Saturday, July 29, 2017

Countries must avoid protectionism 'at all costs': IMF



Ricky Lim · 

Trump is a pathetic President.

He is not able to understand what makes the economy works - and put blame on the wrong things such as trade that is the wealth-enabler.

Nothing seems to go right for him in his office as President - and non of his policies have been able to pass legislature plus his dismissal of so many of his close aides prove he is not the right person for a President.
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Ricky Lim · 

The poll showing high disapproval of Trump as President - reflect the whole story about Trump.
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Ricky Lim · 

Not only is Trump messing out his domestic affairs - but he is also messing out the World affairs.

What a mess.....
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Lance Long · 

Ricky Lim 1st: free trade is not good for the world as of now. Reason being it is largely benefit to the top1 percent. Although they pay the most tax but our government only use the fund to support the lowest bans of people. The middle tier received no help and suffered. Donald trump is better than Obama, if he received support from his party. US will be moving a big step forward. His stance toward North Korean is right, protectionism is right as US IS BEING HEAVYLY RIPPED OFF by various country. Company like apple Microsoft shift their production line to china because of cheap labour, and again only the rich benefit . If they produce in Us, they can selled a price cheaper in us but more expensive in others country to make up the different.
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Lance Long · 

As for the illegal immigrants, ask yourself, do you want stranger in your country that might posted a danger to your community. Do you want your tax money go to support those monster. Do you want them to steal your jobs? I will tell the immigrants to fxxx off no matter how noble their reason is
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Ricky Lim · 

Lance Long -
Wonder whether you learn Economics in NUS.
(A) Trade
(1) Singapore has the highest trade to GDP ratio in the world, averaging around 400%.
If you say trade is no good, it is as good as "closing shop" - and go back to kampong life.
(2) China used to be a closed state without trade during the 1960s to 1970s in deep poverty until they open up for trade - and now become the 2nd largest Economy in the World.
(3) N Korea is a closed economy without trade and dwell in extreme poverty. This 2 years, they trade with China and enjoy 2% groeth in their Economy.
I am not sure whether you understand Circular Flow of Income, Multiplier Effects - Economic Theory. 
I bet you don't and I bet Trump don't.
That is why both of you all think trade is no good.
Almost every aspects of our daily lives - have to do with trade - else you got no food to eat now.

(B)Middle income - are mainly affected by disruptive technologies - not trade - that take away jobs.
Trade create jobs.
Disruptive technologies take away job - unless we are willing to re-train to take on jobs created by disruptive technologies but destroy traditional jobs.

(C) Donald Trump make many mistakes about N Korea as Comedian-in-Chief.
(1) He say he want to pull his troop out of SKorea and let SKorea handle NKorea during election.
If he has done so, now NKorea will have fire ICBM nuclear missiles at US - and US will not be able to intercept the missiles in time if they have no monitoring equipment in SKorea.
(2) He want to charge SKorea Thaad missiles.
SKorea will have asked him to take it back.
Without Thaad to intercept NKora missiles at its source, NKorea will have blasted US mainland and burn his backside.
(3) He announce his number of submarines going to NKorea. 
This leak will have cause the lives of the Americans as few hundred NKorea submarines will have hunted the US submarines down.
(4) He announce his aircraft carrier is near NKorea water - while his carrier is heading to Australia.
-- and many more mistakes.
Just don't want to go further.

(D) About production plant in which country, services company in which country - I think like Trump, you don't seems to understand economies of scale, economy integration, trade integration and other macro-economic theories.
How to explain to you and Trump?
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Ricky Lim · 

Further danger down the road if Trump are doing further damage to his domestic affairs :-
(1) If he start dismantling many financial regulations on his financial sector - will trigger a world financial crisis.
(2) If he did not use his fiscal policies correctly, his monetary policies will run out of steam and he will accumulate trillions of debts that will burden his country.
(3) His international standings in the World has already badly beaten and his trade market that employ milions of jobs will be stagnant.

This are the economic and financial risk that are mess up by him.

There are too many more to list here.

The least he do, the lesser mess will be needed to clean it up later.
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Ricky Lim · 

In summary, Trump is the most unqualified President around.
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Ricky Lim · 

Trump is hacking at all the pillars of sound economic fundamentals and economic principles - eg. comparative advantages, competitive advantages vis-a-vis skilsets, resources; trade mechanism, financial system, skew market mechanism etc - that will bring trouble to the market economic mechanics - and cause trouble not only to US domestic economy - but will also disrupt World Market Economy.

Simply because Trump don't understand the Economic dynamic just like you.

This is the main reason US Republican and Democratic Party plus the US Government Institiutions are not supporting Trump's "any oh how economic policies and political policies" - that if implemented will be disastrous --- simply because Trump is not a qualified President.
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Ricky Lim · 
Trump is akin to a unqualified or uncertified doctor trying to play doctor.

Headache give panadol.
Running nose give running nose pill.
Cannot sleep give sleeping pill.
--- But does not diagnose the underlying cause of the sickness that cause the above symptoms.

Trump is playing to the gallery - appealing to his voters what they want to hear and do what they want to see him doing - but not solving the real root cause.

Another analogy, Trump is an unqualified structural engineer trying to play engineer.
Trump try to put all the colorful buildings on a foundation - with no regards whether the foundation can sustain the weight of the buildings - and one day the buildings will give way and collapse.

This is what Trump is doing to US as an unqualified President.
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