Let see whether the economic top man will be revising the TPP trade deal - where trade is one of the external parameter in generating economic activity which is a wealth generator - according to economic fundamental.
ricky l
15 seconds ago
You need someone conversant with economics to run the Economy team.
Eg. you need fund to increase government spendings to build infrastructure, bridges, buildings etc - to create jobs.
But if :-
(1) Cut tax - no fund no money - how to increase government spendings?
(2) Cancel trade deals - no trade, no export revenue - - no fund no money - how to increase government spendings?
(3) To attract fund and capital back - you need to increase interest rate - if not with low interest rate - then who want to transfer fund back - - no fund no money - how to increase government spendings?
So don't understand alot of postings here - who don't seems to understand economics.
ricky l
5 seconds ago
Now the public debt is close to US$100 trillion.
If sound economic policy is not constructed by someone conversant in economic policy --- do those people posting here want US economy to collapse?