Friday, December 16, 2016

Japan tops China as largest holder of US Treasury debt

Japan tops China as largest holder of US Treasury securities in October

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  • US should boost trade through sealing trade deals. And trade deals with Asia Pacific and EU - will provide big economic revenue without the corresponding increase in public debt. Thus US should reconsider reinstating the TPP and the EU trade deals. There is no need tamper with the fiscal policies and monetary policies to effect the trade deal and bring in trade revenue with trade deals. All is needed is Congressional approval - and big trade revenue will come in - with no corresponding increase in public debt. Why drop the TPP and EU trade deals? If US increase spendings - US will need fund. But US decide to cut tax - that means US fund reduces. At the same time, US decide to drop trade deals eg. TPP - that means trade revenue drop drastically - that means US fund reduce further. Where to get money to fund the government spendings then? Public debt will increase phenomenally. Thus important to seal the trade deals - instead of dropping it.
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    • Who in US will eventually have to pay off this huge $19.8 trillion debt? It will be US future generations - children, grandchildren, future descendants of US taxpayers.
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      • US should work with Asia Pacific Countries on free trade - to reduce such a mammoth public debt - such as the TPP to earn trade revenue. 
      • And then subsequently to integrate TPP with the larger trade framework of FTAPP - that will generate even larger trade revenue - that will grossly reduce US public debt.
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        • The Asia Pacific trade is expected to generate $100 trillion. 
        • Why drop TPP?
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          • Bi-lateral trade deals negotiated by US and trade partners in Asia-Pacific - will not help US to tap and maximise the $100 trillion trade revenue (only fractions of it) - without the benefit of multi-lateral trade deal. 
          • Dropping TPP is a big loss !
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            • Failure to do so - to strike trade deals with Asia Pacific trade partners such as TPP - future US generations will have to pay through their noses and asses to repay the $19.8 trillion debt and ever increasing debt --- where TPP can help to boost the US Economy, create jobs and at the same time reduce US public debt --- and reduce the burden of US future generations to repay the mammoth debt. 
            • Why drop TPP (where the projected trade revenue in Asia Pacific) - 10 years down the road is projected at $100 trillion?
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              • By dropping TPP, US is dropping the Asia Pacific $100 trillion trade market - and keep on inheriting the $19.8 trillion debt and ever increasing debt. 
              • Does it make sense for US to drop the TPP and the subsequent FTAPP?
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                • And instead choose a non-strategic, non-economical bilateral trade deal - one by one with the Asia Pacific trade partners - that does not bring the mammoth trade market of $100 trillion - that can be brought about by the multi-lateral trade deals from TPP.
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                  • Dropping TPP - is akin to - with 1 masterstroke - US kick itself out from the $100 trillion Asia Pacific trade revenue = and inherit the huge US $19.8 trillion public debt and ever increasing debt that will be inherited by US future generations - children, grandchildren, future descendants of US taxpayers.
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                    • And dropping TPP and dropping the chances of trade integration with the entire Asia Pacific region through FTAPP ---- US face a real possibility of resorting to military confrontation with China ---- when there are no Win-Win trade and business ---- to tie both SuperPowers fate together. 
                    • And the chances of US and China fighting war and even nuclear war - become a possibility. 
                    • Trade through TPP and FTAPP - is sweetener, sugar-coat that will rein in both SuperPowers - to prevent outbreak of war --- due to tie destiny. 
                    • Remember the lesson of WW2 - where no trade - lead to confrontation.
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                      • So TPP, FTAPP - is not just about business, about trade, about wealth, about prosperity. TPP, FTAPP - is also about security, safety ----- a tool to prevent war - war between US and China. The tension between US and China is already brewing. 
                      • Without multi-lateral trade deals such as TPP, FTAPP - to bind the destiny of US and China together - the outbreak of war between US and China is a possibility.
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                        • US attempt to contain China - by sailing the 7 fleet to contain the economic wealth of China ---- will not succeed by using military force ---- will surely trigger war. 
                        • US should work with Asia Pacific through trade like TPP and FTAPP - to strike a Win-Win outcome - and go for mutual benefits - instead of using military might.
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  • Japan tops China as largest holder of US Treasury debt

    Japan tops China as largest holder of US Treasury securities in October

    WASHINGTON (AP) -- Japan surpassed China in October as the largest foreign owner of U.S. Treasury securities, the first time the countries have swapped places in nearly two years. Total foreign holdings fell for a fourth month.
    The Treasury Department says that total foreign holdings dropped 1.9 percent to $6.04 trillion in October. Foreign holdings of Treasury debt are down 3.9 percent from a recent peak of $6.28 billion set in March.
    Both Japan and China cut their portfolios in October. But China's reduction was a larger 3.6 percent to $1.12 trillion. Japan trimmed its holdings by a smaller 0.4 percent, which meant its holdings of $1.13 trillion exceeded China's total.
    It marked the first time that Japan has been No. 1 since early 2015. China has held the top spot for a number of years. The last time it was displaced was for one month in February 2015 when Japan, normally No. 2, moved into the top spot.
    In October, Ireland was in the third spot in terms of total holdings with $271 billion in Treasury debt followed by the Cayman Islands, a Caribbean banking center, with $262 billion in Treasury debt.
    Total federal government debt now stands at $19.8 trillion and is projected by the Congressional Budget Office to increase by $8.6 trillion over the next decade, underscoring America's need to keep attracting foreign investors.

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