Monday, July 26, 2021

REACH 258 - View on which Phase 2 (Heightened Alert) measures impact you most? (SK)

26 July 2021 (10am - 7pm)


[10:19 am, 26/07/2021] +REACH: Dear contributors,

Welcome back! ๐Ÿ˜Š

⏰ We will be opening the chat from 10am to 7pm today. ⏰

House Rules (short version of our Terms of Use) to keep in mind: 

1. Be kind and respectful. We all want to be in a safe space to share our views. 

2. Any and all threatening, abusive, vulgar or racially, religiously and ethnically objectionable content is prohibited.

3. Consider the quiet ones among us and give them a chance to comment.

4. No need to repeat your comment or in different forms (including caps) - we heard you loud and clear the first time.

5. Let’s protect each other’s privacy and keep contact details in this group what it should always be - confidential. 

Full set of Terms of Use:

We will strive to uphold these rules to ensure this is a safe space for all.

Please be assured that the points made by participants during the chat are aggregated and shared with relevant agencies.

The topic will be posted shortly.

Thank you

Megan ๐Ÿ˜Š


[10:24 am, 26/07/2021] +Caleb: Felt horrible going back into 2HA. but hope this will be the last

[10:31 am, 26/07/2021] +Alvin Lim: I guess this is part of the new "normal" until we can get the majority vaccinated. I think most Singaporeans know the drill by now and don't see anymore "xiasuay" acts of hoarding stuff. There are some who rush to buy fishes and seafood but there's more supply than demand so I guess not much of concern.

As for social and communication wise, we have adapted well. I think as long as there's no full lockdown aka Circuitbreaker it should be find. We have moved on to chatting and socializing on SM and Messaging platforms. As long as those platforms are available, I don't foresee any issues in the future if we go into another HA again. My 2.14 cents.


[10:42 am, 26/07/2021] +REACH: ๐Ÿ“ข Topic ๐Ÿ“ข 

Singapore is ramping up its testing capabilities, as part of Singapore's three-pronged COVID strategy, alongside contact tracing and vaccination. 

The Health Promotion Board said that 16 quick test centres have been set up since they were first announced a month ago, and 4 more centres are on the way. These centres are located all across the island to make it more convenient for staff in the identified sectors to get tested. 

๐Ÿ’ฌ As the Government continues to push on with efforts to maintain community safety against COVID-19, how are you and your family adapting to the Phase 2(HA) measures? 

The efforts to encourage seniors to get vaccinated are also making a difference. Min Ong Ye Kung said in a FB post (24 Jul) that the number of seniors coming forward to get vaccinated now has almost doubled that of the past week. He added that he was hopeful that the vaccination rate among seniors can rise above 80 per cent in the coming weeks.  

Several Ministers, including PM Lee, also took to Facebook last weekend to continue to encourage seniors to get vaccinated. 

"We are persevering in sending out this message as unvaccinated seniors have the highest risk of serious complications if they catch the virus", said DPM Heng. 

Noting that Singapore is aiming for low, but not necessarily zero infections, with very low numbers that are seriously sick, SM Teo Chee Hean said that higher vaccination rates will allow Singapore to achieve a more stable position and arrive safely together with greater confidence. 

Min Lawrence Wong, Min Ong Ye Kung and Min Gan Kim Yong will be delivering a Ministerial Statement on the Government's COVID-19 response later today. 





[10:44 am, 26/07/2021] +Boon: Dear REACH, how each family adapt to 2HA depends on their breadwinners' roles and jobs. Friends in F&B, MICE, catering to weddings, new homes, retail, etc are suffering, with tight cashflows and uncertain future. The open-close-open-close broad brush policies are creating pain at individual family level, even as they continue to draw on national budget support to these sectors and employment. Urgently, more calibrated responses, nuanced plans and targeted policies to minimise such pain and budget usage are needed, since we all can agree that the Covid situation will remain with us for a while more.

[10:47 am, 26/07/2021] +Ben: Long article but worth a read. Shows that Europe is effectively making the vaccine mandatory because without it there are restrictions on where you can go and what you can do.

[10:48 am, 26/07/2021] +Ben: What they are doing makes sense (not the UK) because it means you can keep the country open, businesses alive and allow vaccinated people to live somewhat ordinary lives.

[10:49 am, 26/07/2021] +Boon: As for vaccination of senior citizens, how are the Ministries, People's Association, Community Centres and societal groups addressing those who live alone or with other aged citizens? They will need support for daily activities in case of side effects after their injections. Addressing these concerns can encourage more seniors to come forward, and for us to demonstrate that SG care in action (and not only when it is convenient), and do not leave her citizens behind.

[10:49 am, 26/07/2021] +Ben: These new measures, shutting restaurants again, don't make sense to me. Making kids wear masks playing football with just 1 friend makes no sense to me.

[10:49 am, 26/07/2021] +Boon: I agree

[10:49 am, 26/07/2021] +Caleb: Israel is getting stricter.

[10:49 am, 26/07/2021] +Ben: What measures are in place for our kids mental health? What support is there for them?

[10:50 am, 26/07/2021] +Ben: What are the schools doing to help our children who lives have been so heavily restricted for the last 18 months?

[10:50 am, 26/07/2021] +Ben: I see nothing from MoE to help our kids.

[10:51 am, 26/07/2021] +Ben: All the talk is of seniors, which do need help, but why nothing nothing for the children?

[10:51 am, 26/07/2021] +Ben: Where is the emotional support for them?

[10:51 am, 26/07/2021] +Ken Loh: Adult as well ๐Ÿ˜…

[10:52 am, 26/07/2021] +Ben: Where is the counselling in schools to help kids through this. Their childhood is already under endless pressure for tests at school. An 8 year old has had 18 months of social deprivation. That is a huge amount of their life.

[10:53 am, 26/07/2021] +Ben: What they need protection from covid they also need emotional and mental support.

[10:53 am, 26/07/2021] +Ben: Parents are WFH, stressed and having to tell kids they have to keep away while they are working.

[10:54 am, 26/07/2021] +Ben: I can't be alone with the sadness if having to tell my kid not to disturb me all the time.

