:04 am, 22/07/2021] +Ah Heng: if u wanna wack please focus on those who still refuse to do safe measure like mask on properly , do not want to implement safety measures at work, sick still go work type hor
[10:04 am, 22/07/2021] +Ben: Clearly they are not capable of acting responsibly. What else do they need to know? Why are we pandering to them?
[10:04 am, 22/07/2021] +Ben: I agree. You are right. They are all deliberately irresponsible.
[10:04 am, 22/07/2021] +Ah Heng: hahahah dun worry it will come in one way or another hehehehehe, so openly declare i like!
[10:05 am, 22/07/2021] +Ah Heng: yes and if we keep giving these people chances likea slap on the hand who will respect the law and regulation put in place
[10:05 am, 22/07/2021] +Ah Heng: i suggest whoever got haul to court for such acts min 1 stroke of cane
[10:06 am, 22/07/2021] +Ah Heng: time to put aside all the rubbish theory of is not humane, is cruel, what a authority state
[10:06 am, 22/07/2021] +Ah Heng: hey LKY mentioned before if we need to run this country it must be run with the zest and iron
[10:07 am, 22/07/2021] +Ah Heng: why we are like so weak now, have not the chinese saying makes sense the dog bites a good person?
[10:07 am, 22/07/2021] +Ah Heng: anyway an interesting topic here to share
[10:08 am, 22/07/2021] +Ah Heng: dun say is a fake news since CNN is one of "credible" site and is a WHO person speaking .. unless otherwise
[10:08 am, 22/07/2021] +Ah Heng: also this .......
[10:09 am, 22/07/2021] +Ben: Yes I am coming to this same view as well.
[10:09 am, 22/07/2021] +Ben: 👍
[10:09 am, 22/07/2021] +Ah Heng: anyway what i have to say is man from the street view
[10:10 am, 22/07/2021] +Ah Heng: the final goal and direction is still the brains at the top .....
[10:10 am, 22/07/2021] +Ah Heng: if they cannot think of a final 2 nails to the coffin , suffer one is people like u , me , megan , and all who are in here
[10:10 am, 22/07/2021] +Ben: Is there a way we can screen unvaccinated people to see if they have the anti-bodies already?
[10:11 am, 22/07/2021] +Ah Heng: socially we will see more inconveniences, fear, untrust , etc
[10:11 am, 22/07/2021] +Ben: If 66% are vaccinated and 20% have antibodies (from previous infection) maybe we can take a different approach?
[10:11 am, 22/07/2021] +Ah Heng: let the medical experts take this up
[10:11 am, 22/07/2021] +Ben: I know it is possible medically, I meant is it possible for SG Gov to implement this
[10:11 am, 22/07/2021] +Ah Heng: another discussion for contention is even if sinoX is shit, why not let them take maybe they feel more confortable with that
[10:12 am, 22/07/2021] +Ah Heng: is better den 0 ya?
[10:12 am, 22/07/2021] +Ah Heng: if the old are really that worry and govt is so eager to vacc them
[10:12 am, 22/07/2021] +Ah Heng: give them the assurance
[10:12 am, 22/07/2021] +Ben: It doesn't seem to work properly, but yes better than 0.
[10:13 am, 22/07/2021] +Ah Heng: SUGGESTION GIVE THEM A FULL MEDICAL CHECK UP ? Bet many do not know their health stats well also dun forget many of the old and aged are middle or lower income, that will already help reduces risk for after vacc incidents
[10:13 am, 22/07/2021] +Ah Heng: look loosing a life is not something we should be OK with .....
[10:14 am, 22/07/2021] +Ah Heng: go all the way out to ensure them this
[10:14 am, 22/07/2021] +Ah Heng: the wat PCK ads on vaccine and all the words please who reads it
[10:14 am, 22/07/2021] +Ah Heng: cos on the grounds ppl take these as bullshit propaganda , how u goign to connect to them
[10:15 am, 22/07/2021] +Ben: I know I am venting a bit this morning, but I am genuinely frustrated about this. Why? Because there is an arrogance from some people that they think it is ok to put their unfounded anxieties above the need of the Country and the safety of our Children.
[10:15 am, 22/07/2021] +Ah Heng: is a gap shown here already the ground had lost confidence or connection with the top so rework the game plan
[10:15 am, 22/07/2021] +Ben: I worry for the mental health of our nation and our kids.
[10:16 am, 22/07/2021] +Ben: No social time now for over year. Impact on schooling, exercise and more.
[10:16 am, 22/07/2021] +Ah Heng: instead it seems we from the ground is coming up more ideas and possible ways to handle .. funny reh ......
[10:16 am, 22/07/2021] +Ben: Possibly back to HBL?
[10:16 am, 22/07/2021] +Ben: No travel, time away from overseas families.
[10:16 am, 22/07/2021] +Ben: Economic impact.
[10:16 am, 22/07/2021] +Ah Heng: wait before some one say i do not understand how things work on high scale .. i better shut up
[10:16 am, 22/07/2021] +SL: Ok
[10:16 am, 22/07/2021] +Ah Heng: yes i am just a street man not like some who thinks big and wide ...sorry sorry
[10:16 am, 22/07/2021] +Ben: It's a long list of serious problems that could be resolved simply by taking a vaccine that we know works.
[10:17 am, 22/07/2021] +Ben: Everyone's contribution is valid, yours, mine, everyone's. None of us know the answer, we just have to look for evidence to help make the right decision.
[10:18 am, 22/07/2021] +Ah Heng: fyi not syaing in side here but feedback agency should hear from both side not only people with brains but man on teh street with no education
[10:19 am, 22/07/2021] +Ah Heng: else u will end up loopsided counter actions
[10:19 am, 22/07/2021] +Ah Heng: ok all have a nice day ... we do have some pretty smart ppl in here with good ideas but remember these are theories only
[10:19 am, 22/07/2021] +Ben: Yes, this forum is for everyone to share their views.
[10:20 am, 22/07/2021] +Ah Heng: when execute it might not proceed as plan, so hear from both side from the ground dun always depend on this and that data .. those are numbers only ...
[10:20 am, 22/07/2021] +Ah Heng: stay safe and remember to use your oximetre i think is a good "radar"to detect whats screwing up inside ur body ;)
[10:22 am, 22/07/2021] +Ah Heng: fyi tokyo is rising again as well
[10:22 am, 22/07/2021] +james: Thanks for raising this. I think this is worth exploring!
[10:23 am, 22/07/2021] +Ah Heng: is not a time to think about opening up to external ....
[10:23 am, 22/07/2021] +james: This may be the most constructive idea I’ve seen in awhile!
[10:24 am, 22/07/2021] +Ben: 🙏
[10:25 am, 22/07/2021] +Ah Heng: maybe drive should how to get all to drive the infection low (admit it we cannot eradicate c19 and its cousin) and get more to adhere to safe and clean culture while continuing to emphasis why the need to vaccine ----> ultimate goal open up internally at the rate of 98%.... and not like a door open close, open close
[10:29 am, 22/07/2021] +Ben: (although only a survey of 29,000 people)
[10:31 am, 22/07/2021] +Ah Heng: read with a pinch of salt
[10:34 am, 22/07/2021] +Ben: Yes
[10:36 am, 22/07/2021] +Ben: Here is another suggestion... require either a vaccination or a recent (72 hour) negative covid test to have access to Malls, shops etc. That way people are not prevented from going out, but it's very inconvenient to get a test every few days, or they can stay home until they need to go out which could be weekly, monthly, or whenever they choose. They can only go out without the negative test in order to get the negative test, and even then they cannot use PT.
[10:37 am, 22/07/2021] +Ben: People want 'freedom' and 'the right to choose' if they are vaccinated or not? Well, ok.... but they have to accept the consequences of their choice because it affects our children and our country's economic survival. This is not about them alone.
[10:38 am, 22/07/2021] +Ah Heng: heheheh some will say we are not living in a communist state and china is better than us, den FT will write to global press and say bad things about us again ..
[10:39 am, 22/07/2021] +Ben: Actually other (Western) countries are making the vaccination compulsory, so I don't think we have that to worry about.
[10:39 am, 22/07/2021] +Ah Heng: think is good they address who to get ppl vaccinated is not the best now but is one o fthe best globally is
[10:40 am, 22/07/2021] +Ah Heng: and back to those who cannot vaccine due to medical reason (perm or temp) espically adverse to mrna whats the alternative else these ppl will be innocently condem and vaccine discrimination
[10:42 am, 22/07/2021] +Ah Heng: what irony .... globally have people screaming Race discrimination but Vaccine discrimination many are ok (Ben i not saying you arhh)
[11:27 am, 22/07/2021] +Ben: They would have an excemption certificate if they cannot be vaccinated due to medical reasons.
[11:29 am, 22/07/2021] +Ben: A pandemic is a tragedy for the world. We cannot avoid that. People will get ill, some will die, some will have long terms affects. Economies will suffer and that will impact all of us. We have a lot of problems to deal with and we don't need people unwilling to help the situation and in fact make it worse due to some irrational fear of a vaccination.
[11:30 am, 22/07/2021] +Ben: We are so lucky here in Singapore that our Gov secured doses of the most effective vaccine in the world. Who has the right now to refuse that?
