Wednesday, December 28, 2016

ricky l

Taiwan warns of increasing threat as Chinese warships conduct drill

By J.R. Wu
If war break out in Asia Pacific region --- then the only growing free trade area - RCEP and FTAPP - will break down.

US and EU are already stalling free trade.

This will bring the whole World Economy into a stand still - Great Recession or even Great Depression will set in.

And then what will happen, the conditions that trigger WW2 has come - and in no time will trigger WW3.

Thus both China and Taiwan must show restrained not to provoke and trigger unnecessary war.

It will have a domino effects - triggering security dominoes, that lead to economic dominoes and then an all out WW3 dominoes.

It is thus unwise to choose force to resolve the cross-straits issue.
There are better method to resolve the dispute.

Don't be provoked or tricked or jump into the option of using force.

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