China-Singapore Tensions Spill Into Open After Customs Spat (2)

- ricky l 0 seconds agoActually China got to ponder on a simple but extremely strategic question :-
- (1) Does China want a trusted "bridge" between China with US and the West --- in time of tension?
- (2) Does China want a trusted "bridge" between China with Taiwan - in time of tension?
- (3) Does China want a trusted "bridge" between China with ASEAN - in time of tension?
- The answer to these 3 questions - will help China to determine whether China will want to pressure and squeeze Singapore unnecessarily.
- This is a strategic question that China want to consider and ponder very carefully - when it come a time there will be a mammoth confrontation between the East and West.
- China will want to take a cue from the West and Russia confrontation in Aleppo - where there is "no trusted bridge" --- it has become a "killing field".
- ricky l 0 seconds agoOnce this "trusted bridge" is dismantled, it will be difficult to go back.
- When a mammoth confrontation between East and West come ---- there will be "no trusted bridge" to go in between - to prevent a potential mammoth conflict.
- China will have to ponder and think about this very carefully ---- because to Singapore, it is a very simple calculation :-
- Singapore will calculate and add up the sum
- (i) Economically, what is the best way we can survive and thrive
- (ii) Security wise, what is the best way Singapore can be safe and secured.
- With the above 2 calculation, Singapore will take a calculated risk ---- for the sake of National Interest.
- But when the "trusted bridge for peace" is dismantled ---- it may work to the disadvantage to both China and US - should a mammoth confrontation arises - as miscalculation, miscomm, suspicion arises.
- What ensue will be a World War 3.
- ricky l 0 seconds agoSingapore never take sides in the South China Sea.
- Singapore stand is amicable resolution of dispute - and the recent China and Philippines amicable development in South China Sea is a welcome outcome.
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- ricky l 0 seconds agoSingapore in the past have :-(1) Coax China to open up and achieve Economic integration with the World and prosper now - to become the 2nd World largest Economy in the World.
- (2) Bridge China and Taiwan to resolve differences in Singapore 2015.
- (3) Bridge China and US - to interact and stay engage from all level for the last few years.
- (4) Bridge China and ASEAN to engage economically.
- (5) Help China to develop Eco-city - starting with Suzhou, Tianjin and now Chongqing
- --- so cannot imagine China will want to squeeze Singapore economically, squeeze our port activities and now even held our military assets.
- Jeremy 2 hours agoThere are so many voices regarding the issue. I think the Singapore govt should use the back channels to communicate with China regarding the resolution of the matter. HK is no autonomous as per se. Let the smoke settle a little. I believe that there is much activities behind the scene. Whatever it is, I think Singapore will modify the SAF training in other countries. It is best to trained in countries outside the area of the South China Sea. As for relation with China, we have to understand that China long range planning is to ensure it will not be choked or impeded access to shipping routes. The silk route, Arctic route, Kra Canal, all these is to ensure it will not be blocked in any way. After all these are done and running, it will have to ability to police and control the S China sea. Now at least those countries will some be more compliant to China's wishes. As for US, it is like a far away water source would not be able to rescue a near fire ! As for compliance to World Court ruling, there is no big power ever comply to them. Not the US, Russia, Japan, etc. Russia never return islands to Japan, Japan do not return island to China nor Korea, etc. Singapore has to be very careful to protect our interest. It is not about high paying ministers or generals or what ! Whoever sits in these places had heavy burden. Look low paying also got problem and high paying also got problem. No govt is perfect neither are there any ministers, including our LKY ! Even our opposition leader are so silent and not even proposing any solution or comment. Foreign policies are hot seats and issues.
- ricky l 0 seconds agoAgree with your assessment.
- It is actually a tussle between China and US.
- Singapore unfortunately is caught in between the tussle of the 2 SuperPowers.
- Singapore must be careful not to take sides, but basically :- to Singapore, it is a very simple calculation :- Singapore will have to calculate and add up the sum
- (i) Economically, what is the best way Singapore can survive and thrive
- (ii) Security wise, what is the best way Singapore can be safe and secured.
- With the above 2 calculation, Singapore will have to take a calculated risk ---- for the sake of National Interest.
- I think in the coming months, alot of things will have helped us to sum up.
- (1) The behind engagement activities between Singapore and China.
- (2) What will come up from the US new administration and how it engage with Asia Pacific.
- (3) Our engagement with economic partners in the Asia Pacific region.
- I think all this will help us to re-calibrate.
- Jeremy 3 minutes ago@Ricky I, I agree with your further assessment.
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