North Korea says 2nd ICBM test puts 'entire' US in range
ricky l
Posted on May 15, 2017
ricky l 2 seconds ago
The closer the N Korea get its ICBM and nuclear --- the closer the N Korea will be approaching its D-day (Death day).
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ricky l 2 seconds ago
The closer the N Korea get its ICBM and nuclear --- the closer the N Korea will be approaching its D-day (Death day).
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- rricky lNow the only way out and albeit the last chance for NKorea - is to request for denuclearisation talk.
The only last chance ....................
ricky lN Korea may be successful in launching an ICBM, but it sorely lack the political readings of the entire geopolitical situation.
N Korea may for the 1st time face the real possibility of attack if it does not follow up with the request of denuclearisation talk.
Failure to activate foreign and political machinery to start denuclearisation talk - may bring an end to N Korea.
US senator says Trump ready for war with North Korea
The US Air Force B-1B bomber pictured here flew over the Korean peninsula last week in a show of force after North Korea's latest test launch of an inter-continental ballistic missileA Republican senator said Tuesday that US President Donald Trump has told him he would go to war to destroy North Korea rather than allow it to develop a long-range nuclear-armed missile.Influential lawmaker Lindsey Graham, a foreign policy hawk, told NBC's Today Show: "There is a military option: To destroy North Korea's program and North Korea itself."Last week, North Korean leader Kim Jong-Un boasted that his country could now strike any target in the United States after carrying out its latest intercontinental ballistic missile test.World powers have been trying to stifle Pyongyang's weapons program through United Nations-backed sanctions, but have failed to daunt the regime and Washington is growing frustrated.Graham said that if diplomacy, and in particular pressure from the North's neighbor China, fails to halt the program then the United States will have no choice but to take devastating military action."They've kicked the can down the road for 20 years. There will be a war with North Korea over the missile program if they continue to try to hit America with an ICBM," he said, describing his discussions with Trump."He's told me that. I believe him. If I were China, I would believe him, too, and do something about it. You can stop North Korea, militarily or diplomatically."I prefer the diplomatic approach. But they will not be allowed to have a missile to hit America with a nuclear weapon on top