[11:34 am, 22/07/2021] +Ah Heng: yeah the ktv group hahahah good example
[11:35 am, 22/07/2021] +Ah Heng: cannot be all except 6 are allergy to mrna right hahahaha
[11:36 am, 22/07/2021] +Ben: Right
[11:38 am, 22/07/2021] +Ah Heng: these must be punished hard -> no grants for all the qo / hospitalisation / treatment, include a jail term, ban them from certain aspect of life
[0:17 pm, 22/07/2021] +REACH: From tuition classes to staycations: What you need to know about Phase 2 (Heightened Alert)
SINGAPORE - Here's a snapshot of what's allowed and what's not, under the stricter measures that are scheduled to run until Aug 18:
[0:24 pm, 22/07/2021] ☸️ Danny 心:
Our elderly still have 30% unvaccinated, may overwhelm the hospitals resources.
[0:26 pm, 22/07/2021] ☸️ Danny 心:
16, 18, 20 Jul 2021 I say endemic only if we reach mass vaccination of herd immunity.
[0:32 pm, 22/07/2021] ☸️ Danny 心:
1. No dine-in affect my family the most.
2. One of my relative who work in tourism sector got to stop work the 3rd time - due to the tighten measures without income.
3. Just hope the vaccination rate ramp up so that more people are properly protected especially the elderly.
4. Only when more people get vaccinated - then we won't need to live with more lockdown in future.
[0:33 pm, 22/07/2021] +Rama: Don't be selfish for selfish reasons. Think of those vaccinated who thought of you.
[0:37 pm, 22/07/2021] ☸️ Danny 心:
1. All past pandemic be it the smallpox, measles, mumps, rubella, diphtheria, polio, etc - can only be stop by mass vaccination. In fact 100% vaccination.
2. I can't think of anyway to stop this covid pandemic - other than to achieve 100% vaccination.
3. Because covid can't easily infect and jump host on vaccinated people.
4. And then covid will run its course and die a natural death - like most past pandemic.
[0:37 pm, 22/07/2021] +Ken Loh: I have friend that used to make vaccine in the vaccine plant also refuse to be vaccinated 🤦🏻♂️
[0:38 pm, 22/07/2021] ☸️ Danny 心:
The only way is for government to mandate compulsory vaccination.
[0:38 pm, 22/07/2021] +Ken Loh: Cause to him is still consider experimental… until phase 3 is complete if not he won’t take
[0:39 pm, 22/07/2021] ☸️ Danny 心:
More than 1 billion vaccines have been dispense all over the world.
How is it experimental?
[0:40 pm, 22/07/2021] +Ah Heng: Natural me friend work in flavoring company avoid certain food products
[0:40 pm, 22/07/2021] +Rama: Wth!?
[0:41 pm, 22/07/2021] +Ken Loh: It is emergency approved… numbers administrated don’t means is done.
[0:41 pm, 22/07/2021] +Rama: Will they when push comes to shove!?
[0:41 pm, 22/07/2021] +Ah Heng: all vaccine are under emergency clause
[0:41 pm, 22/07/2021] +Ah Heng: For covid
[0:41 pm, 22/07/2021] ☸️ Danny 心:
Fosun-BioNTech mRNA vaccines will be approved by China as booster.
[0:42 pm, 22/07/2021] ☸️ Danny 心:
Infected with covid more serious than getting the vaccines.
[0:42 pm, 22/07/2021] +Ah Heng: thus no fish prawn also good
[0:43 pm, 22/07/2021] +Ah Heng: same like what we discussed earlier for those cannot take mrna , let sinX be in the list as an alternative
[0:43 pm, 22/07/2021] +Ah Heng: is better den 0
[0:44 pm, 22/07/2021] +Ken Loh: Young man… dare to risk it… hence the vaccination rate among young in developed countries are Low
[0:45 pm, 22/07/2021] +Rama: S’pore police apologise to Duxton Road restaurant after mistaking it as pivoted nightlife establishment
[0:46 pm, 22/07/2021] ☸️ Danny 心: US CDC Fauci justification for vaccination. US will still have polio if no vaccination.
[0:46 pm, 22/07/2021] ☸️ Danny 心:
1 million people in UK suffer from long covid - the long term effects of covid for those infected.
It is not normal endemic flu.
Covid is a severe effect virus.
[0:46 pm, 22/07/2021] ☸️ Danny 心:
Majority of covid misinformation come from 12 people.
[0:46 pm, 22/07/2021] ☸️ Danny 心:
Singapore cannot open as fast as Israel and UK because of 3 reasons :-
1. Their elderly has 90 - 95% full Vaccination.
2. Their population full Vaccination higher than us.
3. They have traumatic infection among the whole population and thus has higher immunity.
[0:48 pm, 22/07/2021] +Ben: I don't understand why there are events up to 50 people with no testing. Surely only tested or vaccinated people should be allowed.
[0:48 pm, 22/07/2021] ☸️ Danny 心:
COVID-19 (coronavirus): Long-term effects
COVID-19 symptoms can sometimes persist for months. The virus can damage the lungs, heart and brain, which increases the risk of long-term health problems.
[0:48 pm, 22/07/2021] +Ben: Seems like all the compromises are in place for people who don't want to be vaccinated.
[0:49 pm, 22/07/2021] +Ben: Are they unvaccinated due to lack of supplies or because of stubborness?
[0:49 pm, 22/07/2021] +Ben: Or because medically not fit?
[0:50 pm, 22/07/2021] ☸️ Danny 心:
Because fear of death from vaccines.
[0:50 pm, 22/07/2021] +Ben: Those that are stubborn are causing these restrictions to be put in place for the rest of us, and putting our kids are risk, and could increase variants. Why are we compromising for them?
[0:51 pm, 22/07/2021] +Ben: That is stubborness then, to accept the facts. They would rather die from Covid, or worse infect others.
[0:52 pm, 22/07/2021] +Ben: If we are so concerned for their wellbeing and the risk of Covid is real, then why not mandate vaccination?
[0:52 pm, 22/07/2021] +Ben: The roadblock seems to be our own people.
[0:53 pm, 22/07/2021] ☸️ Danny 心:
Only mandate compulsory vaccination - then can make elderly vaccinate.
All other persuasion fail to work including advise by their personal doctors.
[0:53 pm, 22/07/2021] +Ben: Yes good way to put it.
[0:54 pm, 22/07/2021] +Ben: Exactly. Time to put our efforts where our voices are. Time to require vaccination, or those people that refuse must stay home.
[0:55 pm, 22/07/2021] +Ben: Nearly 4 billion:
[0:55 pm, 22/07/2021] +Peter T Ng: Should be prosecuted?
[0:55 pm, 22/07/2021] +Ben: Obviously this is from all the different types, but enough surely
[0:57 pm, 22/07/2021] +Ben: Yes, because this is an emergency. Either way, there have been more doses administed than there ever could be in a testing environment.
[0:57 pm, 22/07/2021] +Ben: This is helpful and gives good perspective.
[0:58 pm, 22/07/2021] +Ben: Anti-vaxxers may well say 'told you so' if there is a problem later. But equally, we have a problem now. Surely logic tells us to deal with the actual real problem we are faced with and not a hypothetical problem in the future, one that has no evidence to suggest it will ever happen.
[1:03 pm, 22/07/2021] +Ken Loh: To be frank I took not cause I believe in the vaccine.
But is mainly for job opportunities as well as convenience of being vaccinated.
[1:04 pm, 22/07/2021] +Ken Loh: I have quite serious side effects… fever on the high side(39) and was not functioning for 4 days.
[1:08 pm, 22/07/2021] +Ben: Yes, imagine if you had been infected with Covid? and I hope you are well now? I had a friend who also had fever for 3-4 days. I was lucky as were most of my friends and had no side effects. Do you think the message about side affects has put too much fear into people?
[1:10 pm, 22/07/2021] +Ben: If the concern is that some elderly will get unpleasant side effects and people/family don't want to put them through that, then I apologise if my tone has been a little insensitive.
[1:11 pm, 22/07/2021] +Ben: I do however think we need to put things into perspective. If we are worried about elderly catching covid, which will be much worse, then potential vaccine side effects are a price we must pay. If we are not worried about elderly getting covid, then why all the restrictions?
[1:14 pm, 22/07/2021] +Ken Loh: Not to instill fear but to acknowledge that side effect will be present.
Be given the right for knowledge some may have worst but if you kena at least you known the risk before taking , on the part mandatory vaccination either all take if not the vaccine won’t fulfilled its purpose.
[1:28 pm, 22/07/2021] +Joseph Ong: Not necessarily true. It might have the negative effect of giving them a false sense of security and "licence" to behave even more irresponsibly.
[1:28 pm, 22/07/2021] +Joseph Ong: My main fear now, is that those from the JFP and KTV cluster who have tested positive, many of whom, obviously had been taking the pandemic lightly - seeing how they were mostly not vaccinated, but were anyway ignoring safety measures - will mostly not fall seriously ill.
In fact many will remain asymptomatic. And this will probably reinforce their belief that they were right all along when they ignored advise on safe-distancing and enhanced personal hygiene.
Think about it. They were already behaving irresponsibly before. After they recover from the virus, gained natural antibodies/immunity, and probably were not seriously ill throughout the time they were CV19 positive, do you not think they will (1) be emboldened to behave even more irresponsibly, and (2) if they ever test positive (using self test kits) again, just just ignore the positive test results as long as they are bedridden and continue with their merry ways, all the while infecting more people around them?
