Singapore's value to the United States lies in its location: US ambassador nominee KT McFarland
(Updated: )
Goh Jon Hin ·
Does that mean US can set up a naval blockade force to control or cut off gateway between East and West?
This is no good as it will incite the other supposedly opposition bloc of countries to be more determined to push for the Kra Canal to by-pass Singapore and render our location less valuable.
This is no good as it will incite the other supposedly opposition bloc of countries to be more determined to push for the Kra Canal to by-pass Singapore and render our location less valuable.
Jacqueline Wee
The US has partnered us for five decades. When was our sovereignty ever in question? A blockade will end trade and all parties will lose, why would anyone initiate that?
Reply · 1 hr
Ing W Yang
The British and Japanese also liked our location in the past and violently fought for control. Our location brought much misfortune while the great powers fought to dominate supply route. Sadly, looks like history will repeat.
Reply · 1 hr
Ricky Lim ·
Ricky Lim ·
Posted on :-
13 Jul 2017
Ricky Lim ·
It is Singapore's interest to work with all Countries and keep the sea lane open for all - as Singapore trade with most if not all Countries.
And this is based on the principle of mutual benefits.
So making our stand clear is important for us to China, US or any other Countries.
Like · Reply · 14 mins
Ricky Lim ·
We are consistent with our priniciple of :-
"Make friends with all and make no enemies".
"Forge mutual benefits with Win-Win outcome".
Like · Reply · 7 mins
Ricky Lim ·
Posted in :-
26 May 2017
Ricky Lim ·
Let us put things in perspective.
China is our largest trading partners and Singapore is the largest investor in China.
But Singapore has also many large trading partners such as :-
(2) FTA with US
(3) FTA with India
(4) FTA with Japan
(5) FTA with Australia, New Zealand
(6) Impending FTA with EU
(7) FTA with S Korea
and many trade with Countries all over the World ---- which comprise our vital trading partners and trade that contribute to our GDP.
While the importance of trade and relationship with China cannot be underestimated, our relationship with all the above must also be balanced.
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Ricky Lim ·
It is not a zero-sum game.
We cannot ignore the rest of the World - and solely cater for China alone.
Nor can we ignore China - and cater solely for the rest of the World.
China is important to Singapore.
The rest of the World is also equally important to Singapore.
We must be friends to all and adversaries to none.
This philossophy since independence must be upheld.
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Ricky Lim ·
Singapore may be small.
But our Mind and our Heart - must be Big - and can accomdate the World to be our Friends with no Adversaries.
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Ricky Lim ·
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Posted on :-
13 Jul 2017
Ricky Lim ·
It is Singapore's interest to work with all Countries and keep the sea lane open for all - as Singapore trade with most if not all Countries.
And this is based on the principle of mutual benefits.
So making our stand clear is important for us to China, US or any other Countries.
Like · Reply · 14 mins
Ricky Lim ·
We are consistent with our priniciple of :-
"Make friends with all and make no enemies".
"Forge mutual benefits with Win-Win outcome".
Like · Reply · 7 mins
Ricky Lim ·
Posted in :-
26 May 2017
Ricky Lim ·
Let us put things in perspective.
China is our largest trading partners and Singapore is the largest investor in China.
But Singapore has also many large trading partners such as :-
(2) FTA with US
(3) FTA with India
(4) FTA with Japan
(5) FTA with Australia, New Zealand
(6) Impending FTA with EU
(7) FTA with S Korea
and many trade with Countries all over the World ---- which comprise our vital trading partners and trade that contribute to our GDP.
While the importance of trade and relationship with China cannot be underestimated, our relationship with all the above must also be balanced.
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Ricky Lim ·
It is not a zero-sum game.
We cannot ignore the rest of the World - and solely cater for China alone.
Nor can we ignore China - and cater solely for the rest of the World.
China is important to Singapore.
The rest of the World is also equally important to Singapore.
We must be friends to all and adversaries to none.
This philossophy since independence must be upheld.
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Ricky Lim ·
Singapore may be small.
But our Mind and our Heart - must be Big - and can accomdate the World to be our Friends with no Adversaries.
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Ricky Lim ·
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Ricky Lim ·
In other words, it is our interest and everyone's interest to keep the sea lane open for everyone - and not use it to choke trade passing through the sea lane.
Peace, security, safety are important to us.
The ISIS militants festering in the region - such as Marawi, ISIS cells - are real and immediate threat to us.
