Monday, December 26, 2016


China's 1st aircraft carrier sails into South China Sea

Associated Press
A bit silly of China; all this will do is cause Japan to build their own aircraft carrier fleet.

  • India also has 2 aircraft carriers.
    Australia also has 2.
    US is operating 10 - 19 aircraft carriers.

    Asia Pacific region will no longer be a safe place.

    It will be crowded with aircraft carriers - all vying for the crowded sea spaces in Asia Pacific.

    Thus, human mankind is closer and closer to WW3.
    • Liaoning should be deploying J31 stealth fighters to rival the F35Bs.

      J15s are not stealth fighters - and will be vulnerable to radar tracking CIWS (Closed in Weapon Systems) or Ship-to-Air missiles.
      • To complement Liaoning, DF-21 carrier killers will be deployed to keep other carriers at least 1,000 km away from the mainland.

        While Liaoning can be used to project its airpower beyond the mainland - such as West Pacific to meet the US fleet or further down south to counter the Australia fleet or India fleet.
        • It will not be a pure carrier to carrier fight.
          • Thus there won't be any winners - if Asia Pacific break out into an all-out-war.

            Many will be pull into a fight ---- and at the end of the day - mass extinction of human mankind will happen in this modern era warfare.

            So why escalate tension?
            Why arm-race?

            Why focus on competition and hostility?

            Why not focus on collaboration, cooperation, business, trade - and how to bring wealth and prosperity to each Countries and distribute income fairly so that everyone benefit - and see no point in fighting?

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