[1:30 pm, 22/07/2021] +Joseph Ong: If the irresponsible behavior continues, then I suspect, it will come a day very soon, when a highly infectious and much more deadly variant appears. Maybe then, will such behaviour be eliminated...along with the host.
[1:33 pm, 22/07/2021] ☸️ Danny 心:
[1:34 pm, 22/07/2021] ☸️ Danny 心:
That's why mandatory vaccination - will help the elderly.
Else talk until the cow come home also cannot get them vaccinated.
[1:56 pm, 22/07/2021] +REACH: nee*Wet markets, hawker centres, coffee shops go quiet on Day 1 of stricter Covid-19 rules*
SINGAPORE - The usual din was missing at wet markets, hawker centres and coffee shops as tighter Covid-19 safety rules kicked in on Thursday (July 22). Some of these markets have also made it mandatory for visitors to use the TraceTogether (TT) contact tracing app or token, among other stricter rules rolled out from Thursday.
[1:56 pm, 22/07/2021] ☸️ Danny 心:
200,000 elderly unvaccinated.
Very concern.
Because it can easily overwhelm our hospitals resources if so many elderly don't get vaccinated.
This is the main reason why we need again to lockdown.
To resolve the root cause of lockdown - get elderly to vaccinate.
If elderly refuse to vaccinate out of misguided fear - despite all efforts to educate them fail --- mandate compulsory vaccination for their own good and for the good of the community.
1. Community don't need to suffer from lockdown - mental pressure, social disintegration.
2. People won't lose business and job lost due to lockdown.
3. Our economy won't suffer.
4. It won't have financial impact on our national finance - to support business and jobs.
[1:58 pm, 22/07/2021] +Ken Loh: No vaccination no market, coffee shop, or supermarket, cc events lol
Maybe they will consider then
[1:58 pm, 22/07/2021] +Ken Loh: 🤣 later kena wack 🤣🤣
[2:00 pm, 22/07/2021] ☸️ Danny 心:
So many efforts to enforce.
Compare to l stroke in the law.
Mandatory vaccination - just 2 words.
No need to argue, enforcement, quarrel, fight in the street - more social problem.
[2:01 pm, 22/07/2021] +Ken Loh: Mandatory vaccination… so far how many countries do that? 🤣
Later people say no human rights
[2:01 pm, 22/07/2021] +Rama: Life sentencing!
[2:02 pm, 22/07/2021] ☸️ Danny 心:
Then got to live with periodic lockdown.
[2:02 pm, 22/07/2021] +Ken Loh: Or denied access to public location own by government other than healthcare related venue
[2:02 pm, 22/07/2021] +Ken Loh: This will kill the country over time slowly
[2:03 pm, 22/07/2021] ☸️ Danny 心:
So mandatory vaccination or periodic lockdown?
Very easy to choose.
[2:03 pm, 22/07/2021] +Ken Loh: In the name of protecting government workers 😁
[2:03 pm, 22/07/2021] +Ken Loh: Referendum?
[2:03 pm, 22/07/2021] +Peter T Ng: Not to that extent, but we need to make a point for intentional cases
[2:04 pm, 22/07/2021] ☸️ Danny 心:
I don't mind.
If majority support, then elderly got no choice but to do compulsory vaccination.
[2:04 pm, 22/07/2021] +Ken Loh: Make more sense to me.. majority agree that it has to be done.. unless otherwise
[2:04 pm, 22/07/2021] +Ken Loh: 🤣
[2:07 pm, 22/07/2021] +Ben: This many
[2:07 pm, 22/07/2021] +Ben: See above
[2:08 pm, 22/07/2021] +Ken Loh: Only 3? The rest is certain adult?
[2:08 pm, 22/07/2021] +Rama: Resident from East Coast GRC writes open letter to Heng Swee Keat, urges him to consider expanding the Job Support Scheme
[2:09 pm, 22/07/2021] +Ben: Yes, but even that is good. We could mandate gor over 65s for example
[2:09 pm, 22/07/2021] +Ben: And those who work with children
[2:09 pm, 22/07/2021] +Rama: Sun Xueling called out for saying she understands “both sides” concerning discrimination against Vietnamese in SG
[2:10 pm, 22/07/2021] +KS Foong: Flavoring company also encourage their staff to go for vaccination. Unfortunately, there are alway some people want to wait and see.
[2:10 pm, 22/07/2021] +Ben: There should be no tolerance or understanding for those who racially discriminate.
[2:11 pm, 22/07/2021] +Rama: 81-year-old man unable to use MediSave for S$128 A&E bill, questions if it can be used to buy his coffin
[2:11 pm, 22/07/2021] +Ken Loh: Lol know too much 🤣🤣
[2:13 pm, 22/07/2021] +Laurent:
These are the real casualties of the lockdowns, local entrepreneur losing everything and left without a way to make a living
[2:13 pm, 22/07/2021] +Ben: Agreed. This really can't go on.
[2:14 pm, 22/07/2021] +Ben: Maybe there should be an invaccinated tax to help pay for these lockdowns
[2:14 pm, 22/07/2021] +Ken Loh: Government can only give support so long… give more than future plans how?
[2:14 pm, 22/07/2021] ☸️ Danny 心:
1. Referendum for the whole population to vote and decide is a good suggestion.
2. Government won't be accuse of being dictatorial or someone say human rights.
3. Because it is a collective decision by the government and the people using vote to decide - economy or mandatory vaccination.
[2:14 pm, 22/07/2021] +Laurent: If it s endemic as we were told 2 weeks ago, we have to stop counted the daily cases. We never counted daily cases of dengue or flue
[2:14 pm, 22/07/2021] +Laurent: flu
[2:14 pm, 22/07/2021] +Ken Loh: To a certain extend I feel that grant have to set a limit.. if not our future kids suffer
[2:15 pm, 22/07/2021] ☸️ Danny 心:
No we have not declare endemic.
Only plan to.
Now premature to talk about endemic.
[2:15 pm, 22/07/2021] +Jack: MOH and CPF should review the policy.. already 81 years still cannot use. How long do you think he can live until
[2:15 pm, 22/07/2021] +Ben: Seems that our kids are at risk from both their health and finances.
[2:18 pm, 22/07/2021] +Ken Loh: 200 000 elderly not vaccinated… 10% serious case 😅 no joke.. definitely too early to do that
[2:19 pm, 22/07/2021] +Rama: 😞😔😟🤦♀️🤷♂️😓😥
[2:21 pm, 22/07/2021] +Rama: Netizens bombard Lawrence Wong with various pleas after return to HA Phase 2 announcement
[2:22 pm, 22/07/2021] ☸️ Danny 心:
51% past the post will decide mandatory vaccination or economy.
[2:23 pm, 22/07/2021] +Rama: Yes
[2:23 pm, 22/07/2021] +Ben: This is troubling on so many levels. If a maid would resort to such lies to get a transfer, as the judge suggests, then the system is broken. If she did not lie then the system is broken.
[2:24 pm, 22/07/2021] +Ken Loh: This is sad… elite school has it fair shares of issue..
hence I don’t envy them. Although they have way more resources and interesting CCA or courses.
[2:25 pm, 22/07/2021] +Ben: Pressure of education system, social deprivation, lack of support for children during cold. We are breeding a metal health problem right now.
[2:25 pm, 22/07/2021] +Ben: Kids can't play, can't socialise, school hasn't adapted.
[2:25 pm, 22/07/2021] +Ben: Still just focused on test results.
[2:26 pm, 22/07/2021] +Ben: Many families with 1 child, reluctance from parents to let them socialise.
[2:27 pm, 22/07/2021] +Ben: My kid doesn't want to go to football anymore, now that he has to wear a mask while playing
[2:27 pm, 22/07/2021] +Ben: And that is in a group of 2!
[2:27 pm, 22/07/2021] +Ken Loh: Being highly efficient in education has it down side as well…
We focus more on marks, although there are push to be away from it.
But generally we are still more inline to do well for school in order to make it.
Parents plays a huge part in instilling a proper mindset. As well as school acceptance of failure. Kick down to normal cause fail English by one mark 🤦🏻♂️ that was crazy which I went through 🥲
[2:28 pm, 22/07/2021] +Ken Loh: But a single failure don’t means that the system fail totally.. just need more adjustment to find the right balance between stress and time to breathe
[2:30 pm, 22/07/2021] +Ben: Yes and the point is that right now it is very hard to do that. Parent work from home, a lot of stress, no space. School needs to rethink its focus.
[2:31 pm, 22/07/2021] +Ben: Amazing how Singapore has zero tolerance in some areas, but not in others. I guess the elderly are revered whilst children are not
[2:34 pm, 22/07/2021] +Joseph Ong: Our education is very obviously and seriously flawed! I can't understand how the MOE and our Education Ministers (recent) past and present, not realise the system broken when the majority of our students need endless enrishment/tuition just to keep up.
[2:37 pm, 22/07/2021] +Ah Heng: takes 2 hands to clap -> authorities and society
[2:37 pm, 22/07/2021] +Joseph Ong: Parents with Primary school going kids will know what I am talking about
[2:37 pm, 22/07/2021] +Ah Heng: society kia su, authorities tries to model some other countries
[2:37 pm, 22/07/2021] +Ken Loh: There is stream where we can get back from… but the general opinion of public is quite demoralising… if you don’t make it if you don’t progress normally.
