If US go into trade war with China --- not only US and China will lose, the whole World that have trade with US and China will also lose.
It is a lose-lose-lose outcome.
ricky l
11 seconds ago
In business, only with collaboration and cooperation - business will be successful.
If trade war is the result, then everyone in business lose.
ricky l
12 seconds ago
TPP members should consider whether EU is a good replacement for US.
RCEP can still go with China.
ricky l
11 seconds ago
Meanwhile, the whole World has to be alert for sign of big military confrontation.
When the signs surface, UN must be able to intercept and prevent the outbreak of big war.
Else human mankind may face mass extinction.
10 hours ago
If the Trumpers are not careful, they may end up making USA involved in Trade/Economic wars with PRC in which nobody wins.
9 hours ago
Trade/Economic wars means competition for consumers' hearts, which is good actually. More affordable, and better quality products, rather than marked up branded products. So I say, go for it.
LOL everyone
2 hours ago
That deadpan Trumpoo loves competition. The more vicious it is, the best for him
ricky l
21 seconds ago
Trade/Economic wars means either side slap a big tariff on one another's goods and services.
At the end, consumer pay a hefty price for the products and services - not cheaper price.
And trade stall - leading to business loss and job loss.