Piracy is also a problem and thorns to sea trade.
Thus countering the security threat is paramount to keep the sea lane open and safe for threat.
Then come economic activities and trade activities - such as free flow of goods and services must not be impeded and should be facilitated.
This is what Singapore aim to keep - to ensure the sea lane are open to all - to ensure peace, safety and securiy are ensure - as means to propel prosperity.
Thus working harmoniously with US, China, Asean and the rest of Asia Pacific Countries to ensure the above are critical and important to Singapore.
Peace, security, safety are important to us.
The ISIS militants festering in the region - such as Marawi, ISIS cells - are real and immediate threat to us.
Piracy is also a problem and thorns to sea trade.
Thus countering the security threat is paramount to keep the sea lane open and safe for threat.
Then come economic activities and trade activities - such as free flow of goods and services must not be impeded and should be facilitated.
This is what Singapore aim to keep - to ensure the sea lane are open to all - to ensure peace, safety and securiy are ensure - as means to propel prosperity.
Thus working harmoniously with US, China, Asean and the rest of Asia Pacific Countries to ensure the above are critical and important to Singapore.
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Ricky Lim ·
And certainly, 4 important mega-multi-lateral trade deals and infrastructure development that will make our sea lane most important and critical will be :-
(1) One Belt One Road
(2) RCEP multi-lateral trade deal
(3) TPP multi-lateral trade deal
(4) Singapore-EU multi-lateral trade deal - hopefully this will faciliate an ASEAN-EU multi-lateral trade deal
will be of critical and most vital to Singapore and the region.
(1) One Belt One Road
(2) RCEP multi-lateral trade deal
(3) TPP multi-lateral trade deal
(4) Singapore-EU multi-lateral trade deal - hopefully this will faciliate an ASEAN-EU multi-lateral trade deal
will be of critical and most vital to Singapore and the region.
Ricky Lim ·
In fact, it will be of great benefits to US, if more US investors could set up more companies in Singapore to take advantage of the 4 multi-lateral trade deals and infrastructure development that will be festering here.
This will not only bring business to American companies but will also help to create jobs here as well as at home.
This will not only bring business to American companies but will also help to create jobs here as well as at home.
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Ricky Lim ·
Because America companies investment here will bring in imports of equipment and parts from US and thus benefit the export market in US and create jobs in US as well in addition to creating jobs in Singapore.
This is a mutual beneficial effect and a win-win outcome.
This is a mutual beneficial effect and a win-win outcome.
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Jm Chow
Ms KT McFarland knows the strategic importance of Singapore. She hold the views... that the world is achessboard to be rearranged...China is flexing its military muscles...China disrupts the US relationship with countries in Asia...(which is exactly the opposite to the truth)
She measure her success as the Ambassador to Singapore... in terms of success in helping to make America great again in this region...NOT the usual role of an ambassador...whic is maintaining good relationship between the USA and the host country...and looking after the interest of ....Americans in Singapore and the USA.
This is disquieting to most peace loving people in East Asia and South East Asia.
She is being removed, for obvious reason, as the Deputy National Security Advisor by General H.R. McMaster.
For the good of Singapore and the USA,... let's hope , as envoy of Trump, she will not try too rearrange the international chessboard in Asia in " promoting America’s interests."!
She measure her success as the Ambassador to Singapore... in terms of success in helping to make America great again in this region...NOT the usual role of an ambassador...whic is maintaining good relationship between the USA and the host country...and looking after the interest of ....Americans in Singapore and the USA.
This is disquieting to most peace loving people in East Asia and South East Asia.
She is being removed, for obvious reason, as the Deputy National Security Advisor by General H.R. McMaster.
For the good of Singapore and the USA,... let's hope , as envoy of Trump, she will not try too rearrange the international chessboard in Asia in " promoting America’s interests."!
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Jm Chow
McFarland, proudly affirms "we (the USA and Singapore) have close security relationship. When America closed our bases in the Philippines in the 1990s, Singapore stepped up to make its facilities available to the US Navy....Today our Poseidon P-8 aircraft operate out of Singapore. Our Littoral Combat ships rotate out of Changi Naval base."
She has confirmed her confirmation hearing at the US Senate ...that we are no longer neutral in our relationship with China and the USA. Singapore has 'stepped up' as replacements for the US bases in the Philippines, a US vassal state.
Now, we have confirmation from the next US Ambassador to Singapore that Singapore is a US ally...just like Japan, South Korea and the Philippines.