But not many people know…
I have friends that go ITE->poly(dean list) -> UNI (scholar)
[2:38 pm, 22/07/2021] +Ah Heng: sorry to divert but J.ONG brough up a good point
[2:38 pm, 22/07/2021] +Ken Loh: Some are just late boomer
[2:38 pm, 22/07/2021] +Ah Heng: yes why stream
[2:38 pm, 22/07/2021] +Ah Heng: what is the thing about k2 learinng multiply and pri learning equation
[2:38 pm, 22/07/2021] +Ah Heng: whats the deal with the way the structure simple question to which sometime caught parent dumb founded
[2:38 pm, 22/07/2021] +Joseph Ong: of course... even a broken clock tells the time correctly twice a day...
the question is, is the example you cited, the norm or the exceptions
[2:38 pm, 22/07/2021] +Ken Loh: Actually we learn way earlier now… till you reach Zuni actual not much things to learn 🤣
[2:39 pm, 22/07/2021] +Ken Loh: Uni”
[2:39 pm, 22/07/2021] +Ah Heng: yeah thus we local no need go uni
[2:39 pm, 22/07/2021] +Ah Heng: hahahahha
[2:39 pm, 22/07/2021] +Ken Loh: Poly first 3 years are learning University stuff for first 2 years unless specialise course
[2:40 pm, 22/07/2021] +Ken Loh: Secondary school A maths lol not many use when go Uni for some course… but is a prerequisite for you to score well in order to get in some course that are popular
[2:41 pm, 22/07/2021] +Ah Heng: i orefer the good old days system (minus the streaming)
[2:41 pm, 22/07/2021] +Ken Loh: It’s tough next time need to teach genetic and coding to kids in primary lol
[2:41 pm, 22/07/2021] +Ken Loh: Good luck to me 🤦🏻♂️
[2:41 pm, 22/07/2021] +Ah Heng: we learn about practical things and methods to allow us comprehend the basic well , enabling us to move up one stage ,
[2:41 pm, 22/07/2021] +Ah Heng: dam stupid shit
[2:42 pm, 22/07/2021] +Ah Heng: coding alot of ppl say easy but why force ppl to eat shit when other liek to eat rice right
[2:42 pm, 22/07/2021] +Ken Loh: Lucky I am biological trained lol.. can’t imagine parents that are not inclined to coding and biology 🤣
[2:42 pm, 22/07/2021] +Ah Heng: coding is like art u need to have the passion and creative
[2:42 pm, 22/07/2021] +Ah Heng: anyway no matter how hard we are train locally we are not as good as FT
[2:42 pm, 22/07/2021] +Ah Heng: hahahaha
[2:42 pm, 22/07/2021] +Ah Heng: face it
[2:43 pm, 22/07/2021] +Ken Loh: Eventually all work will have some sort of coding just how much…
Just like excel,words PowerPoint we don’t even put in resume any more
[2:43 pm, 22/07/2021] +REACH: Major cinema chains ready to return to phase two (heightened alert) curbs
SINGAPORE - Three major cinema chains have told The Straits Times that they are ready to return to the phase two (heightened alert) measures from Thursday (July 22), with some stating their disappointment at the re-introduction of restrictions.
[2:44 pm, 22/07/2021] +Ah Heng: lets not divert
[2:44 pm, 22/07/2021] +Ah Heng: else later Reach pissed off
[2:44 pm, 22/07/2021] +Ah Heng: anyway so confirmed now ktv is spread from fishery ?
[2:45 pm, 22/07/2021] +Ah Heng: so in twist of fate ktv is our white knight can i say that
[2:46 pm, 22/07/2021] +Ken Loh: Lol
[2:47 pm, 22/07/2021] +Ken Loh: Seems like that’s the direction they are presenting coming from Indonesian fisherman
[2:47 pm, 22/07/2021] +Joseph Ong: i think the problem is that our Education Ministers and senior MOE staffers in charge of policy/curriculum planning are mostly scholars.
There are a few obvious problems with this:
1. The scholars are obviously the ones who had excelled within the MOE system which the majority of our students/population have difficulty doing well in - for different reasons
2. These scholars' reinforce the "broken system" because to them, it worked. It produced "outstanding people" like themselves, so each succeeding Minister/"curriculum designer" perpetuates this same system and environment with a slight tweak...
3. Each succeeding Scholar in the Administration needs to leave his/her mark ie. sometime needs to be tweaked to make it slightly different, yet produce "better" outsomes eg. more scholars like themselves who do well in International tests/exams
[2:47 pm, 22/07/2021] +Ken Loh: Based on the results
[2:48 pm, 22/07/2021] +Ken Loh: Lol what about our famous naval officer? “Where’s your badge”
[2:48 pm, 22/07/2021] +Ah Heng: these Scholar or brains have not walk the ground ... thus to be a Scholar it should introduced they start from the lowest rank and walk the ground to grind them to be better tool of the society
[2:49 pm, 22/07/2021] +Ah Heng: then the society have to start thanking the ktv people ! ithout their kia si attitude we will be in a deeper and wider issue....
[2:49 pm, 22/07/2021] +Ah Heng: so now mbs also closed
[2:49 pm, 22/07/2021] +Ken Loh: 🤣🤣 I doubt they will
[2:50 pm, 22/07/2021] +Ah Heng: where are the voices ...for mbs who is to blame .. sg gamblers or the butterflies inside or the pretty / handsome dealers
[2:50 pm, 22/07/2021] +Joseph Ong: during my time in school, in my generation, I have witnessed a lot so called late bloomers amongst my friends/peers. I fully believe in that.Which is why I worry, seeing how our education system has evolved.
In today's system, not many will be given the chance to "bloom late", and especially if the family is not financially well-off, the odds are even worse. It is what perpetuates the divide between the "elites" and the rest
[2:51 pm, 22/07/2021] +Ken Loh: Err anyone here interested in the 16 year old boy arh.. so far no news or did I missed it?
[2:51 pm, 22/07/2021] +Ah Heng: my objective WHY ARE SOCIETY FINDING FAULT , Lets focus on getting thing correct like the basic sop which till date residents still cannot
[2:51 pm, 22/07/2021] +Ah Heng: let's leave the 16th yr old once side
[2:51 pm, 22/07/2021] +Ah Heng: if the latest alumni article is valid ... it seems the school also got a hand to play
[2:51 pm, 22/07/2021] +Ken Loh: I mean the vaccination case one
[2:52 pm, 22/07/2021] +Ken Loh: Not the axe one
[2:52 pm, 22/07/2021] +Ah Heng: ooo hahahahaha
[2:52 pm, 22/07/2021] +Ah Heng: under the carpet
[2:52 pm, 22/07/2021] +Ken Loh: My side a suicide case yesterday 😣
[2:52 pm, 22/07/2021] +Ah Heng: last was out of ICU but need to depend on something something .. dun know
[2:53 pm, 22/07/2021] +65 9818 9070: Having teenagers return to a horrific crime scene in less than 48 hours is NOT resilience and is nothing to be proud of!
[2:54 pm, 22/07/2021] +Ken Loh: Body there 😣
[2:54 pm, 22/07/2021] +Smiley face: success is the sum of struggles. challenges and failures!"
-- Ian T
"falling like failure, it is the bone and muscle of character building...!"
-- Ian T
"Comfort, entitlement and ego are path towards failure, the beginning of the end! "
-- Ian T
[2:54 pm, 22/07/2021] +REACH: Dear contributors, please be reminded to keep to the topic that is being discussed. We have had good feedback from this group, and we hope that we can keep the discussion robust and active!
- Megan
[2:55 pm, 22/07/2021] +Joseph Ong: exactly. Its so ridiculous!
On the one hand, the G acknowledges the general lack of creativity amongst our people, encourage creative arts through grants etc, while on the other hand, the education system boxes the kids in through the way they are forced to only reply with prepared and narrowly.focused/fixed answers in tests and exams
Its no longer enough to demonstrate that you have the requisite knowledge. Kids now only get the "full marks" when they answer even general questions with fixed responses containing certain key words 😳
[2:56 pm, 22/07/2021] +Ah Heng: see tell u all liao
[2:56 pm, 22/07/2021] +Ah Heng: make the pretty ger angwee
[2:56 pm, 22/07/2021] +Ah Heng: later she kick all of us out the group den cry no tears
[2:56 pm, 22/07/2021] +Ken Loh: Lol too far refresh up first
[2:56 pm, 22/07/2021] +Ah Heng: megan kiv this education topic for us one day ok
[2:56 pm, 22/07/2021] +Ah Heng: is impt for our future generation
[2:57 pm, 22/07/2021] +Ah Heng: ok u all enjoy discussing i given my part dun wan sound like a leylong loud hailer say the same thing again and again
[2:57 pm, 22/07/2021] +Ken Loh: Mental health need to take care 😅 lockdown really will do thinks to the mind
[2:57 pm, 22/07/2021] +Ken Loh: WFH is good… but for how long… I am quite drain at home
[2:58 pm, 22/07/2021] +Ah Heng: i am worried about our kids
[2:58 pm, 22/07/2021] +Ah Heng: lock down those in k1 and below no class
[2:59 pm, 22/07/2021] +Ah Heng: some missed school for 1 mth some more with additional blackout period to school by parents
[2:59 pm, 22/07/2021] +Ben: Please take note Reach this is a very appropriate and valid topic for future discussion. I hope we can see Education as an official line of debate soon.