[10:54 am, 26/07/2021] +Caleb: that's why sch and CCAs continue during this 2HA

[10:54 am, 26/07/2021] +Ben: School, where kids can't play at recess, have to stay apart, can't interact.

[10:55 am, 26/07/2021] +Ben: CCA, no outside sport, have to wear masks, no team games.

[10:55 am, 26/07/2021] +Ben: It's a poor substitute

[10:55 am, 26/07/2021] +Caleb: At least get to interact with the classmates?

[10:55 am, 26/07/2021] +Caleb: P sch they can't vax yet. So got to be more careful

[10:56 am, 26/07/2021] +Ben: Sure, thats all they get. Its pretty rubbish for a 6-10 year old

[10:56 am, 26/07/2021] +Ben: Has there been any emotional or mental support in school? No

[10:56 am, 26/07/2021] +Ben: Just the same, and I'm not blaming teachers

[10:56 am, 26/07/2021] +Ben: For them it's hard too

[10:57 am, 26/07/2021] +Ben: I would like to see MoE offering group counselling, road shows, entertainment and other events to show they understand the impact on kids

[10:57 am, 26/07/2021] +Ben: Right now they seem to be ignored

[10:58 am, 26/07/2021] +Ben: No contact with overseas families for so long. Has anyone considered the effect this is having on kids?

[10:58 am, 26/07/2021] +Ben: Or is this just my experience and those of friends I've talked to?

[11:00 am, 26/07/2021] +Valli: For the time being, Schools should innovate & create fun classroom activities & stretching exercises within the classroom. More mingling within classroom & not stick to old learning methods. Be innovative .

[11:01 am, 26/07/2021] +REACH: Scientists developing method to detect Covid-19 variants in wastewater testing

SINGAPORE - Scientists in Singapore are working on a test to detect the Delta (B1612) variant in wastewater surveillance for Covid-19. This follows their success in developing a viable method to detect and quantify the Alpha (B117) variant.


[11:01 am, 26/07/2021] +Boon: It is time that govt and society takes a broader view of Covid-driven policies, to take stock and to directly listen to concerns of their policies' impacts thus far. With Ministers rotating thru their posts every few years, will there be long-term thinking versus short term KPIs like the # of vaccinated people to demonstrate success? Seniors, kids, young adults, PMETs, middle class are all affected by today's policies - and so is SG's economic future readiness and our financial buttresses. SG national dialogues can be beneficial, with equitable representatives from the society (not preselected), to share, debate and agree.

[11:01 am, 26/07/2021] +Suma pamu: Exactly.... As If we are concluding that Leanring is ONLY through subjects.

I am very saddened about whole Situation.

There are 45 children now Infected. (MOH didn't mention clealry whether all these are Asymptotic or how The Symptoms?

So far I read one School 2 children same school got infected, but no clear information about that. 

How safe are they physically and mentally.

(There is A report about child death in UK or US.. with the current variant..)

How sure MOE about children infection.

Grades and Marks if not so important, why always Highlight about Graduating students etc,? 

Why the differenciatio. Of young children

What's the use of going to school if my child not able to talk to her friends?!

I rather have her zoom with her friend than going to school Just to LISTEN the classes and no play no talk.

Sad reality

[11:02 am, 26/07/2021] +Ben: Yes, exactly. Totally agree

[11:02 am, 26/07/2021] +Ben: 100% , we need to look at the bigger picture now.

[11:03 am, 26/07/2021] +Stella Yip: Week 11-18 July, about 7 schools had staff/students is said/rumored to have been infected.

Week 19-25 July, more schools, making the list 30.

My friends who have kids in these school confirmed that the schools are being disinfected and kids are on HBL.  

Hope the kids dont get stressed out.

[11:03 am, 26/07/2021] +Ben: Thats right. Almost worse being amongst kids but can't interact properly.

[11:05 am, 26/07/2021] +Ben: 94 people between 10 and 29 committed suicide last year. What do we think the effects of this social deprivation is going to have. WFH with little support. Kids stuck inside away from friends, just watching TV or playing video games.

[11:05 am, 26/07/2021] +Suma pamu: Imagine if only certain number of children unable to Write Exams Because of QO order,, how do they feel

Isn't it All children getting same treatment is what matters now?

Especially if Primary level Vaccination is Not eligible, 

Why to penalise only certain students?

[11:07 am, 26/07/2021] +Suma pamu: Everday i am allowing my girl to have zoom chit chat or study together via zoom for my girl, i feel sorry for her that i can't arrange any playdates ..

[11:08 am, 26/07/2021] +Ben: She sounds like a very responsible child, well done! I'm not so lucky.... lol

[11:09 am, 26/07/2021] +Suma pamu: Yes i am so fortunate in that sense. She talks for a while and studies for a while via zoom. She is happy ...sometimes she feels sad for her freinds whoz parents don't allow any chit chat with friends. Mine is in P6. But she still need to have Enough relaxing time.

[11:12 am, 26/07/2021] +Ben: My boy is P4, and no siblings, so is really missing being with other kids. Many parents are reluctant to allow their kids out to play (understandable).

[11:13 am, 26/07/2021] +Suma pamu: Yes i know it's difficult.. me too hv only One child .. not easy for them.

[11:14 am, 26/07/2021] +Suma pamu: Reach Please ask MOH to give more clear details of Children.

Totall how many Warded in hospital, how many at isolation centers. How long they have Symptoms etc details.

[11:23 am, 26/07/2021] +Rama: Very hard to say

[11:34 am, 26/07/2021] +Elena Woo: Unlinked cases seem to be on the rise too...

[11:41 am, 26/07/2021] +Smiley face: Updates:

Hong Kong health ministry has declared the following this morning: 

1) Malaysia is now classified as one of the  highest risk countries for COVID-19 infection

2) All returning Hong Kong  residents from Malaysia will need to undergo a 21 days compulsory quarantine at a designated hotel and to undergo 4 specific COVID-19 test, :- 

upon arrival, on the 5th day, 10th day and 18th day

3) Vaccination certificates issued by the Malaysian authorities will not be recognised or accepted and a new COVID-19 vaccination has to be administered locally

[11:43 am, 26/07/2021] +Suma pamu: Reach

One more Request

The other day minister mentioned about ICU beds etc details 

I guess those are for Adults. 