(Note: will my post on this subject ..telling the turth be censored again.)
She has confirmed her confirmation hearing at the US Senate ...that we are no longer neutral in our relationship with China and the USA. Singapore has 'stepped up' as replacements for the US bases in the Philippines, a US vassal state.
Now, we have confirmation from the next US Ambassador to Singapore that Singapore is a US ally...just like Japan, South Korea and the Philippines.
(Note: will my post on this subject ..telling the turth be censored again.)
Ricky Lim ·
Poseidon P-8 aircraft and Littoral Combat ships - are coastal patrol and reconnaisance best suited to check on piracy and terrorists milliants that threaten our sea lane.
Ricky Lim ·
Our PM and Foreign Minister have make cleared that we are not a vassal state to any SuperPowers or any Countries.
We will upheld our Sovereignty and our relationships with both SuperPowers are not "Allies" - but are partners - whether as Security partners or Economic partners --- for mutual benefits and win-win outcome.
We hope that both US and China are in good relationship - as this will make Singapore position better and comfortable with both US and China.
The current relationship between US and China are not "too bad" - as there are multi-level communication.
So there is no issue of "vassal state" to either one.
Singapore is an important partner to both US and China.
We will upheld our Sovereignty and our relationships with both SuperPowers are not "Allies" - but are partners - whether as Security partners or Economic partners --- for mutual benefits and win-win outcome.
We hope that both US and China are in good relationship - as this will make Singapore position better and comfortable with both US and China.
The current relationship between US and China are not "too bad" - as there are multi-level communication.
So there is no issue of "vassal state" to either one.
Singapore is an important partner to both US and China.
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Ricky Lim ·
The current ISIS development in Marawi (due to the fall of ISIS caliphate in Iraq and the impending fall in Syria) and the returning ISIS militants to SE Asia --- heightened the "security threat" in SE Asia region.
Intelligence to monitor the ISIS militants activities become paramount - before they are able to form a foothold in the region and launch regional attacks and worldwide attack - like what they did in Iraq/Syria caliphate.
So on the hindsight, we have the foresight to involve US to rotate their intelligence gathering assets here --- that will help to tackle the terrorists activities in the region ---- so that preemptive actions can be taken before terrorism and piracy become a problem in this region.
Intelligence to monitor the ISIS militants activities become paramount - before they are able to form a foothold in the region and launch regional attacks and worldwide attack - like what they did in Iraq/Syria caliphate.
So on the hindsight, we have the foresight to involve US to rotate their intelligence gathering assets here --- that will help to tackle the terrorists activities in the region ---- so that preemptive actions can be taken before terrorism and piracy become a problem in this region.
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Reply · 35 mins
Ricky Lim ·
US who have direct engagement with ISIS militants in Syria, Iraq, and many other places ---- will become a vital source of intelliegence on the modus operandi of ISIS activities, tactics, plan and strategies - whether bomb making, command and control structure, propaganda etc --- and this will be useful for us and the region to respond and tackle ISIS threat effectively.
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Reply · 2 hrs
Jm Chow
Ricky Lim
Yes... PM Lee and FM Balakrishnan " have make cleared that we are not a vassal state to any SuperPowers or any Countries."
I know many ignorant Singaporeans take their words at face value...NOT bothered to check the facts.
Let's see... Singapore is not a neo-colony (which many muddle-minded people took it as what PM Lee and Balakrishnan had meant)
If not a neo-colony then, what exactly is a vassal state?
According to politicians and people knowledgeable in foreign affairs..."vassal state" is one that provide military assistance to the dominant state when requested to do so. (See Wikipedia write-up for a vassal state in website below:)
Is tiny Singapore NOT providing military assistance to the powerful USA, a super power ?
Read McFarland's words again. I requote here:
"we (the USA and Singapore) have close security relationship. When America closed our bases in the Philippines in the 1990s, Singapore stepped up to make its facilities available to the US Navy....Today our Poseidon P-8 aircraft operate out of Singapore. Our Littoral Combat ships rotate out of Changi Naval base."
Are we NOT providing base facilities to the USA .. to US naval vessels, including for an aircraft carrier on occasions when needed?
Unfortunately, Singapore has become a vassal state of the USA....a fact that no words from our leaders can change.
Yes... PM Lee and FM Balakrishnan " have make cleared that we are not a vassal state to any SuperPowers or any Countries."