[2:59 pm, 22/07/2021] +Ah Heng: wah 2 votes for education discussion okok next time
[3:00 pm, 22/07/2021] +Ah Heng: now lets not pissed megan off hahahaha
[3:00 pm, 22/07/2021] +Ah Heng: she busy copy and paste our ideas for brains ontop to beautify it hahahahaa
[3:01 pm, 22/07/2021] +Ah Heng: megan suggest u put disclaimer that ideas discussed here are not copy rights applicable
[3:01 pm, 22/07/2021] +Ben: I look forward to further discussion on this in the future.
[3:01 pm, 22/07/2021] +Suma pamu: +1
[3:01 pm, 22/07/2021] +Ah Heng: else one day reach tio copy rights law suite
[3:04 pm, 22/07/2021] +Ken Loh: +1
But actually I have lesser issue with it. Somehow I found my way within the system. Although a longer way… still complete my degree at 30
[3:05 pm, 22/07/2021] +Ah Heng: u wanna tio pban liao Ken .....
[3:05 pm, 22/07/2021] +Kevin: Better don’t open
[3:05 pm, 22/07/2021] +Ken Loh: Character building is important… somehow I GSK it through support from parent to do volunteer work.
All the way to management in terms of organising for the community. Helps a lot with character building
[3:05 pm, 22/07/2021] +Ah Heng: she give 1st volley liao u still carry on hahahaha
[3:06 pm, 22/07/2021] +Ken Loh: 😅?
[3:06 pm, 22/07/2021] +Ah Heng: agree
[3:06 pm, 22/07/2021] +Ah Heng: public ban
[3:06 pm, 22/07/2021] +Ah Heng: hahahahaha
[3:06 pm, 22/07/2021] +Ah Heng: actually all these business in singapore they keep taking profit but when crisis come all cry father and monther what it shows?
[3:06 pm, 22/07/2021] +Ken Loh: 😅😅 I will write in to MPS 🤣🤣
[3:07 pm, 22/07/2021] +Ah Heng: now begging for govt to help ?
[3:07 pm, 22/07/2021] +Ken Loh: Yah… that’s why I say help cannot be no limit
[3:07 pm, 22/07/2021] +Ah Heng: ok we come to rental later so keep rental out of the equation .....
[3:07 pm, 22/07/2021] +Ah Heng: i see it as Govt is like carrot head keep giving in
[3:07 pm, 22/07/2021] +Ken Loh: Some are not workable business… need to pivot not take money to tide over… almost 2 years Liao
[3:07 pm, 22/07/2021] +Ah Heng: yes downside jobless rate goes up
[3:08 pm, 22/07/2021] +Ah Heng: but we cannot be feeding them also
[3:08 pm, 22/07/2021] +Ken Loh: Jobless than people will move to the new job.. that make sense that can earn money
[3:08 pm, 22/07/2021] +Ken Loh: There are still many jobs just might not be ideal but a job is a job
[3:08 pm, 22/07/2021] +Ah Heng: if based on this kind of rate it shows the business are also living hand to mouth on noral time cannot be mah look at the rate the riches numbers are growing
[3:09 pm, 22/07/2021] +Smiley face: 'Social mobility is chance, access and accessibility... "
-- Ian T
[3:09 pm, 22/07/2021] +Ah Heng: sda is a good opening we need alot of sda if we want everyone to be socially responsible
[3:09 pm, 22/07/2021] +Ah Heng: and they pay well ......i learnt
[3:09 pm, 22/07/2021] +Ken Loh: That’s include my mum business 🤦🏻♂️
Ask her close don’t close 🤷🏻♂️
Government grant give her lifeline to pay rent only 😒
Prolong the death of the business
[3:09 pm, 22/07/2021] +Ah Heng: not those what 2.5k or 3k ask u stand in market or walk here and there job
[3:09 pm, 22/07/2021] +Ah Heng: is good figure pay hor
[3:10 pm, 22/07/2021] +Ken Loh: No prospect but good pay..
from there find what you want to do lor
[3:10 pm, 22/07/2021] +Ken Loh: Now got tray returning officer
[3:10 pm, 22/07/2021] +Ken Loh: 🤣
[3:11 pm, 22/07/2021] +Ah Heng: no prawn fish also good
[3:11 pm, 22/07/2021] +Ken Loh: Is a way to find if you are good with customer relationship officer
[3:12 pm, 22/07/2021] +Ah Heng: so this area govt have to look into i dun wan our next generation have little to fend for themselves
[3:12 pm, 22/07/2021] +Ken Loh: Of enforcement officer
[3:13 pm, 22/07/2021] +Ah Heng: next for old folks stop say their are stubborn .. find out the actual cause (Reach have alot of ideas now from the ground) work on it and use a bit of the rescue business money ton this group .. my suggestion give them full package health check , help them be assure first den slide in the vaccination + effects to the next generations aka their kids / grandchildren / do they want to be know xxx die from covid, and have ppl spit on their grave forever.....
[3:14 pm, 22/07/2021] +Ah Heng: stop being so so gentle
[3:14 pm, 22/07/2021] +Ah Heng: how long do we wanna to be gentle
[3:14 pm, 22/07/2021] +Ken Loh: Singapore got many good jobs just that no one apply only mah…
Factory technician 2 to 3k with shift allowance no local want to do for long - 10 years average in oil and gas is about 5 to 7k
[3:15 pm, 22/07/2021] +Ken Loh: See many people leave… due to working shift although good pay
[3:15 pm, 22/07/2021] +Joseph Ong: At risk of being accused of stereotyping, I dare say many of those who frequent these few venues are the same group of people.
Work >> JFP/Wet Mkt/Food Stalls
Leisure >> KTV and Casino
[3:15 pm, 22/07/2021] +Ah Heng: is not dun wan sometimes is the environment
[3:15 pm, 22/07/2021] +Ah Heng: some companies have stinky reputation
[3:15 pm, 22/07/2021] +Ah Heng: BING GO ! U HIT THE JACKPOT!
[3:16 pm, 22/07/2021] +Ken Loh: Earn a living… unless you change, really the pay isn’t bad…
But many of my classmate don’t stay long in the industry
Class of 26, only less than 10 in the chemical industry
[3:16 pm, 22/07/2021] +Smiley face:
[3:18 pm, 22/07/2021] +Ah Heng: whatever our suggestion is one fact cannot run
[3:19 pm, 22/07/2021] ☸️ Danny 心:
Singapore buying Novavax - non-mRNA vaccine.
[3:20 pm, 22/07/2021] +Ah Heng: all vacc are under emergency use thus we see periodically the risky side effects coming out on overseas news unless ome one tell me those are FAKES SITES (CNN / BBC, etc) and the fact is once u kenna covid ur body is wack .... till date did not read one case where it recover and is 99% normal
[3:37 pm, 22/07/2021] +Ben: This is from a month ago!
[3:37 pm, 22/07/2021] +Rama: We need the various clan associations help to reach out.
[3:37 pm, 22/07/2021] +Ah Heng: again am not saying vacc is no good but we must get the oldies to buy in against the fact laid out ... so they go with an open heart for the vacc
[3:37 pm, 22/07/2021] +Boon: Dear REACH, differentiated measures, for people vaccinated with "national" vaccines versus those who are unvaccinated or vaccinated with Sinovac/non-national vaccines, will be disruptive to work, society and family. There will be people who are unvaccinated for good reasons including health. People can also prefer to be vaccinated at this time with Sinovac/non-mRNA methods for reasons including to avoid the risks of mRNA side effects of fever, chills, etc that their body's old injuries and aches cannot bear. These people will include the aged and seniors amongst us, and differentiated Covid measures can and will marginalise these people since they cannot socialise in larger groups and possibly subject them to ostracism since others can and will exclude them; the messages in this chat room are already indicative of such tendencies. If the govt is for everyone, stands for equality and non-discrimination of minorities, why can't the govt also drive a choice of vaccines (non mRNA + mRNA) that can also address this group of people's concerns, instead of social carrot incentives-stick punishment approach with differentiated measures? Reference:
[3:38 pm, 22/07/2021] ☸️ Danny 心:
Mandatory vaccination.
[3:39 pm, 22/07/2021] +Rama: Stop beating around the Bush and let's have an open Singapore conversation to get it through an emergency sitting of parliament if necessary!?
[3:39 pm, 22/07/2021] +Caleb: This is to 'protect' the unvaccinated ones from the virus.
[3:40 pm, 22/07/2021] +Caleb: Gov put it this way
[3:40 pm, 22/07/2021] +Caleb: Gov also said is 90% then may not have differentiated measures
[3:40 pm, 22/07/2021] +Caleb: If not those 12 years and below poor thing
[3:41 pm, 22/07/2021] ☸️ Danny 心:
To make things simple & prevent discrimination.
Make everything equal - all vaccinate.
Mandatory vaccination!
[3:41 pm, 22/07/2021] +Caleb: *if 90% vax
[3:41 pm, 22/07/2021] +Rama: MTF has to be bold and start hinting on mandatory vaccination!
[3:41 pm, 22/07/2021] +Caleb: When will Pfizer and Moderna being past phase 3?
[3:42 pm, 22/07/2021] +Caleb: *bring
[3:42 pm, 22/07/2021] +Boon: If SG says that Sinovac is not an approved vaccine; how should Chinese and other Sinovac-vaccinated travellers treat Singapore? Should Sg people still meet them in Sg since these visitors will not be on Pfizer/Moderna? Should they avoid Singapore? Should Singapore people visit China for business meetings since nearly everyone there will be on Sinovac. What is a consistent policy for cross-border travels and domestic activities? Will Singapore then practice discriminative vaccine passports i.e. allowing only visitors with Pfizer/Moderna and no one else into Singapore?
