Sunday, July 30, 2017

ricky l

Trump says China tried but failed to help on North Korea

By Steve Holland and Michael Martina
China will not want an untamed tiger in its backyard, especially one that will be wiedling nuclear weapons.
But China's hands are tied to do more to rein in on N Korea specifically :-
(1) By imposing tougher sanctions to the point of bringing down N Korea economy - it will lead to massive refugees problem and the collapse of N Korea will threaten China provinces bordering N Korea.
(2) China businesses and jobs that trade with N Korea will also be impacted - causing social problem to China.
(3) By pressing N Korea economically, N Korea may rely more on Russia - and this mean China will have less and less economic leverages on N Korea - in which China will not want - as N Korea will move away from China more and more - and may eventually pose problem to China.
(4) China will not want a collapse N Korea - as S Korea will unify N Korea - and US troop will move next to China border without a buffer zone.

Thus there is a limit what China can do to rein in N Korea.
N Korea is able to play out the 5 fingers (China, Russia, US, S Korea, Japan) from clenching into a fist on N Korea - by knowing the cards of all the 5 fingers.

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