think I understood the root cause of Lee family dispute. 3 siblings has
entered into 3 realm states and their perspectives of their Father are
starkly different. That is why no one can unlock their dispute unless
the root cause is revealed.
(1) Mr Lee HY display all characteristics of "Nothingness and no nothingness" state.
(2) Ms Lee WL display all characteristics of "Perception and non-perception" state.
(3) PM Lee HL (and in fact the whole Cabinet) are in the Nirvana state.
That is why both Mr Lee HY and Ms Lee WL will keep biting on the elder brother because their realizations and understandings of their father's aspirations are confined to their respective state of mind.
will need to surpass their realizations in their respective state
before they understood their elder brother and only then there is a
possibility of reconciliation.
I will later in the day or 2 described this in detail.
I suddenly realized this because I have encountered it before. Otherwise this Nation Korean drama saga can't be solved.
No wonder the elder brother want reconciliation because of his Compassion.
Both siblings has enter into a different realm state of minds that by nature will "fight" his elder brother.
This 3 state of minds are not mundane psychological mental states that can be solved by psychology or psychiatric.
3 state of mind are related to realizations of supramundane mental
states due to constant exposure of "serving the Nation" and hence are
now on the verge of dilemma of realizations of "conflicting of self vs
Both Mr Lee HY and Ms Lee WL are still in the realms of "self".
The PM and the Cabinet are in the realms of "selfless".
The disputes will only stop if both siblings surpass the realizations of "self".
can fade into the background on this Oxley house issue as PM and
Cabinet have make themselves known in Parliament and they seem above
But then their siblings still refused to let go.
Unless the mental state of root cause are known, the dispute cannot be resolved.
2 realms state of mind are very subtle "self state that seems like
selfless state but actually still in self state" before attaining the
"true selfless state of Nirvana".
Nirvana ( ) - has 3 attributes :- (1) Panna Wisdom - Wisdom beyond mundane intelligence. It include insights, visions beyond mundane. (2) Compassion - That is why PM understand his siblings are in different realm state of minds that need to surpass "Self". (3) No-Self ( ) - everything he do is selfless for the larger good and based on his own "Bodhi Heart: ( ) This person has "No-Self" as his focus point. Nirvana - larger good encompass the Whole Universe and all 6 realms sentinent beings.
PM state of Mind is that of Nirvana. (1) Selfless - PM focus point is based on his Heart for National Interest beyond his own personal interest, beyond his father wish. PM on this focue point is very strong, unwavering. (2) Wisdom - PM understand the historical and national significance of preserving Oxley House. (3)
Compassion - PM has compassion for his siblings - and even if sacrifice
some of his political standings - is willing to reconcile with his
siblings despite the venomous attack on him.
Nothingness and no-nothingness (非想天,菲菲想天) state of mind (1) The boundary of this state of mind - cover the greater good (for attainer - the Universe - same as Nirvana attainer)
The person in this state of mind - will have the larger good as his
focus point. But he will be affected by events and things happening
around him - that seems to attack or infringe his focus point. He will
react to this events hyperactively, paranoid and even 疑神疑鬼。 This is not an insult for people with this state of mind - 见人说人话,见鬼说鬼话。
Mr Lee HY state of Mind is Nothingness and no-nothingness - The person in this state of mind - will have the larger good which is Singapore as his focus point. -
But he will be angry when it is percerceive that his larger good is
under attack - when he see his Father - a symbol of protecting Singapore
ideal come under attack. - As event shift, he will
shift with events - for eg. he state Organ of state are used to attack
his father ideal and Singapore. He will used ESM Goh argument on him and
turn it against PM. He will used the donation to charity on his house
sale and turn it against PM. He will use the Will to turn it against PM.
He will used NHB exhibit and turn it against PM. And many more examples
- This is the attributes of 见人说人话,见鬼说鬼话 --- again this is not an insult
- but the characteristics of people in this particular state of min. -
His focus point is very strong - unwavering. Hence, unless he surpassed
this focus point and attained "Selfless" state - he will be unwavering
and relentless in his attack on PM - because he will perceive that his
Father who stand for the greater good of Singapore is under attack.
Perception and non-perception(是相非相天) -
This person in this state of mind - the focus point cover the greater
good (for attainer - the Universe - same as Nirvana attainer)/ - This person however is affected by perception or 相 that will channel his energy towards his focus point
Ms Lee WL is in this state of mind. - She has the larger good of Singapore in mind. -
However it is based on her perception of her Father that has done the
greater good for Singapore - and any person seen to attack the
perception of her Father or her Father's wishes - is an attack on her
focus point. - To be able to reconcile with PM, she will
need to surpass her "Self" expecially with her attachment to perception
or 相 of her Father.
Perception and non-Perception (是相非相天) state of mind is easy to understand.
and no-nothingness (非想天,菲菲想天) state of mind is the hardest to
understand - you will need 4 markers at the 4 corners of the Universe to
understand his state of mind.
And every
organisation, in Government or in the core of family require people with
different realm of state of mind - to ensure "interlocking mechanism"
are in place - without loopholes.