I know many ignorant Singaporeans take their words at face value...NOT bothered to check the facts.
Let's see... Singapore is not a neo-colony (which many muddle-minded people took it as what PM Lee and Balakrishnan had meant)
If not a neo-colony then, what exactly is a vassal state?
According to politicians and people knowledgeable in foreign affairs..."vassal state" is one that provide military assistance to the dominant state when requested to do so. (See Wikipedia write-up for a vassal state in website below:)
Is tiny Singapore NOT providing military assistance to the powerful USA, a super power ?
Read McFarland's words again. I requote here:
"we (the USA and Singapore) have close security relationship. When America closed our bases in the Philippines in the 1990s, Singapore stepped up to make its facilities available to the US Navy....Today our Poseidon P-8 aircraft operate out of Singapore. Our Littoral Combat ships rotate out of Changi Naval base."
Are we NOT providing base facilities to the USA .. to US naval vessels, including for an aircraft carrier on occasions when needed?
Unfortunately, Singapore has become a vassal state of the USA....a fact that no words from our leaders can change.
Reply · 1 hr
Jm Chow
Ricky Lim
Stop posting irrelevancy... in reply to my comments about McFarland's affirmation that, Singapore provides military base facilities to the replace the US military bases in the Philippines.
You could talk about Marawi under another topic.
Any more irrelevancy will be treated as, and ignored by me as..the words from a troll.
As expected, my reply explaining why Singapore is now a vassal state has been censored.
Stop posting irrelevancy... in reply to my comments about McFarland's affirmation that, Singapore provides military base facilities to the replace the US military bases in the Philippines.
You could talk about Marawi under another topic.
Any more irrelevancy will be treated as, and ignored by me as..the words from a troll.
As expected, my reply explaining why Singapore is now a vassal state has been censored.
Like · Reply · 25 mins · Edited
Jm Chow
Ricky Lim
The full definition in Wikipedia of a vassal state is
"A vassal state is any state that is subordinate to another. The vassal in these cases is the ruler, rather than the state itself. Being a vassal most commonly implies providing military assistance to the dominant state when requested to do so; it sometimes implies paying tribute, but a state which does so is better described as a tributary state. In simpler terms the vassal state would have to provide military power to the dominant state. Today, more common terms are puppet state, protectorate or associated state."
"A vassal state is any state subordinate to another" This statement is NOT exactly true in ALL explaned by Wilipdia which says: " The vassal in these cases is the ruler, rather than the state itself.
Wikipedia clearify further... states:""Being a vassal most commonly implies providing military assistance to the dominant state when requested to do so;"
This statement fits Singapore perfectly.
Wikipedia also include those states who , SOMETIMES...paying tribute, but a state which does so is better described as a tributary state.
Yes, more common terms for tributary states are "puppet state, protectorate or associated state."
Hope this clear the confusion , intentionally or unintentionally, created in the minds of readers.. by your selective and partial quotes of Wilipedia.
The full definition in Wikipedia of a vassal state is
"A vassal state is any state that is subordinate to another. The vassal in these cases is the ruler, rather than the state itself. Being a vassal most commonly implies providing military assistance to the dominant state when requested to do so; it sometimes implies paying tribute, but a state which does so is better described as a tributary state. In simpler terms the vassal state would have to provide military power to the dominant state. Today, more common terms are puppet state, protectorate or associated state."
"A vassal state is any state subordinate to another" This statement is NOT exactly true in ALL explaned by Wilipdia which says: " The vassal in these cases is the ruler, rather than the state itself.
Wikipedia clearify further... states:""Being a vassal most commonly implies providing military assistance to the dominant state when requested to do so;"
This statement fits Singapore perfectly.
Wikipedia also include those states who , SOMETIMES...paying tribute, but a state which does so is better described as a tributary state.
Yes, more common terms for tributary states are "puppet state, protectorate or associated state."
Hope this clear the confusion , intentionally or unintentionally, created in the minds of readers.. by your selective and partial quotes of Wilipedia.
Ricky Lim ·
We are not a US base that replace Philippines.
In Philippines, US have a contingent of troops deploy there.
We have no US troop deployed in Singapore.
Nor are we a vassal state.
We have full sovereignty to carry out our Governance and we don't operate on instructions from any foreign countries.
In Philippines, US have a contingent of troops deploy there.
We have no US troop deployed in Singapore.
Nor are we a vassal state.
We have full sovereignty to carry out our Governance and we don't operate on instructions from any foreign countries.