How about for Children, in the event that suddenly Children get too sick how Equipped KKH is, how many ICU for Children and infants!

When i checked KKH respiratory doctors, i found only 10 doctors.. (may be there are more but i couldn't find)

Usually as far as i know always not eady to get appointment As Majority of respiratory illness es are chronic and Need to see docs regularly(as for my girl we regularly visit KKH Respiratory clinic for her Asthma) 

So wanted to understand if any Sudden school clusters break out, will KKH or other hospitals able to handle?

[11:43 am, 26/07/2021] +65 9742 4440: I think the G should consider allowing "Social Bubbles": 

- Regular/Fixed Families / Friends / Groups who are allowed to socialise in larger numbers.

- "Members" within the bubble will have to be fixed for a given period.

- All members of the "Social Bubble" will have to agree ie. no unilateral decision by individuals when adding another into their social bubble. An invite will be sent, and only upon acceptance, will the bubble be formed.

- Limit to no more than 3 (or some other reasonable numer?) groups per family/indivual.

- Having fixed groups of people you interact with (within a "bubble") limits uncontrolled outbreaks and makes contact tracing easier in case needed.

- Families / Friends who agree to be in the same "bubble" must register (enhancement to …

[11:56 am, 26/07/2021] +Alvin Lim:

[11:59 am, 26/07/2021] +Suma pamu: I thought of sharing๐Ÿ˜‰

Thanks For sharing.. 

The suggestions are Like You have a problem here, shift this to other place than solving the problem..๐Ÿ˜ƒ๐Ÿ˜ƒ 

Some how i felt most of Housing realted Issues are revolving around SCHOOLS. At the end of the day it's the Education system which needs to be corrected not the other way round.

[0:05 pm, 26/07/2021] ☸️  Danny ๅฟƒ: 

Because covid is a formidable foe.

It will infect the last unvaccinated group like a Trojan horse - and reinfect the majority Vaccinated group if the last group is unvaccinated.

It is either all vaccinated or none is spare.

[0:05 pm, 26/07/2021] ☸️  Danny ๅฟƒ: 

US experience this.

It has become the pandemic of the unvaccinated and reinfect those vaccinated.

So it is either 100% vaccination or as good as none.

[0:05 pm, 26/07/2021] ☸️  Danny ๅฟƒ: 

It is a case of All-for-None or None-for-All.

To achieve 100% vaccination, it can only be done by referendum - where the whole population vote or by government mandate - to impose compulsory vaccination.

Only when 100% vaccination is achieved, covid pandemic can be totally defeated - like other past pandemic eg. Smallpox measles mumps rubella diphtheria etc.

[0:05 pm, 26/07/2021] ☸️  Danny ๅฟƒ: 

This is the mother nature of a virus pandemic.

All the past pandemic eg. Smallpox measles mumps rubella diphtheria polio etc are totally defeated only by 100 % vaccination.

To totally and completely defeat this covid pandemic - likewise no less vaccination can succeed.

It has to be 100% vaccination or none is spare - because this is mother nature.

[0:06 pm, 26/07/2021] ☸️  Danny ๅฟƒ:

Targeted approach to make elderly vaccinate - such as compulsory vaccination.

[0:07 pm, 26/07/2021] ☸️  Danny ๅฟƒ:

'Don't delay': PM Lee urges senior citizens to get their COVID-19 vaccinations

[0:07 pm, 26/07/2021] ☸️  Danny ๅฟƒ:                                                                                                                            3 Ministers after PM Lee urge seniors to get vaccinated.

[0:07 pm, 26/07/2021] ☸️  Danny ๅฟƒ:

Mdm Ho Ching press for vaccination.

Look like as more heavyweight press for vaccination for elderly - so that Singapore can enter into new normal - it may come a time that Mandatory Vaccination could be imposed on elderly.

[0:08 pm, 26/07/2021] +Ben: Yes, interesting article. Seems to reflect a lot of what we say here.

[0:11 pm, 26/07/2021] ☸️  Danny ๅฟƒ: 

So many VIPs urging seniors to vaccinate - but though there are some progress - the figures are still moving very slowly. 1st jab moving from 62% to 74% only.

Thus will like to urge the  government to adopt a harder stance - either mandate compulsory vaccination or call a referendum to vote for mandatory vaccination.

[0:11 pm, 26/07/2021] ☸️  Danny ๅฟƒ: 72% to 74%.

[0:12 pm, 26/07/2021] ☸️  Danny ๅฟƒ:                                                                                                                                    France lawmakers on the verge of passing Mandatory Vaccination for healthcare workers. Some protestors oppose the measures.

[0:12 pm, 26/07/2021] ☸️  Danny ๅฟƒ:                                                                                                                                                                      France President call for unity on Mandatory Vaccination - and lash out at anti-vaxx protestors.

[0:12 pm, 26/07/2021] ☸️  Danny ๅฟƒ:                                                                                                                                                  France lawmakers pushing for vaccine passports - to dine in or visit places despite protest for privilege treatment for those who are vaccinated.

[0:14 pm, 26/07/2021] ☸️  Danny ๅฟƒ: 

France President and lawmakers are passing law on vaccination:-

1. Mandatory vaccination for healthcare workers.

2. Vaccine passports to allow only vaccinated people to visit dine-in, clubs, events.

Despite protest, France is determine to push forward vaccination as a solution to end the covid pandemic.

[0:15 pm, 26/07/2021] ☸️  Danny ๅฟƒ:

Anti-vaxx and Anti-lockdown protesters in London to protest against vaccines passport and differentiated treatment for vaccination people and unvaccinated people.

[0:15 pm, 26/07/2021] ☸️  Danny ๅฟƒ: 

Likewise, England is following the footstep of France to do likewise.

[0:18 pm, 26/07/2021] ☸️  Danny ๅฟƒ:                                                                                                                    Another old woman unvaccinated bite the dust from covid.

[0:18 pm, 26/07/2021] ☸️  Danny ๅฟƒ:                                                                                                                                  Covid-19 virus very formidable. It not only infect the globe among humans, it can also easily infect animals.

[0:18 pm, 26/07/2021] +Ben: Yes, because it is the only solution

[0:26 pm, 26/07/2021] ☸️  Danny ๅฟƒ:

UK infection number increase 1,087% after it declare Freedom Day without mask.