PM's 3 attributes may have help in this dispute :-
Parliament is the " markers at the 4 corners of the Universe to
understand his Nothingness and no-nothingness (非想天,菲菲想天)state of mind"
--- Panna Wisdom (般若智慧)
Compassion (大慈大悲)- not to sue his siblings.
No-Self (无我,大舍)- PM National Interest above Self, personal interest.
奉天承运,王帝诏曰。 Both
siblings state of mind - will unwavering worship their Father's wish as
God and imperial decree as per the above Chinese sayings.
Hence, both siblings :- Focus point = Larger good of Singapore (no nepotism) - based on his Father's wisd. PM's
focus point = Larger good of Singapore based on his Bodhi Heart (菩提心) -
National Interest - not personal wish, personal interest.
siblings :- will focus on their Father's wish -as God will and Imperial
decree not to be misrepresented or misguided - and if done - is seen as
infringing the larger good of Singapore. Mr LHY - will be invoked
by events and react to events and use it by reversing the events to his
point to attack his elder brother, the PM hence 见人说人话,见鬼说鬼话 = this is
not an insult but an attribute of the person in the Nothingness and
non-Nothingness state of mind.
Ms LWL - will always
strongly attached to her Father, her Father's words, her Father's wish -
due to her attachment to Perception or 相。
The PM,
their elder brother - is govern by 3 attributes of Meritocracy,
Compassion (not to sue his siblings) and Selfless attribute (National
Interest over Personal interest, even his Father's personal wishes and
not on nepotism but on meritocracy for leadership succession).
And the siblings has 2 very strong attributes that defined their state of mind. (1) Concentration -- their Father's wish (2) Mindfulness - the relentless attack on PM, their elder brother - when their father's wish is infringe.
PM, the elder brother also have strong attributes that defined his state of mind :- (1) Concentration - on his Selfless attribute (National Interest over personal interest) (2) Mindfulness - relentless mindful of his duty as PM for Singapore (National interest over personal interest). (3) Right Living - of integrity, incorruptibility and honesty (that make up the rest of the 8 Noble Truth).
奉天承运,王帝诏曰。 在三界 - (非想天,非非想天)(是相非相天)是 数一数二 。 Thus both these 2 state of minds will worship highest God's will and Imperial decree - and cannot be infringed. Nothingness
and no-Nothingness (非想天,非非想天)and Perception and non-Perception (是相非相天)-
by nature are 数一数二 (The highest and 2nd highest in 三界)(天人鬼 界)。 Thus
by nature both Nothingness and no-Nothingness (非想天,非非想天)and Perception
and non-Perception (是相非相天)- will fight the Nirvana beings (涅槃)who have
跳出三界。(outside 三界)(天人鬼 界)。 Both Nothingness and no-Nothingness (非想天,非非想天)and Perception and non-Perception (是相非相天)- will worship God's will and Imperial decree of 三界 in which in their minds are the highest and unsurpass. And
because fight the Nirvana beings (涅槃)who have 跳出三界。(outside 三界)(天人鬼 界)-
Both Nothingness and no-Nothingness (非想天,非非想天)and Perception and
non-Perception (是相非相天)will think that Nirvana beings (涅槃)are out to
challenge the highest of 三界 and will fight it and try to bring it down. 谤佛,谤法,谤僧 - 堕阿鼻地地狱。 Hence 一念天堂,一念地狱。 By
fighting and intention to pull down Nirvana beings, the institutions
and the disciples - it will fall into the deepest Hell, Avici Hell - due
to a very grave sin (out of ignorance).
To let the
Nothingness and no-Nothingness (非想天,非非想天)understand the complex state of
minds of Nothingness and no-Nothingness (非想天,非非想天)- there is a need to
have 4 markers at the 4 corners of the Universe and 三世佛 - because this
state of mind is the highest Heaven and it is at the fringe of Universe
thinking that it has attained Nirvana.
This is the
actual scenario of both siblings that relentlessly fight PM, Cabinet,
that will have to grave consequences of bringing down the Government and
damage Singapore throwing Singapore into turmoil. To
save the siblings, 4 markers must be place at 4 corners of the boundary
(Parliament) to reveal all the details of the dispute. This 4 markers have Compassion to save the siblings. An Enlightened Being must "awaken" the siblings state of mind (to awaken them from their state of minds).
To mark the 4 corners of the Universe, (1) PM (2) ESM Goh (3) DPM Teo (4) Minister Finance Heng - Parliament are moved by PM's tear to forgive siblings -
And an Enlightened Being to awaken both the siblings as to their state
of mind - Nothingness and no-Nothingness (非想天,非非想天)and Perception and
non-Perception (是相非相天)- as well as Compassion to help them to U-turn.
Nothingness and no-Nothingness (非想天,非非想天)and Perception and
non-Perception (是相非相天)will think that PMare out to challenge the Mr Lee
KY and his ideals which are for the good of Singapore - will fight it
and try to bring the PM, the Cabinet and the whole of Singapore down. This
will have the "sin" of committing "treason" - and have the consequences
of "going to jail" - because it is an attempt to bring down the PM, the
Cabinet, the Institutions and the whole Nation causing turmoil - a very
grave sin (out of ignorance). It was the Compassion and
the appeal of 4 markers (4 corners of the Universe) in Parliament and 1
Enlightened Being Compassion to awaken both siblings of their state of
minds - that averted the impending catastrophe. 一念之差,毁于一旦。 一念天堂,一念地狱。
since both PM and the siblings are willing to stop the Nation Korean
drama public social media war - it has averted a potentially :- One right thought go heaven, instead of one wrong thought drop into Hell.
