Friday, December 16, 2016

Smokers chased in Beijing as China considers national law

As China considers a nationwide ban on smoking in public places, the fight is well underway in Beijing, which banned smoking in restaurants and other public places 18 months ago

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  • There are few things that China should control, manage and curb for people to live well :- 
  • (1) Reduce smoking 
  • (2) Reduce smog by curbing unclean energy such as coal etc. 
  • (3) Improve food safety - eg. curb the use of gutter cooking oil, and other food hazard 
  • (4) Reduce pollution of water sources eg. river, sea etc 
  • By doing so, it will dramatically improve the lives of people in China.
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    • All these are eco-systems that are silent killers - that reduce the mortality of the people. 
    • (1) Eg. smoking cause lung cancer 
    • (2) Smog cause respiratory illness, lung infection, throat infection 
    • (3) Gutter cooking oil that are used by 40% of the population are toxins that cause stomach cancer, intestinal cancer 
    • (4) Polluted water sources will poison the food chain eg. seafood and water sources - leading to terminal illness to the people. 
    • For a Country to progress well materially, people health and well beings - that form the psychological needs, safety needs --- the 2 lowest Maslow Hierarchy of needs must be taken care off first.
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      • When Singapore build the Country the following are the 1st thing that the Government will look into:- 
      • (1) Curb smoking by restricting smoking through law and smoking places 
      • (2) Car used petrol with less lead content 
      • (3) No usage of coal energy 
      • (4) Plant trees and make the Country a "Green City" - to produce more oxygen and absorb carbon dioxide 
      • (5) Strict checking of food and water sources, with high standard of food safety and water safety 
      • (6) Curb pollution and clean up water sources 
      • (7) Form Government Agency and strict law to ensure food safety serve by food court, restaurant, hawker centre, coffeshop - with grading system in cleanliness eg. Grade A, B, C etc. 
      • Why? 
      • Because Singapore Government want their people to live well :- People health and well beings - that form the psychological needs, safety needs --- the 2 lowest Maslow Hierarchy of needs must be taken care off first.
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        • Economic development need not be done at the expenses of the people's health. 
        • Economic development can be calibrated to take care of the people's health ---- with Self-less, Panna Wisdom and Compassion.

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