[0:26 pm, 26/07/2021] ☸️  Danny ๅฟƒ:

‘It’s too late’: US doctor says dying patients begging for Covid vaccine

[0:26 pm, 26/07/2021] ☸️  Danny ๅฟƒ:

Singapore restaurant owners vent frustration as dine-in shutters

[0:26 pm, 26/07/2021] ☸️  Danny ๅฟƒ:     

Too many lockdown - cause many F&B to close.

[0:28 pm, 26/07/2021] ☸️  Danny ๅฟƒ:

US Experiencing ‘A Pandemic of the Unvaccinated’

[0:32 pm, 26/07/2021] +Rama: I totally agree

[0:33 pm, 26/07/2021] +Rama: Auntie who refused to share lift with delivery rider in Hougang cooks along common corridor without mask on::

[0:58 pm, 26/07/2021] +Dan: I was watching Olympics the other day. I saw how hard they fought for their dreams. Hatomi Hatakeda broke out tears of joy after her routine, even before the scores are announced. That is because she knew inside, she did her best, and she was satisfied with what she had achieved. I saw Thai's Panipak Wongpattanakit fought back and bag the gold.

 There were protests outside the Olympic stadium, boycotting the event. A Covid-19 outbreak will wreck the Olympics, in fact there were several positive cases in the Tokyo Olympics. 

Yet, all I see are individuals representing their country to chase for their dreams. To some of them, once their age to reach pinnacle deteriorates, they will never be able to compete again. Time and tide waits for no man.

[1:03 pm, 26/07/2021] ☸️  Danny ๅฟƒ: 

My close friend comments:-

1. Pressing those unvaccinated to vaccinate and stop them from sitting on the fence.

2. Allowing vaccinated to have more services.

Else business suffering. Is it fair to keep giving grants in the billions to businesses because gov policies inconvenient them?

3. And move on for those who are vaccinated. There is a time and place for freedom but not in a pandemic like this. Those fully vaccinated exceeded 50% and already formed the majority. Can the majority question why they are bearing the risks of vaccinating themselves with vaccines authourised for emergency use and then  life is still stagnant? Can we make a change for fully vaccinated persons say after we reach 70% target?

4. To protect the young and those genuinely not suitable for vaccines, gov can impose hefty penalties for breaches on businesses and individuals.

[1:06 pm, 26/07/2021] +~N:

[1:06 pm, 26/07/2021] +Ben: Yes, I find it upsetting that people who chose not to be vaccinated are able to roam freely and put our children at risk.

[1:06 pm, 26/07/2021] +~N: Schools and kindergartens here remain open. Covid-19 detected in several schools and kindergartens

[1:07 pm, 26/07/2021] +Ben: Our children cannot be vaccinated yet. Why should they be at risk because of people who stubbornly refuse their vaccination?

[1:07 pm, 26/07/2021] +~N: For the first time in the pandemic, I'm scared for my kids. I can keep my K1 kids home according to my discretion but have to  send my P2 to school

[1:08 pm, 26/07/2021] +~N: ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿฝ

[1:09 pm, 26/07/2021] +~N: Can we ask schools and kindys to declare vaccination status of staff?

[1:09 pm, 26/07/2021] +Ben: As a parent I would be devastated if there was an outbreak at my kids school, caused because of a family member who had refused a vaccination and caused a cluster. Worse, if my child got sick because of them I'd want to know if I can pursue legal action. (I know I can't but I'd still want to!)

[1:09 pm, 26/07/2021] +Caleb:

[1:09 pm, 26/07/2021] +Ben: excellent suggestion- in fact make health care and those in contact with kids mandatory to be vaccinated.

[1:10 pm, 26/07/2021] +Ben: We were told by the school we are not allowed to keep our son home.

[1:11 pm, 26/07/2021] +~N: Yeah MOE schools do not allow it. But I've kept my kindergartner at home

[1:15 pm, 26/07/2021] +~N: Very blase attitude, don't you think?

[1:19 pm, 26/07/2021] ☸️  Danny ๅฟƒ: 

Just make mandatory vaccination for everyone except those not medically ineligible.

[1:20 pm, 26/07/2021] +Ben: Yes, but seems like they don't want to do that

[1:20 pm, 26/07/2021] +Ben: So maybe step by step, start with those in contact with kids and elderly.

[1:21 pm, 26/07/2021] +Ben: Then ensure unvaccinated are not allowed in contact with kids because they cannot yet be vaccinated.

[1:24 pm, 26/07/2021] +Stella Yip: So that we can better persuade the seniors who have not been vaccinated, where to find official easy to understand benefits in points?  Sinovac - take at own risk, correct? Pfizer and Moderna got some G assurance right? So assume 3 elderly kena covid and if they are admitted to the same hospital, any difference in medical subsidy if 1 took G vaccine of Pfizer/Moderna, another took Sinovac, and the 3rd pax did not sign up for vaccination?

[1:24 pm, 26/07/2021] +~N: Marymount kindergarten had a teacher who tested positive

[1:25 pm, 26/07/2021] ☸️  Danny ๅฟƒ:                                                                                                                      France lawmakers pass law on vaccine passport for vaccinated people with privilege entries to many establishment.

[1:31 pm, 26/07/2021] +Peter T Ng: Tenuous but not without merit

[1:35 pm, 26/07/2021] ☸️  Danny ๅฟƒ: 

1. Mandating vaccine passport.

2. Imposing differentiated treatment for vaccinated.

3. Withdrawing incentives or medical benefits.


4. Mandate compulsory vaccination.

All 4 will make those anti-vaxx unhappy.

1 to 3 are too cumbersome to implement, enforce and will cause more friction on the ground in enterprise implementing it.

Referendum or stroke of the law to mandate compulsory vaccination - is one broad stroke, simple and direct to implement - and can achieve immediate result without prolonging the covid pandemic.

I urge and support mandatory vaccination for all except those medically ineligible or kids who are yet ready to vaccinate.

[1:36 pm, 26/07/2021] +Suma pamu: The problem is that we are not adopting enough technology support.

Seriously i feel HBL is still possible In a country like Singapore

Even for an year or so.