[3:43 pm, 22/07/2021] ☸️ Danny 心:
If billion doses administer and protected - why don't impose mandatory vaccination?
[3:43 pm, 22/07/2021] ☸️ Danny 心:
Fosun-BioNTech mRNA vaccines will be approved by China as booster.
[3:44 pm, 22/07/2021] ☸️ Danny 心:
Go by science.
If Sinovac is not effective - no need to pretend it is effective.
[3:44 pm, 22/07/2021] +Ken Loh: This is the same as Pfizer one… they use the same sequence… Fosun share with Pfizer
[3:44 pm, 22/07/2021] +Ken Loh: So technically is china vaccine lol
[3:45 pm, 22/07/2021] +Ah Heng: side line abit this vaccine things had been tinted with politics thus people are listening to the govt rather than WHO ... WHO in this case seems like talking to the air .....certain govt is listening to them
[3:46 pm, 22/07/2021] +Ken Loh: Is a fosun-BioNTech-Pfizer joint venture development
[3:47 pm, 22/07/2021] +Rama: Certain quarters have issues with WHO on the neutrality of their so called professional advice on vaccine so doesn't help when even medical professionals have doubts.
[3:47 pm, 22/07/2021] +Ah Heng: ang mo vaccine or china vaccine as long as it can help stop the vaccine is it not better den 0 vaccine
[3:47 pm, 22/07/2021] +Ah Heng: serious i dun know whats this comparision which is good which is bad
[3:48 pm, 22/07/2021] +Ah Heng: and if you see the media is pretty one sided like how ang mo vaccine is like god made while china vaccine is like dirt
[3:48 pm, 22/07/2021] ☸️ Danny 心:
Hundreds of doctors and medical staff die despite full Vaccination from Sinovac.
So Singapore should take a principle stand about the use of vaccines.
If effective, we stand by it.
If not effective, we don't pretend it is effective.
[3:48 pm, 22/07/2021] +Ken Loh: Not really a issue.. just harder for people to take if they know is develop by china 🤣
[3:48 pm, 22/07/2021] +Ah Heng: they forget some countries are sooo poor they cannot buy ... to give them something is better to leave them in the open
[3:48 pm, 22/07/2021] +Rama: Vaccine will have to be modified as the variant emerges.
[3:48 pm, 22/07/2021] +Ken Loh: Hence they use the Pfizer-BioNTech name
[3:48 pm, 22/07/2021] +Ken Loh: Omitting fosun”
[3:49 pm, 22/07/2021] ☸️ Danny 心:
It is the same as Pfizer-biontech.
BioNTech make the mRNA vaccines.
[3:49 pm, 22/07/2021] +Boon: Dear REACH @+REACH, is SG trading off long-term risks of health issues for short term "confidence"? mRNA is by all account a new technology that is powerful. It is also new and its long term health effects are still unknown - and no one can make any guarantees that there will be no direct or indirect negative effects. As our nationally approved vaccines are all on mRNA, are we placing all of our "bets" that there will be no long term effects to disrupt the family and society? Won't it be more prudent if there is choice of different vaccine's basis so that our society can better manage future (unknown) risks?
[3:49 pm, 22/07/2021] +Rama: Food for thought!.
[3:49 pm, 22/07/2021] +Ken Loh: Same…. Go google all the joint venture release available on internet which I shared previously
[3:50 pm, 22/07/2021] +Boon: Yes, virus is adaptive.
[3:50 pm, 22/07/2021] +Ah Heng: if the western vaccine so good give it to the poor country like africa .. is more than meets the eye from what i see
[3:50 pm, 22/07/2021] +Ah Heng: which one good or does not matter cos delta is not the last we will see per WHO interview on monday
[3:50 pm, 22/07/2021] +Ah Heng: and per the interview countries who think they can open up after 90% vaccine is dead wrong as well
[3:50 pm, 22/07/2021] +Ah Heng: go search for the interview
[3:51 pm, 22/07/2021] +Rama: Pharmaceutical companies see profit first before social responsibility
[3:52 pm, 22/07/2021] +Rama:
[3:52 pm, 22/07/2021] ☸️ Danny 心:
Many countries in the world shun Sinovac, sinopharm, AstraZeneca, j&j because either not effective or cause death though rare.
You suggest we use them?
[3:52 pm, 22/07/2021] +Ah Heng: please reh alot of times this had been said but ignore
[3:53 pm, 22/07/2021] +Ah Heng: generally 99% say mrna is safe
[3:53 pm, 22/07/2021] +Ah Heng: wahh spot on plus there is political power the control them i believe
[3:54 pm, 22/07/2021] +Ah Heng: think sinopharm is what they using back in china
[3:54 pm, 22/07/2021] +Rama: Why bring in 200K doses of sinovac with no proper validation, then offer as payment through select private medical practitioner and with no financial assistance!?
[3:54 pm, 22/07/2021] +Rama: Politics definitely!
[3:54 pm, 22/07/2021] +Ah Heng: can't rcall but someone mentioned that here or outside source
[3:56 pm, 22/07/2021] ☸️ Danny 心:
Even China scientists acknowledge Sinovac and sinopharm not effective - must have 3rd booster using mRNA.
Hence Fosun-BioNTech vaccines.
[3:56 pm, 22/07/2021] +Ah Heng: locally our direction must be fixed: vaccine to ensure the safety of our people (NOT TO OPEN UP)no people u open up for what when all in hospital or dying like indonesia or msia now they open up but who is there to drive internal spending
[3:57 pm, 22/07/2021] +Ah Heng: VACCINE FOR OUR PEOPLE .. the oldies must understand if they do not they are highly to introduce delta and its cousin into the family / friends / people around them .... still dun believe show them how people die from covid . show them what happen after when people recover from covid ... this motto must burnt deep into all resident as well
[3:57 pm, 22/07/2021] +Ken Loh: You expect them to do for the greater good fo mankind? 🤣🤣
[3:57 pm, 22/07/2021] +Ken Loh: If not why they ask for wavier
[3:58 pm, 22/07/2021] +Ken Loh: Bring and don’t recognise and let people take really don’t understand this part
[3:59 pm, 22/07/2021] +Ah Heng: actually yes
[3:59 pm, 22/07/2021] +Ah Heng: but reality no
[3:59 pm, 22/07/2021] +Ah Heng: there is some deleted documents on internet bull gates 2-3 yr ago place a bet ... place you rmoney on stock markets on medical companies .....
[3:59 pm, 22/07/2021] +Ah Heng: if that article is valid, unless he is god or some god of wealth .... u know what i mean
[4:00 pm, 22/07/2021] +Ah Heng: exactly legal and jurisdiction right ....
[4:00 pm, 22/07/2021] +Ah Heng: and many people forget these are not formal formula yet is experimental use on emergency
[4:01 pm, 22/07/2021] +Joseph Ong: It is not about the "brand" of the vaccine, rather, its about its effectiveness.
As you mentioned, it is quite clear, at least in this small group of participants, that the majority is more convinced by the Science/data/evidence that mRNA based vaccines are more effective in protecting us against CV19.
So, just as some wish to exercise their right to refuse mRNA vaccines, and choose non-mRNA ones which have so far proven to offer much less protection, esp. against CV19 variants, there are also others, in fact, the majority, who do not feel comfortable interacting with non-mRNA vaccinated persons.
You can't have your cake and eat it too.
As for G policies on this matter, it is obviously constantly under review. The situation is still fluid and evolving, …
[4:01 pm, 22/07/2021] +Ah Heng: but no fish prawn tehory applies
[4:05 pm, 22/07/2021] +Boon: Morphine-based pain killers are very effective yet, it is not used for daily type of aches. Should effectiveness be the only criteria in medicine?
[4:06 pm, 22/07/2021] +Joseph Ong: Very interesting that you worry about the unknown, unproven, undocumented, unfounded longer term health effects of mRNA vaccines while simultaneously ignoring known, proven, documented and devastating long term health effects from people who caught and recovered from CV19 🤔
[4:13 pm, 22/07/2021] +REACH: Residents from 4 blocks near Geylang Serai Market to undergo mandatory Covid-19 testing
SINGAPORE - Residents living in four Housing Board blocks in Sims Avenue will have to undergo mandatory Covid-19 testing, after viral fragments were detected in wastewater samples collected from the blocks.
[4:13 pm, 22/07/2021] +Boon: There was a time when Sg had a policy that those who are not sick with Covid should not wear masks. This is despite other country's experience at that time. Then our policy changed. In the broader scheme of things, there was a long period of time when people also said that Climate risks were unknown and unproven. Should we only act when things are proven and documented - reactive - or should we not also proactively consider future possibilities? What makes a plan robust is when reality and possibilities are both considered as factors to influence policies and strategies.
[4:13 pm, 22/07/2021] +Joseph Ong: if you don't trust the Govts and/or the pharmaceutical companies, then why not spend the time to learn and understand the Science behind the various vaccines.
Even if you insist mRNA is new and untested, which by the way, is not completely true, the Science behind traditional deactivated-virus based vaccines which SinoVac and SinoPharm is based on, has been around long enough.
That, together with understanding how Corona-viruses mutate, spread, and make people ill vs. how deactivated-virus vaccines work, should answer your question on whether claims that the SinoVac vaccine is 95% effective or only 50% effective is true.