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Ricky Lim ·
A vassal state is any state that is subordinate to another.
Today, more common terms are puppet state, protectorate or associated state.
Singapore is not any of the above.
We have full sovereignty in carrying out trade deal, military relationship, foreign affairs, full local governance among others.
We are no where near a "vassal state".
Today, more common terms are puppet state, protectorate or associated state.
Singapore is not any of the above.
We have full sovereignty in carrying out trade deal, military relationship, foreign affairs, full local governance among others.
We are no where near a "vassal state".
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Ricky Lim ·
And when you mention Marawi is irrelevant, i presume you do not associate Marawi as belonging to Philippines - because you also mention US base move away from Philippines.
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Jm Chow
Ricky Lim
Sngapore is a vassal state according to what is affirmed by McFarland in her senate hearing...see the definition of vassal state in a dictionary...
A vassal state is : " . ... Being a vassal most commonly implies providing military assistance to the dominant state when requested to do so;"
{Is my reply going to be censored again )
Sngapore is a vassal state according to what is affirmed by McFarland in her senate hearing...see the definition of vassal state in a dictionary...
A vassal state is : " . ... Being a vassal most commonly implies providing military assistance to the dominant state when requested to do so;"
{Is my reply going to be censored again )
Like · Reply · 19 mins · Edited
Ricky Lim ·
Since I am now responding to your comments, i believe they will not censor it.
Anyway, the full definition of a vassal state :-
"A vassal state is any state that is subordinate to another. The vassal in these cases is the ruler, rather than the state itself. Being a vassal most commonly implies providing military assistance to the dominant state when requested to do so; it sometimes implies paying tribute, but a state which does so is better described as a tributary state. In simpler terms the vassal state would have to provide military power to the dominant state. Today, more common terms are puppet state, protectorate or associated state."
Singapore is not a subordinate state, uppet state, protectorate or associated state to US or China or any other States.
We have full sovereign status and has a seat in the United Nation.
We are also not providing military assistance to the dominant state such as the US.
We are providing military assistance to help Philippines to tackle ISIS militants trying to gain a foothold there - because without which, ISIS once gain foothhold will attack us and everyone in the region and the World - like what they do in Syria/Iraq.
That is the reason why i bring in the topic of Marawi and its relevancy.
We have vision that can see far and can anticipate problems before it arise. Indeed it has now arise - and we can tackle them effectively.
Anyway, the full definition of a vassal state :-
"A vassal state is any state that is subordinate to another. The vassal in these cases is the ruler, rather than the state itself. Being a vassal most commonly implies providing military assistance to the dominant state when requested to do so; it sometimes implies paying tribute, but a state which does so is better described as a tributary state. In simpler terms the vassal state would have to provide military power to the dominant state. Today, more common terms are puppet state, protectorate or associated state."
Singapore is not a subordinate state, uppet state, protectorate or associated state to US or China or any other States.
We have full sovereign status and has a seat in the United Nation.
We are also not providing military assistance to the dominant state such as the US.
We are providing military assistance to help Philippines to tackle ISIS militants trying to gain a foothold there - because without which, ISIS once gain foothhold will attack us and everyone in the region and the World - like what they do in Syria/Iraq.
That is the reason why i bring in the topic of Marawi and its relevancy.
We have vision that can see far and can anticipate problems before it arise. Indeed it has now arise - and we can tackle them effectively.
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Ricky Lim ·
The reasons why i am responding to your comments are that :-
(1) many wild comments have been festering since the dispute on South China sea erupted - and they need to be corrected and communicated so that it will not turn Singapore into a SuperPower wrestling ground.
(2) This will help to ensure that Singapore can operate in a constructive environment and not a place of SuperPower contesting, wrestling and jostling for economic, political and military space.
(3) And we will not want a repeat of Terrex seizure.
(4) In so doing, we will be able to protect our National Interests - while accomodating the interests of other in a constructive manner and not destructive manner.
(1) many wild comments have been festering since the dispute on South China sea erupted - and they need to be corrected and communicated so that it will not turn Singapore into a SuperPower wrestling ground.
(2) This will help to ensure that Singapore can operate in a constructive environment and not a place of SuperPower contesting, wrestling and jostling for economic, political and military space.
(3) And we will not want a repeat of Terrex seizure.
(4) In so doing, we will be able to protect our National Interests - while accomodating the interests of other in a constructive manner and not destructive manner.