WFH for majority work is Possible 

A year or so

Why We let people out Where there is option of WFH or HBL

and Put the survival of Poor hawkers and small businesses who actually no choice but can not WFH.๐Ÿคฆ๐Ÿฝ‍♀️๐Ÿคฆ๐Ÿฝ‍♀️

[1:38 pm, 26/07/2021] +REACH: Students, staff members testing positive for COVID-19 'in tandem' with rise in community cases: MOE

SINGAPORE: A number of students and staff members have been testing positive for COVID-19 "in tandem" with the increase in community cases in the past weeks, said the Ministry of Education (MOE) on Monday (Jul 26).


[1:39 pm, 26/07/2021] +Ben: Don't you feel we are past this? People left just don't want to,  no matter what.

[1:40 pm, 26/07/2021] +Suma pamu: And still they want to Continue the same approch like Only shut down affected school or class?


[1:42 pm, 26/07/2021] +~N: It's a very lackadaisical approach. We can consider a circuit breaker for 2-3 weeks for schools. The whole country is shut why not the schools? The risk us still greater than zero

[1:44 pm, 26/07/2021] +~N:

[1:46 pm, 26/07/2021] +Caleb:

[1:58 pm, 26/07/2021] +Stella Yip: For the sake of the kids in SG who can't take the vaccine yet, we must still continue to persuade the elderly who have not yet signed up. It is also for the benefit of the elderly. Just yesterday I saw Josephine Teo and Xiang Yun on TV speaking in dialects to persuade more people to sign up. But they did not touch on the question which I just asked. So I was wondering.... Maybe it is a grey area that G could clarify. Medical cost is often a killer for retired elderly over 70 whereby most insurance coverage and payout drops drastically.

[2:00 pm, 26/07/2021] +Stella Yip: Ben, don't get me wrong, I get your point and frustration.

[2:01 pm, 26/07/2021] ☸️  Danny ๅฟƒ:

Statement by Prime Minister Bennett Following Meeting of the Corona Cabinet

[2:01 pm, 26/07/2021] ☸️  Danny ๅฟƒ: 

Israel PM get tough on those who refuse to vaccinate.

[2:02 pm, 26/07/2021] +Thomas:

[2:03 pm, 26/07/2021] +Thomas: There is a risk to our status as hub if we do not get almost 100% vaccination as we are inter-connected to the world to survive

[2:04 pm, 26/07/2021] +Rama: So, make it mandatory!

[2:04 pm, 26/07/2021] +Ben: ๐Ÿ‘

[2:07 pm, 26/07/2021] ☸️  Danny ๅฟƒ: 

Effects of covid on Singapore is not about:-

Public health safety.

It is also about our Economic survival.

Social integration.

Taking tougher stance to end the pandemic swiftly will be needed.

Only mandatory vaccination by referendum or stroke of the law can achieve this - and end all hesitancy or fear of Vaccination - because this is what the country needed and wanted.

We can't be hold back by minorities anti-vaxx people.

[2:09 pm, 26/07/2021] +Rama: Agree

[2:09 pm, 26/07/2021] +Ben:

[2:10 pm, 26/07/2021] +Rama: G must push hard for compulsory vaccination

[2:17 pm, 26/07/2021] ☸️  Danny ๅฟƒ: 

Slogan for Mandatory Vaccination:-

(All-for-None, or


All Vaccinated, No covid.

None is safe, if All not vaccinated).

[2:18 pm, 26/07/2021] +Rama: The three musketeers!

[2:30 pm, 26/07/2021] +Elena Woo: We shd do the same, esp 2 and 3. For no. 3 i saw from videos that there are fake vaccinations going on in msia.

[2:33 pm, 26/07/2021] +Sally: Agreed๐Ÿ‘

[3:10 pm, 26/07/2021] +Valli: Probably Gov can implement HBL for primary & secondary schools for the time being till we can bring down the no. of cases. 

The scene at the bus stop & in the buses after school ends  is of concern. 

Carrying heavy bags & ...

[3:10 pm, 26/07/2021] +REACH: Jail for COVID-19-positive man who lied to contact tracers before confessing in letter to health minister

SINGAPORE: After testing positive for COVID-19, a university undergraduate was concerned that contact tracing efforts would uncover his illegal gatherings with his friends during the "circuit breaker" period.

He was jailed for six weeks and fined S$15,000 on Monday (Jul 26).


[3:11 pm, 26/07/2021] +Caleb: Can sch have more staggered timings?

[3:31 pm, 26/07/2021] +REACH: KTV cluster is coming under control; Jurong Fishery Port cluster led to tighter Covid-19 rules: Ong Ye Kung

SINGAPORE - The KTV cluster is coming under control, with the daily number of infected people over the past three days in the single-digit range, said Health Minister Ong Ye Kung on Monday (July 26).


[3:57 pm, 26/07/2021] ☸️  Danny ๅฟƒ:

Penalising those involved in KTV cluster 'would cost us more in the long run': Ong Ye Kung

[4:00 pm, 26/07/2021] +Ben: Just spoke to a friend in Israel. They have a 'green pass' for those who are vaccinated or recovered from Covid. No green pass will soon mean showing a negative test taken in the last 3 days in order to dine-in, attend events etc. So no compulsory vaccination, but having to pay for and take a test every 3 days to be in a public indoor space is as good an incentive to get vaccinated I can imagine.

[4:01 pm, 26/07/2021] ☸️  Danny ๅฟƒ: 

Withdrawing medical subsidy or medical benefits for those who refuse to vaccinate is not a good idea - and may backfire.

Because people infected will not come forward to test and get medical treatment - and make it harder to control the spread.

Infected people will just walk around and infect others.

Thus the best solution is to make vaccination compulsory - not withdraw medical subsidy or benefits. It will backfire.

[4:03 pm, 26/07/2021] +Ben: Yes this is the best solution, but if they will not do that then how to 'incentivise' people? Maybe they should make it illegal not to report it if you have symptoms. If someone if out and about and not well it will be easy to catch them.

[4:06 pm, 26/07/2021] +Alvin Lim: I agree and we should use the ERP strategy.