[4:16 pm, 22/07/2021] +Joseph Ong: SinoPharm is Chinese Govt company ... SinoVac is Chinese private pharmaceutical company.. both use similar tech/science - viral particle based vaccines.
[4:19 pm, 22/07/2021] +Joseph Ong: Political reasons aside, I think there are people who do not trust mRNA vaccines, but might consider traditional vaccines like SinoVac
[4:19 pm, 22/07/2021] ☸️ Danny 心:
Then you take Sinovac lor.
But you will still be subjected to restriction like those who are unvaccinated.
[4:20 pm, 22/07/2021] +Caleb: Actually NEA need to answer why no SafeEntry enforced at hawkers and markets.
[4:20 pm, 22/07/2021] +Caleb: Before this outbreak
[4:20 pm, 22/07/2021] +Caleb: Can we have a BOI On this
[4:20 pm, 22/07/2021] +Joseph Ong: But since the data has so far shown that such vaccines are less effective, it makes sense that our G channel less financial resources (subsidies) towards it. So, if someone wants a SinoVac Vaccine, then they co-pay for it
[4:20 pm, 22/07/2021] +Ken Loh: Hard and who pay for the manpower cost
[4:20 pm, 22/07/2021] +Ah Heng: j ong thanks for the input
[4:20 pm, 22/07/2021] +Alvin Lim:
[4:20 pm, 22/07/2021] +Boon: The point is about choice of vaccine types, and their impacts to the society now and the future if a lack of accepted national choice can (a) marginalise society, and (b) trades future risk possibilities for short term goals. It is not about XX% effectiveness, since effectiveness depends on the variant of the virus vis-a-vis the variant of the vaccine.
[4:20 pm, 22/07/2021] +Ken Loh: But SDA never do their job?
[4:21 pm, 22/07/2021] +Alvin Lim:
[4:21 pm, 22/07/2021] +Ah Heng: so end o fthe day back to the question better to have 50% or 0 that is what the govt have to make their decision
[4:21 pm, 22/07/2021] +Caleb: Like that not fair to those food court and restaurants
[4:22 pm, 22/07/2021] +Caleb: Once again gov agencies let us down. Just like changi airport
[4:23 pm, 22/07/2021] +Ken Loh: Foodcourt also no enforcement… example KKH 🤣
[4:23 pm, 22/07/2021] +Ken Loh: City square.. many Lar…
[4:23 pm, 22/07/2021] +Ah Heng: effectiveness will change with different variant, also delta again is not the last we going to see WHO had expect more to come about and faster than we can study it... actually they still studying delta as we speak
[4:25 pm, 22/07/2021] +Boon: It is to consider that some people may not be able to take the after-shot effects of Pfizer/Moderna, to chose to wait, and for other reasons. If we can justify to marginalise these people "behind" for this Covid reason, then, in other situations with other reasons, we will start leaving people behind again. How does this approach to "leave those who don't follow the majority" enable us then to emerge stronger as one nation?
[4:26 pm, 22/07/2021] +Caleb: Most side effect are mild or moderate and get better within a few days. Just like any other vax.
[4:27 pm, 22/07/2021] +Caleb: U rather get covid and get ICU or long term side effects?
[4:27 pm, 22/07/2021] +Joseph Ong: Hmm .. sorry to burst your conspiracy bubble, but there have been many, many...many... books and articles written about a coming pandemic over the years. The situation became even more precarious because the Trump administration dismantled and defunded the US CDC soon after he took office.
The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation had always been a forerunner - given how much $ they have - in funding humanitarian related charities and causes. It is not a secret what industries/companies etc that they have funded over the years. In fact, many of these companies/ventures, are commercially viable - like you said, companies are selfish and in it only for the $, so it is left to charities and foundations (and in some cases, Govts) to spearhead such efforts
[4:27 pm, 22/07/2021] +Joseph Ong:
[4:28 pm, 22/07/2021] +Joseph Ong:
[4:28 pm, 22/07/2021] +Joseph Ong:
[4:28 pm, 22/07/2021] +Joseph Ong: Free resources .. just google
[4:32 pm, 22/07/2021] +Joseph Ong: Not targeting you only, but have seen quite a lot of these arguments ... just want to say this ... if you have any friends/know anyone who had terminal cancer, and can afford it, you will know that in an emergency, when facing the choice between certain death and an unproven, experimental drug .... they will almost always go for the hail mary pass.
[4:32 pm, 22/07/2021] ☸️ Danny 心:
Also those who have taken Sinovac jab - not counted as Vaccinated tally.
In future need to again take mRNA vaccines as booster.
Backside itchy lor.
[4:32 pm, 22/07/2021] +Joseph Ong: Fortunately, mRNA vaccines are more than just a hail Mary pass
[4:33 pm, 22/07/2021] +Joseph Ong: Pain is a symptom of an injury/ailment. It is not the cure. You are not comparing apples to apples.
[4:36 pm, 22/07/2021] +Boon: Thank you. It is exactly this tone/view that I am raising as an issue.
[4:37 pm, 22/07/2021] +Joseph Ong: There was a time when Policemen wore Shorts ... 😂
Anyway, have you not made a decision under pressure/with limited information, then after receiving more information/gain a better understanding of the situation/obtained better resources, then changed your mind/strategy/actions?
[4:37 pm, 22/07/2021] +Ah Heng: like i said no fish prawn also good theory , is better den 0 but people are betting on the current mrna like a god send when from WHO side (last read) was emergency use
[4:37 pm, 22/07/2021] +Ah Heng: the same theory i use for sinoX
[4:38 pm, 22/07/2021] +Joseph Ong: I guess some see this as an emergency while others don't 😅
[4:38 pm, 22/07/2021] +Ah Heng: either to have the not vacc or have them vacc with something ....
[4:39 pm, 22/07/2021] +Boon: It is not about cure. It is whether if efficacy should be the main evaluator of a vaccine.
[4:39 pm, 22/07/2021] ☸️ Danny 心:
Unless your suggestions won't create huge problem - then my tone and view will be subtle.
But when you suggest something that cause huge problem, I will be more direct and less subtle.
Because we are talking about many human lives!
[4:39 pm, 22/07/2021] +Ah Heng: it all depend who one wants to follow govt or WHO
[4:39 pm, 22/07/2021] +Ah Heng: or even pharma companies
[4:39 pm, 22/07/2021] +Ah Heng: impt thing is go with your heart and body condition
[4:40 pm, 22/07/2021] +Ah Heng: thus am suggestion maybe a way to win the elders over is give the oldies a full checkup let them understand their health
[4:40 pm, 22/07/2021] +Ah Heng: from which they might know mrna is ok or not for them
[4:40 pm, 22/07/2021] ☸️ Danny 心:
So efficacy not important, vaccines that still will kill doctors is good.
Is that your point?
[4:40 pm, 22/07/2021] +Boon: That’s a good idea!
[4:41 pm, 22/07/2021] +Joseph Ong: I don't agree that using SinoX is better then 0 ... because my take based on the science behind it and the documented efficacy of the SinoX vaccines, is that it is not effective enough. 50% is not enough against CV19 variants.
People who are SinoX vaccinated, may gain a false sense of security which in turn may lead to them engaging in more risky behaviour than otherwise. Hence I feel it is actually more dangerous for people to take "SinoX rather than 0".
[4:42 pm, 22/07/2021] +Ah Heng: is not only to sinoX is as long as u human .. u get vaccine u think u super humans
[4:44 pm, 22/07/2021] +Joseph Ong: Yes,.. that's why, it is important that the vaccine is highly effective, otherwise you act like super human just because you have a red cape on.
[4:44 pm, 22/07/2021] +Boon: Pls provide reliable medical / scientific evidence that (Sinovac) vaccines had killed doctors? Are you also saying that our govt is allowing such vaccines to be used in Singapore?
[4:44 pm, 22/07/2021] +Ah Heng: nothing to do with vaccine is human character which boils down to what was mentioned earlier basic sop also cannot follow for certain groups of resident here and discussion about other ...
[4:44 pm, 22/07/2021] +Ah Heng: correct to some group of super human thinking hahahaha
[4:44 pm, 22/07/2021] +Ah Heng: the you is not you JO ...
[4:44 pm, 22/07/2021] +Ah Heng: walk around in 1 hours am sure we can meet at least one fool who think he / she is right
[4:45 pm, 22/07/2021] +Joseph Ong: SinoVac vaccine didn;t kill the doctors. CV19 did.
[4:45 pm, 22/07/2021] ☸️ Danny 心:
Hundreds of doctors and medical staff die despite full Vaccination from Sinovac.
So Singapore should take a principle stand about the use of vaccines.
If effective, we stand by it.
If not effective, we don't pretend it is effective.
[4:45 pm, 22/07/2021] ☸️ Danny 心:
This is the 3rd time I attached this
[4:46 pm, 22/07/2021] +Ah Heng: is a 2 steps preventive action vaccine still must (i shall not go into efficiency rate ) but basic sop needs to be well dun forget we have infants and toddlers and people who might not be able to get mrna or sinox vaccine
[4:46 pm, 22/07/2021] +Ah Heng: is basic ....
[4:46 pm, 22/07/2021] +Ah Heng: WHO in monday interview had warn
[4:46 pm, 22/07/2021] ☸️ Danny 心:
Go Google and search.