My wife dig out the following sutra text from 《楞严经》and show me. It confirm the assessment of the root cause of the siblings dispute as per the above posts - based on Metaphysics.
'We are not making a criticism of the Government': Lee Hsien Yang responds to 38 Oxley Road Parliament debate
38 Oxley Road. (Photo: Howard Law)
(Updated: )
The dispute over the 38 Oxley Road house would have remained a private
family matter, had Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong not used Government
agencies and a "secret" ministerial committee to "force his way," said
his brother Lee Hsien Yang on Wednesday (Jul 5).
"Sadly, it
is Lee Hsien Loong who has dragged the Government into a personal
dispute," the younger Mr Lee wrote on Facebook, a day after Parliament
concluded a two-day debate over allegations of PM Lee misusing his power
to deal with the dispute.
During the Parliamentary debate on Tuesday, former prime minister Goh Chok Tong questioned if the Lee siblings were waging a personal vendetta without considering the damage done to Singapore's reputation.
response, Mr Lee said: "We are not making a criticism of the Government
of Singapore, as we made clear from the beginning. What we have said is
that we are disturbed by the character, conduct, motives and leadership
of our brother, Lee Hsien Loong."
He added: "The PM should
abide by the same high standards that are expected of even junior civil
servants. To show evidence that he has failed to meet these standards,
is not to attack the Singapore system, but to preserve it."
Mr Lee
again accused his brother of using his position as Prime Minister to
drive his personal agenda, and said he and his sister, Dr Lee Wei Ling,
"felt threatened" by PM Lee after the death of their father, Singapore's
first prime minister Lee Kuan Yew.
The dispute largely surrounds the future of the late Mr Lee's house
at 38 Oxley Road, and whether it should be demolished as stated in his
last will.
"Our father’s legacy is more than bricks and mortar,"
Mr Lee wrote. "He made sure that all Government officials acted with
justice and integrity. He accepted nothing less than incorruptibility,
especially for the very top. Singapore can yet live up to his legacy."
Lee on Tuesday said the two days of debates in Parliament have shown
that he and the Government acted properly and with due process, as no
MPs have alleged any additional facts or charges, or substantiated any
of the allegations.
He also expressed regret over the family spat and said he hopes for reconciliation with his siblings.
hope that one day, these passions will subside, and we can begin to
reconcile ... At the very least, I hope that my siblings will not visit
their resentments and grievances with one generation upon the next
generation. And further, that they do not transmit their enmities and
feuds to our children.”
Source: CNA/gs
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Lee Hsien Yang, Lee Wei Ling say they will stop presenting more evidence on Oxley Road dispute
The younger siblings of Prime Minister Lee
Hsien Loong say they "will cease presenting further evidence on social
media, provided that we and our father’s wish are not attacked or
Lee Hsien Loong, Lee Wei Ling and Lee Hsien Yang
(Updated: )
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Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong's siblings, Mr Lee Hsien Yang and Dr Lee
Wei Ling, released a joint public statement on Thursday (Jul 6)
addressing the family dispute surrounding the family home at 38 Oxley
In the statement, Mr Lee Hsien Yang and Dr Lee Wei Ling said
they would cease presenting further evidence on social media, "provided
that we and our father's wish are not attacked or misrepresented".
Earlier in the week, there was a two-day debate on the issue in Parliament, during which the Prime Minister delivered a ministerial statement in a bid to refute allegations of abuse of power made by his siblings.
Closing out the debate with another speech on the second day, PM Lee expressed regret over the spat and said he hoped for reconciliation.
their statement on Thursday, Mr Lee Hsien Yang and Dr Lee provided
detailed replies to "some claims made" in the recent parliamentary
session, noting that they did not have the opportunity to present their
views in Parliament.
"It is impossible for Members of Parliament
to effectively question PM Lee, when his party controls almost all the
seats in the house. No independent investigator has gathered evidence,
interviewed other witnesses, or subpoenaed the government’s own records.
As we pointed out before, Parliament is not the right forum for
investigations of this nature," they said.
"In Parliament, many spoke up to parrot Lee Hsien Loong’s attacks on
Lee Kuan Yew’s will and on us. This entirely proves our point that Hsien
Loong’s subordinates are beholden to him, and cannot be impartial
judges of their own boss."
The siblings said that releasing
further evidence on social media will "only muddy the facts, and put
pressure on government agencies to make excuses for PM Lee".
there is ever a truly independent inquiry to examine the evidence, they
are welcome to ask. Ultimately, it is up to the people of Singapore
whether they hold Lee Hsien Loong to a true accounting," they wrote.
The statement in full is as below:
They also submitted another document containing "evidence" on the issue:
Source: CNA/mz
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