[4:07 pm, 26/07/2021] +CQ: Even if we're going endemic with Covid, past practices of having people who are sick coming in to work or going out must stop. It has never been a healthy culture, so that's one "old normal" that I don't wish to see in the "new normal".

[4:08 pm, 26/07/2021] ☸️  Danny ๅฟƒ: 

How about those mild and asymptomatic?

Also those with symptoms how to catch them if they are not coming forward to test or receive medical treatment if without subsidy?

It will drive them underground.

Thus the best solution is mandatory vaccination.

The rest of the measures either show incremental results or may backfire.

[4:11 pm, 26/07/2021] +REACH: Return to Phase 2 (Heightened Alert) does not change roadmap of treating COVID-19 as endemic: Ong Ye Kung

54% in S'pore have received 2 doses of Covid-19 mRNA vaccine; vaccination rate up 1 percentage point a day

72,000 people in S'pore with at least one Sinovac dose, more non-mRNA Covid-19 vaccines by the year end

More vaccinated people with Covid-19 will go straight to community care facil…

[4:12 pm, 26/07/2021] +Alvin Lim: This one hard wor

[4:12 pm, 26/07/2021] +Alvin Lim: Most ppl I know don't take MC in beginning of year

[4:12 pm, 26/07/2021] +Alvin Lim: Sick they still go to to work

[4:12 pm, 26/07/2021] +Alvin Lim: Towards half of the year then will start taking MC

[4:16 pm, 26/07/2021] +Ben: ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘

[4:16 pm, 26/07/2021] +CQ: And that's why I say that culture has to change. MC is MC for a reason. If you're sick, stay away. The statement "there's a bug going around the office" is not a good thing. You have 1 sick bugger going into office infecting a whole bunch of others and affecting overall productivity.

[4:17 pm, 26/07/2021] +Ben: All good to read, thanks

[4:18 pm, 26/07/2021] +Ben: Yes, we need to consider making it illegal to go to work while sick. At least have a thermometer at the door and no entry with a temperature. Those who disobey will be fined.

[4:19 pm, 26/07/2021] +CQ: but you can be sick without a temperature. there are people who cough cough sniffle sniffle all the way through a work day and wearing their sickness like a badge of honour. like please.... go home....

[4:19 pm, 26/07/2021] +Alvin Lim: Not going to happen

[4:19 pm, 26/07/2021] +Alvin Lim: Cos 14 days MC per year

[4:19 pm, 26/07/2021] +Alvin Lim: if you exceed that it's no pay leave

[4:20 pm, 26/07/2021] +Alvin Lim: So no one will admit they're sick and take MC in first few months of the year

[4:20 pm, 26/07/2021] +CQ: i once saw people who are sick topping up their water bottles (those with a small opening where you drink from) by sticking it ALL THE WAY UP the dispenser. omg.... drink more water, they said... it's healthy for you, they said....

[4:21 pm, 26/07/2021] +Alvin Lim: Unless gov increase 14 days Medical Leave to 21 Days or more, I don't think ppl will report sick in the first few months

[4:21 pm, 26/07/2021] ☸️  Danny ๅฟƒ: 

The only way to live with the virus safely is 100% vaccination.

1. So that each and everyone is protected.

2. Even if one small group is unvaccinated, it will become a Trojan and reinfect everyone.

3. To achieve 100% vaccination, only mandatory vaccination can accomplish it.


i. Withdrawing medical subsidy or benefits.

ii. Vaccine passports

iii. Differentiated treatment.

[4:21 pm, 26/07/2021] +Ken Loh: Depends on company.. some take covid as hospitalisation leave.

[4:21 pm, 26/07/2021] +CQ: which is why this has to change. there shouldn't be any limit. when you're sick, you're sick. forcing someone to come in when they're ill is not productive, and in fact you hit the rest of your healthy workforce is even worse.

[4:22 pm, 26/07/2021] +Alvin Lim: We're talking about normal flu cases here

[4:22 pm, 26/07/2021] +Alvin Lim: Ppl will not take MC in first few months of the year for common cold

[4:22 pm, 26/07/2021] +Ben: Agreed,  that's why I said 'at least' because having a temperature is a tangible way to show someone is ill.

[4:22 pm, 26/07/2021] +Ken Loh: Yes… my company convert to count during this period

[4:22 pm, 26/07/2021] +Ken Loh: Cause of any illness also 3 to 5 days

[4:22 pm, 26/07/2021] +Alvin Lim: Can't cos sinkies will abuse system and keep saying sick

[4:22 pm, 26/07/2021] +Alvin Lim: We can't have nice things

[4:23 pm, 26/07/2021] +Ken Loh: Hence to encourage them go see doctor we scrap the 14 days… take as 40 days

[4:23 pm, 26/07/2021] +Ben: Maybe make leave quarterly,  ie 4 days per quarter = 16 days per year?

[4:24 pm, 26/07/2021] +Ken Loh: But in turn we also scrap our incentive for not taking MC. No bonus for not taking MC. Which is 1k for us.

[4:24 pm, 26/07/2021] +Alvin Lim: Dun think ppl will take MC also

[4:24 pm, 26/07/2021] +Ben: True but dr are keen to hand out MC too easily as well. Maybe MC for infectious diseases is mandatory and not limited.

[4:24 pm, 26/07/2021] +Alvin Lim: Then this will just force ppl to go to work even if sick!

[4:24 pm, 26/07/2021] +Ben: Just make MC mandatory and only for infectious disease

[4:24 pm, 26/07/2021] +Alvin Lim: You're countering to the law you make!

[4:25 pm, 26/07/2021] +Ken Loh: Err people will take MC, cause don’t take also no no-MC bonus…

[4:25 pm, 26/07/2021] +Alvin Lim: Do you do th Math

[4:25 pm, 26/07/2021] +CQ: it's not right for people to say "because it will be abused, therefore i set a limit on how much MC you can take". some people are just more prone to falling ill and that's a fact of life. if they don't make up for their own absence on other days, that's an overall productivity issue. on the flipside, you can have someone who doesn't take any MC the whole year, but whole day from 9 to 5 zhoboh and wayang all the way through.