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Ricky Lim ·
And other more important goals we hope to achieve is that :-
(1) No one should disrupt our pursue of economic initiatives such as OBOR, RCEP, TPP, Singapore-EU trade initiatives.
(2) Bring US back to business, investment, trade track
--- so that SuperPowers and Countries in this region can engage in a constructive, safe, secured, peace environment to grow wealth.
(1) No one should disrupt our pursue of economic initiatives such as OBOR, RCEP, TPP, Singapore-EU trade initiatives.
(2) Bring US back to business, investment, trade track
--- so that SuperPowers and Countries in this region can engage in a constructive, safe, secured, peace environment to grow wealth.
Ricky Lim ·
Also want to reiterate that :-
Singapore defense relationship is not only with US.
Singapore has a web of defense relationship and arrangement with whole host of Countries :-
- Australia, New Zealand, Malaysia, Britain, India
- Thaliand and US
- even have military exercise with China plus the coming naval joint-exercise between China and ASEAN where Singapore is the coordinating host
- France etc
There are some sensitive ones not mention.
So how can one define Singapore as a vassal state - military subordination to US?
Singapore defense relationship is not only with US.
Singapore has a web of defense relationship and arrangement with whole host of Countries :-
- Australia, New Zealand, Malaysia, Britain, India
- Thaliand and US
- even have military exercise with China plus the coming naval joint-exercise between China and ASEAN where Singapore is the coordinating host
- France etc
There are some sensitive ones not mention.
So how can one define Singapore as a vassal state - military subordination to US?
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Ricky Lim ·
In fact
will be the best phrase that describe Singapore's position - from a "Position of Strength" - not a "subordinate state".
We do so :-
(1) Economically - with so many FTA that we sign with so many Countries
(2) Militarily - with so many defense relationships we forge with so many Countries.
Wonder is Singapore a really "vassal state to any Superpowers"?
will be the best phrase that describe Singapore's position - from a "Position of Strength" - not a "subordinate state".
We do so :-
(1) Economically - with so many FTA that we sign with so many Countries
(2) Militarily - with so many defense relationships we forge with so many Countries.
Wonder is Singapore a really "vassal state to any Superpowers"?
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Jm Chow
Ricky Lim
Stay focus...address the relevant points....if you intend giving rational replies to my comments....
But you are irrational...twisting and bringing in rubbish divert from the topic under discussion.
Unless you can discuss the subject (McFarland affirming Singapore is providing base facilities to US naval and airforce in Singapore)...logically, rationally and to the point, is absolutely a waste of my time to continue.
Good bye and have a nice day.
Stay focus...address the relevant points....if you intend giving rational replies to my comments....
But you are irrational...twisting and bringing in rubbish divert from the topic under discussion.
Unless you can discuss the subject (McFarland affirming Singapore is providing base facilities to US naval and airforce in Singapore)...logically, rationally and to the point, is absolutely a waste of my time to continue.
Good bye and have a nice day.
Jm Chow
Ricky Lim
You irrational comment ...about having defence relations with other nations is proof that Singapore is no vassal state.
Good try...
Tell Japan not having strong defence relationship with many nations...yet we know Japan is a vassel state. May be ONLY you will say Japan is not a vassal state of the USA.
You irrational comment ...about having defence relations with other nations is proof that Singapore is no vassal state.
Good try...
Tell Japan not having strong defence relationship with many nations...yet we know Japan is a vassel state. May be ONLY you will say Japan is not a vassal state of the USA.
Ricky Lim ·
So you equate US having base here means we are a vassal state of US.
Then we have base in Thailand, France, US, India, Australia, India, etc
China once also persuade us to have a base in Hainan.
Does this mean someone else are vassal state of us?
Sounds even more illogical.
Then we have base in Thailand, France, US, India, Australia, India, etc
China once also persuade us to have a base in Hainan.
Does this mean someone else are vassal state of us?
Sounds even more illogical.
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Ricky Lim ·
By openly stating that Singapore is a "vassal state" of a SuperPower - is a very dangerous proposition as it undermine our Sovereignty, compromise our National Interest, and unnecessary create a tussle between the 2 SuperPowers and tension will be imposed on us.
This notion must be properly debunked and not let it take root.
Else Singapore will be an "enslaved nation" beholden to any enslaver which is absolutely not true.
This notion must be properly debunked and not let it take root.
Else Singapore will be an "enslaved nation" beholden to any enslaver which is absolutely not true.
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