Many mainstream media and countries openly state this
[4:46 pm, 22/07/2021] +Ah Heng: vaccination leading to open up and doing away of safety measure is digging own grave
[4:47 pm, 22/07/2021] +Ah Heng: i place my dollar on that cos delta is not the last we gonna see
[4:47 pm, 22/07/2021] +Joseph Ong: The SinoX vaccine itself is proven to be safe ie. does not cause damage (so far) to a person's health, that's why it is approved. Just like there are different types of painkillers approved in the market, but taking Paracetamol is probably not going to be effective when you going under the knife.
[4:47 pm, 22/07/2021] +Ah Heng: remember when delta first came up pifzer was reported not effective but as days gone buy we see more pretty reports of pifzer and the bashing on sinx starts again
[4:48 pm, 22/07/2021] +Joseph Ong: 👌👍😊
[4:48 pm, 22/07/2021] ☸️ Danny 心:
Go also search China medical scientists say Sinovac and sinopharm need mRNA as booster.
Read those things before suggesting ideas that are harmful to Singapore.
[4:48 pm, 22/07/2021] +Ken Loh: We also have to worry if the black fungus comes out of India 😣
[4:48 pm, 22/07/2021] +Ah Heng: seriously i dun know why we in a discussing what is good or no n=good is like we saying happy meal is better than bk set meal
[4:49 pm, 22/07/2021] +Ken Loh:
[4:49 pm, 22/07/2021] +Rama: Is that why they are not forthcoming with WHO on the validity!?
[4:49 pm, 22/07/2021] +Ah Heng: rather than how is the direction for the govt to consider to take for our society
[4:49 pm, 22/07/2021] +Ah Heng: sorry ahhh
[4:49 pm, 22/07/2021] +Rama: 🤦♀️🤷♂️
[4:49 pm, 22/07/2021] +Ah Heng: western also need booster jab mah
[4:50 pm, 22/07/2021] +REACH: Enhanced medical checks, one compulsory day off every month for maids: MOM
SINGAPORE - Employers will be required to give their domestic workers one compulsory day off each month that cannot be compensated with cash, the Ministry of Manpower (MOM) said.
[4:51 pm, 22/07/2021] +Ah Heng: ehenced medical check i tot for our oldies .. hahahaha said is for helpers
[4:51 pm, 22/07/2021] +Ken Loh: For mental health…
But for those taking care of those need more attention? 😅 how arh
[4:51 pm, 22/07/2021] +Ah Heng: duhhhhhh
[4:52 pm, 22/07/2021] +Joseph Ong: My personal take on this, is that it is not conspiracy ro bias...rather, it is expected if you understand the science behind how the different types of vaccines work.
mRNA vaccines were not invented only because of CV19.... it was already in the works years before CV19 surfaced. It will feature more prominently in future vaccines.
[4:53 pm, 22/07/2021] +Ah Heng: i just see the media is not putting the good of whatever technology in medical field their words and way of presentation can cause drift
[4:54 pm, 22/07/2021] +Rama: Trump I believe has a point in not trusting main stream media!?
[4:55 pm, 22/07/2021] +Joseph Ong: I think you are mistaken.. Trump just does not want you to believe in mainstream media 😂
[4:55 pm, 22/07/2021] +Rama: Politics at play!?
[4:56 pm, 22/07/2021] +Ken Loh: Lol just like we trust Facebook post and the ads they show us on alternative view points 🤣
[4:56 pm, 22/07/2021] +Ah Heng: trump want you to only believe whatever he say is right like washing your mouth with some toilet chemical?
[4:57 pm, 22/07/2021] +Ah Heng: ehh can ask megan they collect enuff ideas liao anot hahaha
[5:01 pm, 22/07/2021] +Joseph Ong: 😂
[5:01 pm, 22/07/2021] +Ah Heng: else later we divert all kenna yellow card
[5:01 pm, 22/07/2021] +Boon: People had died from the virus and not from the vaccines. Vaccines do not provide full immunity to the virus. Other factors like virus mutation, hygiene and safeguard procedures, environment where there is constant exposure to the virus, and immune system susceptibility all play their parts. There are people who unfortunately died even though they had been vaccinated (by non-Sinovac). Virus will always evolve - vaccines will not. Does it mean that people will need to keep receiving more and stronger efficacy shots? What is the health trade off then?
[5:02 pm, 22/07/2021] +Ah Heng: yeah why we must trust pifzer hahahahaa
[5:02 pm, 22/07/2021] +Ah Heng: the dead can stand again hahahaha
[5:03 pm, 22/07/2021] +Ah Heng: maybe the old uncles will understand this ... (easy win to vaccine them) aunties ehh we need something else
[5:03 pm, 22/07/2021] +Ah Heng: hahahaha
[5:03 pm, 22/07/2021] +Ah Heng: happy thursday ! bye
[5:03 pm, 22/07/2021] ☸️ Danny 心:
It is your choice if you want to take Sinovac.
But it will not be counted in the vaccination tally.
Many countries in the world have rejected Sinovac and sinopharm.
This is a fact.
You can copy this sentence and paste it in Google.
Many news articles on this.
[5:05 pm, 22/07/2021] +Ah Heng: ok lah oka lah take pifzer ok .. they make viagra hahahahaha see the effects we know liao proven
[5:05 pm, 22/07/2021] ☸️ Danny 心:
Covid: Is China's vaccine success waning in Asia?
[5:06 pm, 22/07/2021] ☸️ Danny 心:
China’s Sinovac Vaccine Under Scrutiny As Covid Soars In Highly Vaccinated Countries
[5:07 pm, 22/07/2021] ☸️ Danny 心:
I forwarded many articles so many times, only whether people read before commenting or worst recommend it for our used
[5:08 pm, 22/07/2021] +Smiley face: Hi Dr Kishore,
Can the vaccine diplomacy a way forward in engaging with China? Perhaps this can be a "new entry" into fostering relations across countries and in this case for Asean?
What are the geopolitics and inter-country repercussions and unintended consequences?
Thank you very much.
[5:23 pm, 22/07/2021] +Smiley face: Student taken to hospital after ‘fall from height’ at St Joseph’s Institution: Police
[5:32 pm, 22/07/2021] +Rama: Chlorox
[5:36 pm, 22/07/2021] +Rama: Dr. Kishore Mubani!?
[5:36 pm, 22/07/2021] +Valli: Maids who decide to want transfer start acting weird & behaviour change, speaks out loud, leaving no choice but to transfer them out.
I am not sure why Spore is so pro-maid. With mobile phones, maids are spending too much time on it, not doing their tasks properly.
[5:42 pm, 22/07/2021] +Thomas: With increasing unlink case, I hope we are not going back to CB
[5:42 pm, 22/07/2021] +Rama: I have been anticipating CB if phase 2 does not work
[5:44 pm, 22/07/2021] +Rama: Will we one day see 5/6 work for them just like for security officers!?
[5:44 pm, 22/07/2021] +Thomas: Businesses will suffer greatly now.
[5:44 pm, 22/07/2021] +Rama: Post covid-19 will see a brand new f and b environment
[5:47 pm, 22/07/2021] +XaniceAfcai: Allegeries also mandatory meh.. Think go heaven first after jab.
Cos my neighbour first jab pzfrizer sent her yo A & E.. Swollen face, nearly stroke.. Face no feeling.
[5:47 pm, 22/07/2021] +CQ: from what i understand, those who developed a reaction after the first jab cannot proceed with 2nd jab..
[5:49 pm, 22/07/2021] +Peter T Ng: Yes, I understand may be asked to vaccinate with Sinovac for #2
[6:00 pm, 22/07/2021] +REACH: [Sent by – 22 Jul]
As of 12pm, MOH has preliminarily confirmed 162 new cases of locally transmitted COVID-19 infection.
There are 8 imported cases today, who have already been placed on Stay-Home Notice or isolated upon arrival in Singapore. In total, there are 170 new cases of COVID-19 infection in Singapore today.
MOH will share further updates in its press release that will be issued later tonight.
1️⃣ Seniors aged 60 and above can walk into any Vaccination Centre, polyclinic or participating Public Health Preparedness Clinic to get vaccinated.
2️⃣ Seniors who walk into a Vaccination Centre may approach any Community Clubs/Centres’ counter service to bring forward their 2nd dose or call 1800-333-9999 to reschedule.
[6:10 pm, 22/07/2021] +Suma pamu: 😢😢
[6:15 pm, 22/07/2021] +Suma pamu: 52 Unlinked cases😳
[6:16 pm, 22/07/2021] +Caleb: bitter medicine
[6:16 pm, 22/07/2021] +Caleb: no choice
[6:16 pm, 22/07/2021] +Caleb: so go back 2HA was a good move
[6:21 pm, 22/07/2021] +XaniceAfcai: Ppls some still can't learn lesson, making most of them. Disappointed.
[6:41 pm, 22/07/2021] ☸️ Danny 心: America facing the pandemic of the unvaccinated.
[6:45 pm, 22/07/2021] +REACH: Dear Contributors,
⏰ We will be closing the chat in 15 minutes ⏰
Thank you very much for being part of our WhatsApp chat and participating actively.
[6:49 pm, 22/07/2021] +Elena Woo: So many community cases are worrying esp those families with babies and young children.
[7:00 pm, 22/07/2021] +REACH: Dear Contributors,
We will be closing the chat for today.
Thank you very much for being part of our WhatsApp chat and participating actively.
Megan 😊
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