[4:26 pm, 26/07/2021] +Alvin Lim: Say if you really seriously sick maybe once per quarter

[4:26 pm, 26/07/2021] +Alvin Lim: Those 3 to 5 days MC those kind

[4:26 pm, 26/07/2021] +CQ: 2 words for the men: period cramps

[4:26 pm, 26/07/2021] +Alvin Lim: 5 x 4 already 20 days

[4:27 pm, 26/07/2021] +Ben: True, and there are many valid reasons for not being able to work, not all are infectious.

[4:28 pm, 26/07/2021] +Alvin Lim: Sorry I mean then SME bosses will exploit the system and scape all bonuses

[4:28 pm, 26/07/2021] +Alvin Lim: that's the toxic work culture in Singapore unfortunately

[4:28 pm, 26/07/2021] +Ken Loh: Oh… no choice… ๐Ÿ˜…

[4:28 pm, 26/07/2021] +Alvin Lim: It starts from the top

[4:29 pm, 26/07/2021] +CQ: so my point is: be sensible. the workforce comprise of adults, treat them like adults. if you find that they abuse the system, you deal with it then. don't control everyone just because of a few idiots. this is the same energy as those complaining about lockdown because some dudes can't keep it in their pants. same thing.

[4:29 pm, 26/07/2021] +Alvin Lim: But those ktv clusters actually force us into P2HA isn't it? lol

[4:30 pm, 26/07/2021] +CQ: i agree, and that has to change. if anything, this pandemic should've shown us what really matters most to us. if your boss is the exploitative kind, then start looking elsewhere. why work for a toxic boss?

[4:31 pm, 26/07/2021] +Alvin Lim: The only way I can see it is to legislate labour laws about this (ie 20 days MC) and enforce it.

[4:31 pm, 26/07/2021] +Alvin Lim: Anything else will fall short I believe

[4:31 pm, 26/07/2021] +Alvin Lim: My 2.14 cent

[4:31 pm, 26/07/2021] +Ken Loh: Depends on the company… 

If you have too much of such people in the company.. if you don’t state it. People abuse, hard for management to manage people.. without clear rules.

[4:31 pm, 26/07/2021] +Alvin Lim: Workers need to be honest too

[4:31 pm, 26/07/2021] +REACH: Singapore to review Covid-19 rules in early August, ease measures for vaccinated people if situation under control

[4:32 pm, 26/07/2021] +CQ: exactly. that's why when people complain about everyone being penalised for the actions of a small group, it's the same regardless whether it's P2HA or capping MCs. the people who will play punk will play punk regardless of the rules. you're penalising only the honest folk who genuinely are trying their best.

[4:32 pm, 26/07/2021] +Alvin Lim: We still can work from home even when on MC etc but with lower output

[4:32 pm, 26/07/2021] +Ken Loh: For those that work on PC. 

If labour how to WFH lol

[4:32 pm, 26/07/2021] +REACH: All S'pore households to get DIY antigen rapid test kits

[4:32 pm, 26/07/2021] +CQ: i will go as far as to say if you take MC, the MC must have the effect of a Stay Home Order. that means when you decide to chaokeng to go sentosa, if i catch you, that's an offence.

[4:32 pm, 26/07/2021] +Alvin Lim: Give them a laptop

[4:33 pm, 26/07/2021] +Alvin Lim: Who uses PC in office these days? lol

[4:33 pm, 26/07/2021] +Ken Loh: Lol you might be surprise

[4:33 pm, 26/07/2021] +Alvin Lim: I'm sad to report that sinkies can't have nice things ๐Ÿ˜”

[4:33 pm, 26/07/2021] +Ken Loh: Before covid only management get laptop

[4:33 pm, 26/07/2021] +Alvin Lim: Somehow, somewhere, one group of idiots will break the systtem

[4:34 pm, 26/07/2021] +CQ: always one lah. you go anywhere also will have idiots.

[4:35 pm, 26/07/2021] +Alvin Lim: Nah, most companies replace exploit their old systems using government grants liao

[4:36 pm, 26/07/2021] +Ben: Yes, we need more of what you describe in our culture.

[4:36 pm, 26/07/2021] +CQ:

i'm happy to see this, but please think through the rollout properly and don't do that super complicated 2-or-5 set of rules please......

[4:37 pm, 26/07/2021] +Ken Loh: Government now practicing this… given 2 days no need MC. MC for people that don’t feel well can just rest without seeing a doctor

[4:37 pm, 26/07/2021] +Ben: Actually it's the unvaccinated that forced us back into this. If people were all vaccinated a few hundred cases wouldn't cause a P2.

[4:37 pm, 26/07/2021] +Ken Loh: Per month if not wrong

[4:38 pm, 26/07/2021] +Alvin Lim: ๐Ÿคญ

[4:38 pm, 26/07/2021] +Ben: Same culture in the schools. 1 bad kid means who class is penalised.

[4:39 pm, 26/07/2021] +CQ: and that's why people are so upset about this P2HA mah. it evokes the "whole class no recess because of 1 yaoxiukia" memory

[4:39 pm, 26/07/2021] +Ben: Also makes a lot of sense

[4:40 pm, 26/07/2021] +CQ: thank you thank you. all the "cents" add up towards the "dollar" liao. ๐Ÿคญ

[4:40 pm, 26/07/2021] +Alvin Lim: Yes I agree on this

[4:40 pm, 26/07/2021] +Alvin Lim: MC means strictly at home RIB

[4:41 pm, 26/07/2021] +Ben: ๐Ÿ˜

[4:41 pm, 26/07/2021] +Alvin Lim: If not legislated I think ppl will break the system etc

[4:42 pm, 26/07/2021] +CQ: actually i feel that the MCs should reinstate the "reason for MC" info. ah boh whether you eat McSpicy then laosai, headache or something contagious like GE or Flu, it will give a better context to the number of days MC that the doc has given

[4:43 pm, 26/07/2021] +Ben: Question: Are there vaccine slots unused each day? ie Are there available slots that don't get taken, or are we at 100% capacity and can't do more?

[4:44 pm, 26/07/2021] +Alvin Lim: I can say for almost 99% certainty there's room for more slots

[4:44 pm, 26/07/2021] +Alvin Lim: Those above 65 can just walk in to get a shot without appointment IIRC

[4:44 pm, 26/07/2021] +CQ: i think there are some, but have to wait at the vax centre at the end of each day. i've had friends who went early during the "old folks" period to get a quicker vax, cos they have old folks at home.

[4:44 pm, 26/07/2021] +Ben: Yes that's why I asked. Seems crazy to have empty slots 'just in case' someone over 65 wants to come in

[4:45 pm, 26/07/2021] +Alvin Lim: My guess is the empty slots are not in reserve

[4:45 pm, 26/07/2021] +Alvin Lim: It's due to low booking of appointments

[4:46 pm, 26/07/2021] +Alvin Lim: Eg. companies only allow workers to vax on Friday etc

[4:46 pm, 26/07/2021] +Alvin Lim: In view of feeling unwell after the jab

[4:46 pm, 26/07/2021] +Alvin Lim: they have weekends to reset

[4:46 pm, 26/07/2021] +Alvin Lim: *rest

[4:46 pm, 26/07/2021] +Alvin Lim: so the Friday or weekend slots generally see more ppl

[4:46 pm, 26/07/2021] ☸️  Danny ๅฟƒ: 

Differentiated treatment for those vaccinated - will trigger some unvaccinated people to want to vaccinate because they are losing the privilege they use to enjoy in dining, or entertainment or services.

But for the last harden groups, differentiated treatment won't work on them.

Only mandatory vaccination can be useful on them

[4:47 pm, 26/07/2021] +Alvin Lim: Weekdays probably you have many many empty slots

[5:04 pm, 26/07/2021] +REACH: A third of maids who had entries postponed have been rescheduled to enter: MOM

SINGAPORE: About 1,800 migrant domestic workers had their entry into Singapore postponed from May, but entries for a third of them have been rescheduled, said Senior Minister of State for Manpower Zaqy Mohamad on Monday (Jul 26) in Parliament.


[5:19 pm, 26/07/2021] +REACH: ITE students can opt for lighter load if they find it difficult to cope with shorter course duration, says Maliki

SINGAPORE - Institute of Technical Education (ITE) students who find it difficult to cope with a shorter runwaycan take a lighter load and more time to complete their courses, said Second Minister for Education Maliki Osman.


[5:25 pm, 26/07/2021] +Smiley face: Based on age groups 12yrs - above 70 yrs old. Last 14 days as at 25 July 2021. 

TOTAL Cases 1,340

602 FULLY Vax (45%)

462 Part Vax (34%)

276 UNVax (21%)

45 cases not included from the 0-11yrs group as these are not vaccinated.

Age groups:

70+yrs: 123 cases

91 FULLY VAX (74% )

10 Part Vax (8%)

22 UNVax (18%)

61-70yrs: 211 cases

179 FULLY VAX (85%)

9 Part Vax (4%)

23 UNVax (11%)

40-60yrs: 408 cases

232 FULLY VAX (57%)

116 Part Vax (28%)  

60 UNVax (15%)

19-39yrs: 574 cases

Note: Those age group are waiting for their 2nd dose or to be declared fully vaccinated. 

97 FULLY VAX (17%)

312 Part Vax (54%)

165 UNVax (29%)

12-18yrs: 24 cases

3 FULLY VAX (12%)

15 Part Vax (62%) 

6 UNVax (25%)


As at 25 July 2021

ICU: 2 Cases

1 Part Vax (no change)

1 UNVa…

[5:36 pm, 26/07/2021] +REACH: Infrastructure projects for 8 schools delayed by up to 2 years due to COVID-19

SINGAPORE: Eight schools will experience delays, some up to two years, to infrastructure works because of the pandemic's impact on the construction sector, said the Ministry of Education (MOE) on Monday (Jul 26).


[5:47 pm, 26/07/2021] +REACH: 'Abuse' of boyfriend/girlfriend category to enter S'pore led to its removal in March: Shanmugam

[6:27 pm, 26/07/2021] +REACH: TraceTogether vending machines for replacement tokens rolled out at NEX and Sun Plaza

Vending machines that dispense replacement TraceTogether tokens will be deployed at more than 100 community clubs and selected malls across Singapore in the coming months.

[6:30 pm, 26/07/2021] +REACH: 129 new locally transmitted COVID-19 cases in Singapore, including 61 linked to Jurong Fishery Port cluster

[6:31 pm, 26/07/2021] +Alvin Lim: This shows that the people at the Fishery didn’t obey SMM and likely didn’t wear masks

[6:31 pm, 26/07/2021] ☸️  Danny ๅฟƒ: 

129 local cases.

Still very high.

[6:31 pm, 26/07/2021] +Rama: Yes

[6:40 pm, 26/07/2021] ☸️  Danny ๅฟƒ: 

Singapore in my opinion, is doing it the correct way.

The West like Netherland and UK reopening are premature because mass vaccination has not reached herd immunity.

By science, by mother nature, covid like any virus will exploit the unvaccinated people - strike and spread.

So mass vaccination is the only solution to beat this covid-19 pandemic.

But I did not see Ministers announcing Mandatory Vaccination - which I feel a bit disappointed.

Because as long as a group that are unvaccinated, it will become a Trojan that will reinfect the majority who are vaccinated.

Unless mandatory vaccination, - only then can achieve 100% vaccination - and ensure our containment of the covid pandemic is foolproof and watertight.

[6:43 pm, 26/07/2021] ☸️  Danny ๅฟƒ: 

Borrowing our experience from completely defeating smallpox measles mumps rubella diphtheria polio etc -100% vaccination is the key to defeat all the past pandemic.

Covid-19 with R0 = 8 similar as smallpox and close to the transmission rate like other pandemic, is 75% mass vaccination good enough to stop the covid-19 pandemic?

My assessment is - may not be good enough.

Only 100% vaccination, like all other pandemic is good enough.

[6:45 pm, 26/07/2021] +REACH: Dear Contributors,

⏰ We will be closing the chat in 15 minutes ⏰

Thank you very much for being part of our WhatsApp chat and participating actively.



[6:52 pm, 26/07/2021] ☸️  Danny ๅฟƒ: 

Else we still need to deal with some outbreak from time to time.

[7:00 pm, 26/07/2021] +REACH: Dear Contributors,

We will be closing the chat for today.

Thank you very much for being part of our WhatsApp chat and participating actively.


Megan ๐Ÿ˜Š


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